RE: Vancouver Interviews on Nov.8 &/0r 9th/06

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by GDelaC, Nov 16, 2006.

  1. carolh

    carolh New Member

    Ashley, did you get into the year-long program? just curious...
  2. AshleyDawn

    AshleyDawn New Member

    Yep, I'll be there for the Cultural year long program starting ever-so-far-away in June. Are you a year long one too? And where are ya from? I wonder just how Canada will be represented hmmm I'm assuming mostly by BC'ers and Albertans since thats where they had the interviews!
  3. carolh

    carolh New Member

    Hey Ashley! I'm in the summer program from May 27 to August 17 or 31. I'm from Burnaby (part of Greater Vancouver), BC. so excited I got in! I'll see you there!
  4. kpaige4

    kpaige4 New Member

    Ashley- I think Canada will be represented by people all across the country. They hold the Eastern interviews at a different time of the year, so there will be probably be a mix.
    Carol- I'm from Coquitlam, so it seems like the lower mainland will be well represented! going down May 27th as a character attendant
    Can't wait to meet you all
  5. AshleyDawn

    AshleyDawn New Member

    Character Attendant, exciting! ;D

    You guys are leaving ever-so-slightly before me! Oooh I am just getting SO pumped. It doesn't help that I'm renting all the movies I can find and practising all the characters for sketching and mentally arranging my packing list. I KNOW. I nearly pulled out my luggage today just for a pratice packing! How nerdy is that? And especially strange since I have six months to go. Jeeeeeeeeeepers.
  6. sandinshorts

    sandinshorts New Member

    That's ok, I actually did pull out my luggage for a practice pack.
  7. carolh

    carolh New Member

    yep, same here.
  8. AshleyDawn

    AshleyDawn New Member

    Haha, I'm glad you guys make me feel sane!
  9. sandinshorts

    sandinshorts New Member

    And by "practice pack", I mean I actually started packing. I feel confident enough to admit that now that I know someone else has practiced packing.

    But really, will I need my shorts between now and March? Might as well pack them. But then again, now I have luggage all over my room.
  10. Congrats to everyone who heard back :D
    The east coast interviews aren't until March, so I still have few months to go!
    Looks like we get the short end of the stick when it comes to looking for seat sales to get down...!

    Hopefully I'll see some of you down there!
  11. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    When I was there (and I didn't meet many other Canadians in the pavilion), most of the people I saw were either from Vancouver, Toronto, or Montreal. THere are a few odd people in between but it seemed the majority were from those 3 areas.
  12. Tom19

    Tom19 New Member

    Those of us on the summer program last year from Vancovuer were there June 11-Sept 1.

    Attractions and Operations, yeah, is the same thing.....

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