
Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by ianwarn, Nov 1, 2011.

  1. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    I emailed the universal people over a month ago and still haven't heard anything back....
  2. andrew93

    andrew93 New Member

    hmmm... that's not awesome... i've still not heard back from universal or alliance abroad either, i guess we just gotta keep trying guys!! i think i'll call manchester tomorrow and ask :)
  3. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    yeh it'll be cos u gotta talk to the right person, i go to Leeds Met and the international placement guy has said universal will be here mid November so i'm gunna go talk to the placements office about it on Tuesday :) x
  4. EmmaB

    EmmaB New Member

    Ahhhhhhh phew! Thanks :)
  5. andrew93

    andrew93 New Member

    thankyouuuuu!!!! so so much :D
  6. ianwarn

    ianwarn New Member

    wish they visited bristol :(
  7. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    I'll pay to go wherever for the presentation cos i have £50 saved for the Disney interview which i don't need now lol last time i had to travel past Liverpool from Leeds so i thought i better save some money again :p
  8. lydisney

    lydisney New Member

    Do you reckon if we made it in to a summer placement with universal then later on Disney would see that as disloyal? I'd love to do it, as I didn't get through to the Summer P with Disney, but i'm not sure i'd wanna risk putting myself in a worse position for when i apply to the CRP for Disney in Jan? :-\
  9. andrew93

    andrew93 New Member

    i suppose if they do, we could just not put the fact that we did it on our cv
  10. EmmaB

    EmmaB New Member

    I doubt that they would - that would be really petty. If anything it could ba an advantage as you would have already done some of the roles that disney would expect you to do if you were accepted.
  11. TalkingDug

    TalkingDug Member

    Don't worry, there is a lot of talk of the 'rivalry' between Disney and Universal, but really, working at one would probably give you a very strong advantage if you want to work at the other!
  12. andrew93

    andrew93 New Member

    i hope so lol, does anyone how how the housing situation works for Universal btw? same as Disney or do we need to find our own?
  13. TalkingDug

    TalkingDug Member

    Universal will find you housing, but it's different from disney in that it isn't universal-specific housing, i.e. your next door neighbours may not work for Universal (at disney, it is specific disney housing so everyone on the complex will be a disney cast member).

    They also don't provide transport to work, like disney does. That's about all I know, having spoken to someone who's done the program!
  14. ^ I spoke to someone else and they told me they were provided transport, and their housing was just Universal employees. Some conflicting messages, perhaps we will be emailed soon and be enlightened.
  15. lydisney

    lydisney New Member

    TalkingDug - Did the person you know who did it enjoy it? I spoke to a guy out there when I realised he was in English and he told me he was just there working for the summer (i guess he was on one of the programs) and i asked if he was enjoying it etc but he said it was nice being in the sunshine etc, and the work was (only) ok. Everyone I have spoken to from the Disney summer program cannot wait to get back out there...!

    Also, does anyone know what the odds of the Disney summer work experience was? I heard it was 1 place per 22 applicants?!
  16. shaunamufc7

    shaunamufc7 Member

    I've heard that Universal do provide accommodation for people on their program, I have no idea about the transport though. They technically should, shouldn't they :D

    I hope that someone from Universal or any of the other people they have told us to email will get back to us soon. If I don't get through the F2F interviews I want to do the Universal program.
  17. mufcgirl

    mufcgirl New Member

    So nearly a week on and I am still really sad/mad when I think that I did not get through the first interviews :(

    I was just wondering what subject other people who were rejected are studying at uni? I wonder if that had anything to do with their decision and whether you have more chance if you are studying something like Tourism rather than something totally unrelated like me (I study history)
    Although I guess they knew all along that I was a history student, so if that was the issue then I suppose why would they even have bothered giving me a phone interview.

    I really wish they would give us feedback :( I am being dramatic here lol but they have crushed my dreams and I just wish they could have the decency to tell me why!
  18. Piglet

    Piglet New Member


    ;D :D ;) hah.

    So anyway here goes..

    So i spent ages trying to track down this guy at my uni that always deals with Disney & Universal applications and I found out the date of the Universal presentation is..

    22nd November, 2pm at Leeds Metropolitan Pavilion 333

    Anyway he seemed a bit off like he had no clue what he was talking about- not like usual so i tried to ask him more about it and it was like secret.. :/ so anyway he said Yummy Jobs will be there not the universal people. I was like you're talking about Universal right not Disney? & he was like yeh.. and me being me i didn't quite believe him ::) lol so i rang Yummy Jobs and..

    'Yummy jobs are starting a new venture, Universal will be a new program with details available late November. Applications haven't yet been opened for next summer...'

    :p So it's no wonder why the other companies aren't getting back to us.. lol & I think this is kinda an exciting announcement for them to make so sorry if i'm spoiling it but i'm just making sure everyone doesn't keep sending emails out to the wrong places now ;) lol

    So yay! & sorry if u already know this too lol
  19. mufcgirl

    mufcgirl New Member

    Thank you Piglet!! I am glad that we finally have some news about Universal as it's been driving me crazy for the past few months getting nowhere!!......but I am not sure if it is good news that Yummy Jobs are going to be recruiting for Universal now as it was Yummy Jobs who thought I wasn't good enough for Disney so surely they will think the same for Universal! :(
  20. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    nah don't think like that! I think they were just under lots of pressure cos they had so many applicants! Plus Disney is always attracting lots of people :p It will be the first year for Universal so who knows what it will be like :D

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