
Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by ianwarn, Nov 1, 2011.

  1. ianwarn

    ianwarn New Member

    I just really want somewhere that has a lot to do in the spare time, a lot of other people etc, and orlando/disney is of course somewhere which has that! Free access to the parks would have been so much fun!
  2. KateCraft

    KateCraft New Member

    I got rejected by Michelle as well :'(

    I honestly have no idea what more I could've done. :'(
  3. bmackender

    bmackender New Member

    I was rejected today. I feel pretty pathetic. :'(
  4. ianwarn

    ianwarn New Member

    Well we all need to find something else to plan for next summer now! We have universal and sea world ideas, what else!?
  5. bmackender

    bmackender New Member

    Just get a part time job at home and travel round Europe! Go to DLP! :D
  6. OhBrendy

    OhBrendy New Member

    I just sent off one of those inquiry forms for Universal...hopefully they'll get back to me.

    There's also Camp America? Their applications are still open I think and I know recruiters for 2012 are coming to my University after Christmas.
  7. bmackender

    bmackender New Member

    Camp America? I never considered that...... I can't apply for next year (I think) due to commitments at Uni.... But CA sounds cool!
  8. bmackender

    bmackender New Member

    I meant 2013!!! :D
  9. vickiw001

    vickiw001 Member

    Did anyone else have their interview last wednesday? really regretting picking such a late date now, I dont think that helped. I sent an email to yummy asking for feedback (and having a little moan about the telephone interviews!) and got an email back which told me absolutely nothing! so i have no idea how to improve for next year!
  10. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    It sucks for not being accepted - BUNAC have lots of programs (which if I get rejected after the f2f is what I'm gonna do - was convinced I wouldn't get one so started plannong!). When you email universal they send you to alliance abroad not great exchanges - but I haven't heard anything back from them. Ugh!!!!

    Good luck with programmes though :)
  11. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    yeh i had it then, i would have chosen an earlier date if there were any left too x
  12. mufcgirl

    mufcgirl New Member

    Hi everyone!
    I too am one of the unlucky ones who got a rejection email today, and I am pretty much devastated! Most of my day today has been spent in tears!! :(
    I have been lucky enough to work at WDW before in 2008 on the CRP but I wanted to do the ICP soooo much and this was my last chance as it is my final year of uni. I really do not understand what Yummy Jobs / Disney are looking for!! I also applied for ICP in my first year in 2009 and got through to the F2F and then rejected. When I think back to that interview there were some things I probably could have said better, but this time around I was so pleased with how my phone interview had gone. I had my interview with Becky last Tuesday, and I don't know what more I could have said or what I could have done better. I have emailed asking for feedback but all I got was an absolute nothing of a reply from Michele which didn't tell me anything.
    I don't want to be mean but when I think of some of the people who had got the job back when I did the CRP there were a good number who I really did not think deserved it. I just wish I knew what they looked for, and why I'm not good enough! :(
  13. EmmaB

    EmmaB New Member

    I feel the same - I want to know what more I could have said or done. Plus I would have been able to answer better if I had more time to answer the questions. Michele was rushing through them and would cut me off before I'd even finished. I feel like I didn't really have an opportunity to speak at all! I know I am sounding bitter but I am just upset. Like many on here it was my last chance to do the ICP and it would have given me something to look forward to!
  14. Yeah, I got that same email. What makes them think after rejecting me I would want to spend my money on another one of their programs? haha even though I already did... but I never applied last year for this one because I missed out. It kinda feels like all these months of religiously reading through blogs and vlogs to get the most information I can seems worthless. I've heard of people doing the program and then realising it isn't for them and then leave early and this annoys me a lot too, I've spent 3 years making sure this is the program for me :( And I don't want to do this just to have a "fun summer" I really want to work for disney sometime after I graduate and thought this would be perfect research for that. Seems to me that yummy were kinda off the ball this year, it was like they'd picked everyone before the end of phone interviews. I read a lot of things on this forum last year and it seemed to me a lot of first timers got it. Just hoping something comes up from universal/sea world. I wish everyone well who got a F2F though :)
  15. mufcgirl

    mufcgirl New Member

    Yeah I really do not want to apply for their Summer Lovin program out of protest!! Lol.
    I am the same, I really would love to work for Disney as my career but now after two rejections I feel like there is no hope. I have been thinking about the Disney Cruise Line but the thought of applying for Disney for a third time and still not getting it...this has really been a huge blow to my self confidence already, so I just don't think I could take more Disney rejection!!

    I do really want to apply for Universal and Seaworld. I have been trying to find out how to apply for Universal for the past few months...and getting nowhere! I first emailed Universal who told me I needed to contact Great Exchanges...I emailed Great Exchanges who told me I needed to visit Universal's website...I emailed Universal again and they then told me it was Alliance Abroad I needed to contact...I applied through their website but it wasn't very clear and I haven't heard anything back from them! Confused!!
    I have just been looking on Seaworld's website and can't find an email address at all to contact them! Anyone else had any luck applying for Universal or Seaworld? Please help!!!
  16. I emailed all 3 of universals contacts, i emailed universal at first them emailed great exchanges AND alliance abroad, it was about 3 days ago I emailed and haven't heard anything back yet. There was a girl who applied for the Universal one and got it on a forum I visit but I don't remember her name and cannot find the thread so I will ask and see if anyone knows. As for applying again, you should! I know it hurts to get rejected but don't give up! Your lucky day will come! Also try for your local disney store, I've only ever applied once and didn't get it but it's always worth a try and maybe if you get that another disney job will come along :)
  17. ^ I did the same as you Sweet Emotion. I contacted both and not heard back from either... yet. I'm hoping that applying to Disney/Universal/SeaWorld that I'll at least get one offer!
  18. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    yeh thats the reply i got-

    Universal Orlando partners with an organization called Alliance Abroad Group (AAG), who assists international university students and recent graduates with obtaining work authorization and housing for the J-1 Summer Work and Travel visa. You are welcome to contact AAG via their website to learn more about the requirements for the program and to request that they inform you of any updates regarding Universal Orlando’s recruitment efforts for the program in your region.
  19. andrew93

    andrew93 New Member

    currently on hold with alliance abroad....
  20. bmackender

    bmackender New Member

    Thank you thank you!!!

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