Potential Cast Members Sep-Dec 2009

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Bombay-sapphire, Feb 4, 2009.

  1. mushu

    mushu New Member

    All done now then! Hope it went well!
  2. ctravis

    ctravis Guest

    OMG ppl this is getting hectic. I am so excited and nervous for all of us. So the monday after next friday wow that is so close in some ways yet so far lol.
    I really wish all of us luck xxxxxxxxxxx :D
  3. aj2721

    aj2721 New Member

    It did go well thankyou, good luck to you for your interview, and all others who've got one over the coming week.
  4. Okay christina, chill the fuck out!

    DISNEY DUDE!! I like your style!
  5. ctravis

    ctravis Guest

    that is it Jasper, i am gonna swash buckle u ;D
    I know i need to relax....2 b honest i am relaxin, i am just excited.
  6. Urg, i just had a big bowl of fruit and some OJ and its made my stomach all shiza!
  7. ctravis

    ctravis Guest

    eeeooowwww hehehe what time did wake up?
  8. 12ish! Yea it was an early start HAHA!

    I seriously need to get a job.
  9. 626Stitch

    626Stitch New Member

    Disney are making this wait even harder!! Look what video they posted on their youtube, which came up in my youtube subscription updates.


    we could be working there :)
  10. hen87hels

    hen87hels New Member

    Hi guys! I'm already in I leave in Aug, but I won't be far ahead of some of you if you get September dates!!

    Good luck with the interviews :)

    For those of you who've already had your phone interview, you'll know what I mean when I say its just a chat! For those of you who have it to come, its fun so try not to get too nervous (easier said than done I know!)

    Good luck again to all of you, I can't wait to work with you all! : )
  11. mushu

    mushu New Member

    Good call Helen. And Lee.

    I'm just literally off of the phone with Jenny and I think it went well. Mostly though I am just relieved!! I can't believe I was on the phone for twenty mins last time, but only 5 this time!!!

    Waiting time...
  12. omgholly

    omgholly New Member

    Maybe they are doing shorter phone interviews because they have more applicants? Good luck :) x
  13. Chelle_Bell

    Chelle_Bell New Member

    Hey, Vicki, I've literally just finished my phone interview with Jenni. Mine was really short too compared to last time! About 5 minutes, too. I'm just worried now that I said the wrong things. Argh!
  14. mushu

    mushu New Member

    And we both know what comes now...waiting!!
  15. Chelle_Bell

    Chelle_Bell New Member

    Eek, what did you say when she said how would you rate getting on with the people you work with now? I said about 9 or 10 ('cause I thought it'd sound like I was exaggerating if I just blurted 10). And she repeated '9' - as if she was writing it down. Now I think I should have just said 10, heh.

    They must have more applicants this time, 'cause this interview definitely felt more rushed.
  16. 626Stitch

    626Stitch New Member

    My phone interview went on for about 10 mins. Towards the end i was just chatting to michele.

    I bet everyone rates how well they get on with their work colleagues at a 10, even if they do or not. But I genuinely get on really well with the people at my work- even if we work directly with each other or not- so mine is a 10.
  17. mushu

    mushu New Member

    I said 9 and then said its because I have to catch up when I come back from uni... I thought it sounded plausible enough.

    Hmm, I always wanted Michele, last time I had Hannah who also chatted to me (she did the CRP). My one last time was twenty! It really was quick this time! You're right though, they def did have more applicants. Gosh, I hope we all get through

    Well its all over now my dears, let the waiting commence!
  18. jslussier

    jslussier New Member

    mine was 5 minutes...but i'm from Canada... I rushed on the question: A a representant of Canada, what is unique to your Country.... I was speechless...i didn't what to answer... i was like...that is a very good question, we are hockey fans...After my phone interview i was like...It went so bad...but they call me back and I got a face2face interview in a month...
  19. jslussier

    jslussier New Member

    For those you thing the processis long...your right...I apply on october, get my phone interview at the beggining of november....and got a email that i'll get a f2f intervire like 2 seeks later...since there...the only news I got was this week....2 months later...so yes the wait is so long...imagine the wait when you've been accepteed and the day your start...it can be like 5-6 months (as 4 me if i'm accept)...this is going to kill me...
  20. mushu

    mushu New Member

    Even more so, Michelle and I have already done the whole process once before. Not sure if that makes it better or worse!

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