Waaaaa I have a f2f interview and Ive ticked... Operations, as Id love to be on an attraction ideally, and character attendant... however I have experience as a lifeguard but I don't know if I should tick it or not as I don't know the chances of being in a hotel pool, rather than a water park, as that's where I'd rather be... Are two boxes too little to tick? Also to me 'Recreation' seems a bit vague??
I'd tick more than two else you wouldn't look very flexible! Also, if you wanted a hotel or a waterpark specifically make sure you'd tell them and they would do their best - no guarantees obviousely but still, better than nothing xx
wow vanderlyle I would love vacation planner, that's one we can't get sad times, does that make us even? lol well done for getting the CP though it'll be great! yeah 2 seems a little amount to tick, like katie says they want flexible people, doesn't mean you can't just talk about one role only in your interview! last yr I talked just about attractions and was given attractions (initially) so it could still work out exactly how you want it too good luck
Abee, if you work in recreation you could be operating slides in the waterparks, working at the crazy golf locations, working at bike hire (like at Fort Wilderness) or speedboat hire (At the boardwalk or Grand Floridian for example) so there is lots of flexibility with where you could be placed! I agree that two roles probably isn't enough to tick. Of course, make sure they know your preferences and show them why you are suitable for the role you want to do, but also show them that you are motivated and willing to do other roles too!
I agree with everyone, I doubt 2 would be enough. I was only going to tick 3 but I thought it doesn't look to professional does it. I really only want attractions or if not attractions then merchandise but Ive ticked 5 because I really just wanna get out there.