Potential Cast Members Sep-Dec 2009

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Bombay-sapphire, Feb 4, 2009.

  1. 626Stitch

    626Stitch New Member

    I'd love to know what they look for in the phone interviews....
  2. jslussier

    jslussier New Member

    but 626...that is another Disney secret... ;) There is so much... 8)
  3. Chelle_Bell

    Chelle_Bell New Member

    Worse - for me, anyway. I wanted to get it over and done with first time around. Now it sounds like I may have even mucked the phone interview up! You know, last time (my first time around) I hadn't heard of this site so didn't have the opportunity to sit on here stewing over where I may or may not have gone wrong on my phone interview, heh.
  4. why do u think u mucked the phone interview up??
  5. Chelle_Bell

    Chelle_Bell New Member

    I dunno... I said 9 when she asked me to rate how well I got on with my colleagues. Because of my nerves I couldn't think straight and thought it would sound more feasible if I left some room for human error. But they're not looking for modesty. I think I should have said 10.
  6. hen87hels

    hen87hels New Member

    I can't remember exactly what I said, but I know I didn't say 10. I just don't say stuff like that, cos its not true for me. I would in all honesty rate myself 8 or 9.

    They can't expect perfection, cos there is no such thing as perfection. You're always going to meet people you don't click with, whoever you are, even if you're the nicest, friendliest person on earth

    PS: If anyone on here is a 10... GO YOU! You must have the patience of a saint! ;D
  7. 626Stitch

    626Stitch New Member

    Mine was a 10 :)
    We're a pretty small shop though, and there's only about 13 of us altogether who work there, and the maximum who work on the same day as me is probably 5 or 6 including me lol.
    We all wind each other up, but it's all in good fun- and we all know it!!
    I think if I worked in a larger shop then it definitely would not be a 10- I'm not THAT patient!!!
  8. StephyLewis

    StephyLewis New Member

    I said ''well between 8-10, there's always that one person you could do without'' 8) honesty the best policy

    Then in reply to do i use the resources in my hometown, i told her i go rollerblading on the promenade to the dislike of the dog walkers......she laughed but probably now thinks i'm a nutter.
  9. Si-Keo

    Si-Keo New Member

    I was completely honest in mine also!
    I said i was 8 or 9 because you can never can on with everyone can you!
    And she went 'yes' lol

    Sooo wether she just thought i was a trouble maker or liked having arguments i don't know, but im glad i was honest and didnt just blurt out 10!!

    And how horrible is the wait to find out if you have a face to face! Im glad most of us are in the same boat here!
  10. Chelle_Bell

    Chelle_Bell New Member

    Hmm... I wasn't asked if I use the resources in my home town. Now I'm worried they were cutting out questions 'cause they already knew they weren't going to give me a f-2-f interview.
  11. jslussier

    jslussier New Member

    don'T worry chelle. a friend of mine who dies the phone interview in canada and i didn't get the same questions and both ae up for the f2f interview in a month... I guess they got a list of question and ask some of those...
  12. I think it depends on who interviews u, as my interviewer asked me and 2 other people who had her the exact same questions, in the same order. I keep saying this, but i honestly think ur answers are irrelevant, as long as they are good answer I mean! But i think its to see more how u handle urself in a conversation,
  13. mushu

    mushu New Member

    Michelle, my dear, I think you're being too paranoid!! It's out of our hands.
    Plus, they often feed off of something you've just said to ask you another question. In my first phone interview when I was talking about customer service or something, Hannah asked me 'Can you give me an example of when you've dealt with a particularly difficult customer and turned a negative situation in to a positive one?' and I was totally unprepared for that, as no one had been asked it before.
  14. Chelle_Bell

    Chelle_Bell New Member

    LOL... Yeah, I'm bad for getting paranoid! Just have to try not to think about it now. What's done is done.
  15. ctravis

    ctravis Guest

    We should all hope for the best now and keep positive. I know it is hard and nerve racking as we all are waiting patiently. I mean my interview was like one of the first ones so i feel like i have been waiting ages and ages coz everyday i am still checking my emails : ) lol to see. But yes it still makes u nervous no matter what. I am just soooo excittteeddddddd........
  16. me 2, i could take a massive shadoobie!
  17. Chelle_Bell

    Chelle_Bell New Member

    I was just thinking: We'll probably find out one way or the other at the end of the week. I know they said it was a 4 week wait, but I think that was just so that they could be consistent in telling everyone the same thing. If you think about it the last interviews are scheduled for Friday 13th... So, if you had your interview later you'll probably have less of a wait.
  18. ctravis

    ctravis Guest

    Yea i wish i did my interview now so then i wuldnt b waiting nervously and i keep thinking oh noooo they might forget me as i was ages and ages ago and the fact i didnt know what the interview was gonna b about. So do u think we will find out on monday then, next monday? i am super excited!!!!
  19. StephyLewis

    StephyLewis New Member

    its like the blitz spirit on this forum. we'll stick it out together.
  20. My 21st is on wednesday/ I have never been so excited about a birthday!

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