
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by header, Jan 20, 2009.

  1. Chari21

    Chari21 New Member

    danger w#nk = you shout for someone (i.e. house mate, mum, guest) to come into your room as you are about to errr 'finish'.

    Can be quite funny as long as you are not a victim of it! lol
  2. Disneyjess

    Disneyjess New Member

    I haven't done that but very nearly got caught out by my mother the other week, i almost died of embarassment and went to bed early so i didn't have to face her for the rest of the evening.
  3. Discostu81

    Discostu81 New Member

    Since moving back in with the 'rents 6 months ago I've had no close encounters...13 years old & the 10 minute freeview of Television X however was a different matter. Poor mother.
  4. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    i meant when i walk in on people...which hasn't happened so far, but now i've brought will smith into the equation, i'm starting to wish it had!
  5. Discostu81

    Discostu81 New Member

    Another random fact about Will Smith for you kids - A lad who I used to go to school with (he was a bit special) got his mom Big Willie Style for mother's day one year. Would have loved to see the poor woman's reaction to that. They must have sold out of Robson & Jerome.
  6. Chari21

    Chari21 New Member

    Hahaha they keep asking me what I am giggling about at work.
  7. Disneyjess

    Disneyjess New Member

    "sorry, i'm on the wdwip forum talking about wanking"
  8. Chari21

    Chari21 New Member

    Hey - its my last week of work, what can they do.

    I once watched Badly Dubed Porn with my mum - now that was pure entertainment watching her squirm with embarrassment lol.
  9. Discostu81

    Discostu81 New Member

    I don't recall ever watching porn with my Mam. She won't even let me have them in the house, my poor babies are in a box in the garage. Prudish old woman.
  10. Disney Dude

    Disney Dude Guest

    I stick with the Internet. Parent's then think i'm a good mannered young man because i haven't got a huge porn stash in my room.

    Right bunch we've all turned out to
  11. Disneyjess

    Disneyjess New Member

    Yeah, i'm going to have to throw out all my sexual related things before i go..not so much porn, more like toys and such :S (or take them with me :p)

    I haven't watched anything like that with parents, definately not!
  12. Discostu81

    Discostu81 New Member

    I've not purchased any porn for many a year now but I can't bring myself to part ways with the DVD/magazine stash from my younger days. Maybe now is the time...I wonder if they would want them at the cancer research shop?
  13. Disneyjess

    Disneyjess New Member

    all the randy oldies will love them. srsly.
  14. Chari21

    Chari21 New Member

    Donate them to a local secondary school - I'm sure they will be appreciated there!!! lol
  15. Discostu81

    Discostu81 New Member

    Just leave them in the playground in a bin liner. There would be the sort of excitement you used to get at infant school when a dog made it's way onto the playground - 'DOG IN THE PLAYGROUND!!!!!!'
  16. Disney Dude

    Disney Dude Guest

    I'd like to see your case go through the X-Ray machine in Orlando Airport ;D
  17. Disneyjess

    Disneyjess New Member

    THAT is exactly why i'm wary about taking them with me!

  18. Chari21

    Chari21 New Member

    Hahahahahaha oh the images running through my
  19. Discostu81

    Discostu81 New Member

    "I'm sorry Miss Spaven, you can't take that in your hand luggage. Anything bigger than 6 inches is classed as a weapon."
  20. Disneyjess

    Disneyjess New Member

    meh, i'll buy them out there!

    or i might just meet a nice willing victim..hehhe

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