Real Time Chat

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tazzy, Mar 29, 2005.


Is Real Time Chat a Good Idea?

  1. Yes

    0 vote(s)
  2. No

    0 vote(s)
  1. Jimbobdaga

    Jimbobdaga Member

    I'm Going to try to be on, all depends on if im done watching a movie i rented (SUPER TROOPERS!!!!!!!! KICKIN RAD!!!!)
  2. joelle

    joelle Guest

  3. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    Woohoo again I am in the chat by myself lol
  4. Jimbobdaga

    Jimbobdaga Member

    Wahoo, I'm going to work so I can't join :(
  5. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    :( I'm going to watch a movie now....can't wait to start a new job in may!! I am so bored out of my mind lol
  6. Tazzy

    Tazzy New Member

    Well I was looking into the IRC thing and it looks harder to get setup than I thought. Not to mention a server need to be setup for that to happen. lol Going to look into it more tomorrow, I might even design an web base chat room which alot of site are doing instead of IRC. Which I think is better because we can use special smiley faces which can't be used in IRC. I'll even design Disney smiley :D So we'll see how that goes :)

  7. joelle

    joelle Guest

    hey gary! great to see that you still alive lol! :p and sis you have any news about disney ?
    good luck for the chatroom ( and disney!)

    joelle :)
  8. Tazzy

    Tazzy New Member


    Yeah I did, I will need to re-apply again, I'll apply again for the Vancouver interviews :)

    and thanks :)

  9. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    anyone fancy joining me? i'm in there by myself!!!
  10. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    It seems like we can never arrange to have more than one person in the chat :'(
  11. Tazzy

    Tazzy New Member

    Wow, Jim beat me already.. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

    Very cool, only thing is it takes a while to load up. lol Or at least it's taking a while on my end. All we need is some sort of main shortcut on the main page. Just not sure if Andy would want that or not.

    Jim, you might want to drop Andy a line and let him know about the chat being up. He might just make an annoucement about it so people know it's up :)

  12. Jimbobdaga

    Jimbobdaga Member

    (Hey Gary who is Andy?) anyways, ya not sure why its slow for you I get in no problem. May just be because of where my web host is in relation to you. I can host the chat room for a little longer but my web hosting expires soon and I'm not sure if I'm going to pay to renew it. I will figure out something when I find out who this Andy guy is.

  13. Tazzy

    Tazzy New Member

    Sorry Jim, I should of mention this before lol. Andy is Vistaway (webmaster). He's the main guy looking after this site :)

  14. Jimbobdaga

    Jimbobdaga Member

    Ok cool that's what I was thinking.

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