69 girls/guys in a year This game start is at midnight January the 1st and goes until midnight December the 31st. Each player must try and kiss 69 or more guys/girls in this timespan. One of the other players must witness this kiss each time it is added to the tally. By January 1st of the next year each player must drink the amount of beer that they are under that amount in a matter of 69 hours. If one of the studs actually goes over 69 kisses of different guys/girls then the amount that person has gone over adds on to the other players's amount that they must drink! Ive NEVER TRIED IT.. BUT SURELY WILL.. (this game was my best guys friend’s idea.. LOL)
Sorry there Jimbo...it is done every minute, but believe me those minutes begin to feel like seconds the farther you get. If you can make it to 100 then you have my respect as a drinking buddy
I played the shot a minute game once with wine! We got to 35 before my friend threw up! It is a dangerous game! I know a guy who drinks loads and only made it to 80 with beer! The minutes go so fast, by the time you have poured, your drinkin again! I have played many games of I have Never, which is good when you have only just met a group of people, but not with close friends cos you know everything anyway! I have learnt load at uni, but I am rubbish cos I just get drunk! The UNO game sounds fun, my friends are coming round tomorrow, I may have to experiment with some of your games! hehe
heres another drinking game.. this one might be popular somewhere else.. but ohh well ! This can be played with 2 people or more. Somebody picks a letter of the alphabet to start with. The first person has to start out a conversation with the first letter of their sentence being the letter that was picked to start with. It then keeps going to the next person who has to make up something related to the conversation and it has to be started with the next letter. If a person takes more than 5 seconds they must take a drink. I.E. (Using 3 people): Player 1 choses letter "M"... Player 1: My house was robbed last week. Player 2: No kidding! Player 3: Ours has an alarm system. Player 1: Perhaps I should invest in one. Player 2: Question is what kind to buy Player 3: R&R Systems are pretty good ...Then it just goes on from there.
aw that does sound good....cept think it may take me the 5seconds to figure out what letter was next!lol xxx
jajaja i alwyz end up kinda drunk because of the same thing.. i have to be counting the letters lol any one has more games?? jajaja i would post more, but ive gotta think about them
There is too much thinking involved in these games!! That's why uno and tink says drink is great!! No thinking!! Your brain doesn't get too much use during the year, so it gets hard to play difficult games! Shan
I love card games and drinking with my friends we have a game named " animals without teeth" This game only works when u are drunk so it makes you laugh and is about : 1. You choose an animal 2. You have to make the sound of the animal without showing your teeth So you call your friends like for example: Im a cow and my friend is a cat so its like moo moo calling to miau miau then miau miau calling to ...... When you are drunk and looking at the other faces doing that and you cant laugh because you will show your teeth is very funny so the one who shows the teeth have to drink a tequila shot or something like that
its clearly all about playing QUARTERS!!!!! i remember a few evenings in with the canadians playing with a canadian quarter, and i nearly choked on the damn thing on my first game! hahahaha so cool! i miss the beast! so cheap and damn good for getting drunk! i liked shotgunning a few beers too, robbie taught me that one, nice easy game, pierce a hole in the bottom of ur beer can but on the side of it, then u put hole to ur mouth and on count of three pull back the ring on the can, u chug the beer as fast as possible alongside other people who do the same, then wen u think ur finished u smash the can up so its screwed up and make sure everyone else is done..........then u turn the can out too see how much head or even liquid is left in it and who ever has the most left in the can has to do another...........fast way to drink and get drunk! i also enjoyed the bongs too, they were just quick and simple, and they dint have to be a game if u didnt want them to be but was always cool to see how fast u could do one! and they were good for downing large quantities of spirits without tasting them if u needed a quick solution to getting hammered fast! i recommend u bring one home with you after ur year in florida, thats one of my regrets, stupid isnt it? but wen i go back on vacation (2006 so far away ) im gonna pick one up or maybe if u canadians have them in canada and u knew me during ur year there u mite like to send me one in the post? il reimburse u!!!!! loved the shenanigans game, ive only played that once since i been home and i really want to play again, think im gonan ahve to have a round of that in the summer at some point!!!! for those of u who dont know u basically use a pack of cards and each number/pic has a rule or game or instruction, so u mite have to play the "never ever" game as mentioned before if u get a 3 for example, or u mite get a "toilet break" card if u get a queen or all the udner 21's mite have to drink if they get a 7, things like that................ love it!! laura xxxxx