Role List

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by katiej22, Nov 13, 2009.

  1. StevenC

    StevenC New Member

    whenever i go to america the americans generally cannot understand anything im saying haha... so no words suits me fine =)

    i looooooooooove performing so the character wud be amazing for me. i can goof around making guests enjoy their holiday, and when im off inbetween shifts i can socialise with the other performers in the staff rooms n such! should be fun!

    glad u enjoyed custodial... tho i wud never do it hahah! =) xx
  2. mac shell

    mac shell New Member

    yea i cuold defo never do that would sooo not wana spend a summer cleaning toilets n sick n stuff :s I really hope i get character attendant would be amazing :D:D xxxxx
  3. yay-disney

    yay-disney New Member

    In my interview they kept asking me questions about custodial, even though i pretty much ticked all of them. I think it maybe because i have been a cleaner before. So i think that is what they are planning to give me, if i get in. Was it really that bad and do you see any other staff because i heard that a load of people hung out with who they worked with. In custodial are you one your own all the time or can you socialize.
  4. tinkithink

    tinkithink New Member

    There's like 2 to 4 people scheduled in each zone. My best friends were coworkers, so it worked out good. They didn't ask me ANY questions about Custodial in my interview, and I was very surprised to get it!
  5. iHEARTflorida

    iHEARTflorida New Member

    I would love to be a Photo Pass Photographer for the summer, is that an option I don't know which role it would fit into?
  6. yay-disney

    yay-disney New Member

    Maybe they are just trying to catch me out, there's me thinking oh great i have custodial and then they surprise me with something else. Was it an alright job or did you hate it.
  7. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    I got asked a lot of questions about working in retail last year and how i coped with everything in the store and getting targets and what made me work well and did i work as a teams. Guess what i got? Merchandise, haha. So there is a high possibly you may possibly get custodial, especially as you have experience as a cleaner.
    I know if you are a CP you can become a Photopass Phototgrapher but as far as i know it is not available for the ICPs, but you can always ask. It comes under a strange name (well what i remember from the extra shifts available on the hub for it) , but would probably be Photopass photography or something like that.
  8. yay-disney

    yay-disney New Member

  9. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    One of the YJ girls told me at the interview they had loads of positions for custodial, quick service F+B and operations therefore that's probably why they were encouraging you to pick it!!
  10. yay-disney

    yay-disney New Member

    probs. Oh well i guess its just one of those situations where it is what you make it. If i get custodial, hey i will going to disney!
  11. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    I really wouldn't be disappointed if you get custodial - I have heard really good things about it. I think I put it as 5th on my list but only because there were other roles I wanted to do more... but like you say - at least you'll be going to Disney! The job is just one part of the whole thing!! 8)
  12. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    They need lots of custodial people - some of my best chats were with the custodians who cleaned around the Harbour House!

    And Charli who's on here somewhere (don't know if she's still active) - it was her first choice and she loved it! A bit sick of cleaning restrooms I think, but she really did enjoy it - it really is the guests who make your job I think (like the guy who asked me if he could get food.... in a restaurant lol!).

    But yes, I would clean Main St USA with a toothbrush if it meant I could go back!
  13. Kevus

    Kevus New Member

    Custodial is really good, I was at DAK and loved it, put it as my third, though there are not as many bumpy rides as others, in fact i think i only had one spill in my summer
  14. tito2502

    tito2502 New Member

    Hahaha that's crazy
  15. merfsko

    merfsko New Member

    I've followed a lot of blogs from people in different roles Merch, Cutodial, Recreation, etc., but I haven't found any who were Character Attendants. This is one of the roles I am interested in, and would love to hear more!

    Does anyone have any experience with this role?
  16. Kevus

    Kevus New Member

    Yes, I did Character Attendant in the summer 2008 what would you like to know?
  17. Tasha--x

    Tasha--x Member

    Oooo this was like my 3rd pick !! It sounds really fun.. What did you actually do? I'm guessing you got quite alot of customer interaction? x
  18. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    Attendants what i wanna do too =] x
  19. merfsko

    merfsko New Member

    One of the reasons I'm thinking about Attendant, is because of guest interaction- it's one of my priorities in choosing a role. I know the role's duties and such from the role sheets, but I was wondering what else there is to know. (And I'll apologize in advance for this barrage of question): What did you like about the role? What was the not-so-pretty side of it? I've been to Disney loads of times, so I have the general idea of what the conditions must be like for the attendants. What advice would you give to someone applying for/working in this role? Did you find guest interaction to be high?

    Again, I'm sorry for the huge load of questions- you don't have to answer them all. I'm just one of those people who likes to plan, organize and know as much as possible beforehand. Although, I'm guessing most of us o this board are like that too :p

    Thanks in advance!
  20. Kevus

    Kevus New Member

    OK a normal day would be arriving at wardrobe early, character attendants unlike many other roles are not allowed to take their costumes home, and going and getting changed. You know roughly where you ill be stationed from your timetable
    i.e. Town Square, Boat Dock, France, places like that, so you head over to your location and do sets (when the characters are on the stage) with the characters, summer time this is abut 20 minutes for fur and 40 for face, now there are two types of sets, back to back and non back to back, good examples are in France in EPCOT, Belle would only be out for 40 minutes with 20 minutes backstage and in town square characters like the chipmunks or Pluto would be out for 20 Min's and then come straight back out called a switch out. you carry on like that till about 20 Min's before the end of your shift when you have walk time which is when you go clock out and then you take ya costume back, day done.

    The role is very magical, there will be kids that have never seen a character, and people who have seen the same character for many years, everyones reaction or time spent with the characters, these moments are something that make any job at Disney magical but there are so much that attendsant get to see.

    the not so pretty side of things is when you have to close a line or it suddenly rains and your character have to leave, some people take it well and understand but (like on my second day) there will be people that take it badly, who will tell you a story that it would make the child's day or that you've ruined their day or holiday, so the worst moments are where the guest turn on you and then you feel absolutely terrible if like belle there is an opportunity to see her later (not the last one of the day) then sometimes you can win them back, but sometimes it doesn't quite wok out like that.

    I would suggest being available to be approachable and available to control a crowd and also whilst being able to forcefull without being mean.

    any other questions feel free to ask

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