Prepaid Cash Cards

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current ICP Participants' started by Skibaby, Apr 20, 2010.

  1. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    I read a few articles online that the pound is more likely to drop in strength if we get a hung parliament... one financial advisor even said it could drop to $1.20 to the £... but it's all speculation. I am sure it will be fine!
  2. helium7suz

    helium7suz New Member

    No it probably will drop. It did after the last election as I remember. If it's a hung parliament (which it most likely will be) then it will probably stay down until a coalition is established. Worst case scenario is probably that they have to call another election which means it'll be down for a couple of months.
  3. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    so im having a stupid moment here, say if the pound does crash.. that means we get less $$$ for our money right? i wanted to get my $$$ earlier but i never got round to it, the rate is like 1.47 its so low :( x
  4. helium7suz

    helium7suz New Member

    1.47 is not that bad. it's likely that it's going to drop a lot more than that due to recent economic developments combined with a hung parliament
  5. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    Oh pooh.

    lol well we'll all have to be a bit skint for a bit grr.
  6. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    It's dropped to $1.46 already.... and the next election probably won't be until November!?
  7. BANGItsLaura

    BANGItsLaura New Member

    The rates are 1.4250 atm
    Oh rubbish! Should I get in now, or wait til after the election? Why does a hung parliament affect currency? Sounds silly, I can understand they'll be a valid reason for it, but arrrg!
  8. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    As far as I understand it's because we haven't got a strong government whilst it is jointly run therefore other countries won't feel confident in the UK. Therefore, the strength of the pound drops we get less $$ for our ££...

    Personally, I would get them now because the next election might not be until november I heard!!
  9. helium7suz

    helium7suz New Member

    Whatever your political views if you want the exchange rate to have a chance of improving you want the overnemtn to hurry up and decide who's running things. At this point that means Cameron (pref with Lib Dems) taking power.

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