Pleasure Island

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by purpleindigo, Nov 9, 2006.

  1. Mara Mouse

    Mara Mouse New Member

    So strange Jilly!

    *laugh* I thought about cheating too, someone invited me and Kristine to Girlz but we passed. Didn't know too many people there and always had other plans.

    Can't wait to do Monday nights right with you Jilly!
  2. *Cecilie*

    *Cecilie* New Member

    I can't beleve I will miss out on the great clubs at PI all because Disney decided to change their policy.... it sucks you will now have to be 21 from next year!!! :mad: ...I'm going down in July and will not turn 21 while at Disney!! ...Why are they doing this?? ???... :p
  3. kahluafan

    kahluafan New Member

    Legal drinking age in Florida is 21, with the old rule they could let under 21s into the clubs but obviously extra effort was required to ID all those drinking who look young(ish), by making it 21 to enter you ensure that everyone in the club is legally old enough to drink and save yourself some time and effort IDin people, that would be guess at it from Disney's perspective?
  4. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    u got a wristband on the door to say u had been id'd, so u were only id'd once in a night, so no less effort id'ing ppl at all
  5. kahluafan

    kahluafan New Member

    Thats fair enough, did ppl not swap wristbands tho? or r they those sealed ones?
  6. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    nope, people didnt swap.... i actually didnt know ANYONE who drank underage at PI....they would drink before going but never actually at PI, so i dont really think the ID issue was a problem
  7. kahluafan

    kahluafan New Member

    Yeah i guess the strictness of the Disney Security would cancel anything like that out, the horror stories etc you hear! Wonder why they've changed it then?
  8. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Could be because of CMs, could be becuase I've heard of familys bringing their young children to PI (since they could) and we all know everything at Disney is good for everyone right?

    Maybe this has a little to do with keeping kids who really shouldn't be in bars, out.
  9. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    I am sure there were enough people that bought shots and drinks for underage friends. When drinking a lot of people don't think about consequences like getting terminated. It would definitely be easier for them to eliminate the underage crowd this way...

  10. kahluafan

    kahluafan New Member

    Yeah, you'd elimate more terminations because of underage drinking maybe? Certainly at PI, but will ppl take more risks at the Commons?
  11. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    I don't know what the Commons is like these days, but I remember when I was there I was so scared to drink at first because of all the stories you hear and what they tell you at orientation class. It took me about a week to understand I didn't have to worry. Security never came to our apt. and even when you were at parties (drinking) and they would break up a party they would give you 5 minutes and always said "then we will start checking ID's haha it was no problem at all. I used to party in the back of the Commons (Building 28) and then walk all the way back to my building (8) in the morning, completely hammered and no one ever said anything ( and I had to pass by security ). Drinking at the Commons back then was really easy, it's a little bit like College life, lots of partying and no grown ups lol

  12. kahluafan

    kahluafan New Member

    lol, sounds like a blast, hope they've not cracked down on it too much by the time i get out there next year, i'm 21 anyway and will be 23 by the time i'm out there, but its always good to see the young uns out and about :)
  13. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    So you won't have a prob then. Yeah I agree it's good to have it all mixed with the age group. I was 19 and turned 20 while working for Disney so unfortunately I could never go to HOB or other places that everyone else went. I came back for a visit a few times since then though and I must say I didn't miss out on much lol

  14. kahluafan

    kahluafan New Member

    I know my friends over there are mixed ages, and vary from 19 through to 31, and there does seem to be a substantial difference age wise, all the young ppl tend to go out a huge amount whilst the elders are perhaps a bit more refined, you get cast members who are obviously full time as well and live off the commons, so peoples social schedules do change, but PI will always be there and it's always gonna be popular!
  15. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    My direct roomie was 26 and I was 19 and we became best friends. I hung out with people age 19-30 and I couldn't really tell a difference. When you are out there everyone is in the same boat and living the same life I guess.
  16. kahluafan

    kahluafan New Member

    Yeah i know the program ppl would obviously be closer together but i know ppl who have bonded fairly closely with the 'locals' as it were,lol, to the point where they're shacked up with them! :D
  17. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    LOL Yeah I know those, too. But if you live in the Commons and you always go where all the CM's go it's more likely you will end up with someone not local lol

  18. kahluafan

    kahluafan New Member

    very true, i've had a bad experience with that, you get the issues of coming back and leaving them behind etc, something a friend of mines gonna have to go through this June, PI is an immense place to hook up with new people etc i'll bet tho, i'd love to see how it compares to the nightlife here in the UK :)
  19. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    The part that sucks is that P.I. closes so early. You usually go after work and then you have 1-2 hours and you have to go home lol. However it's really fun because so many CM's hang out there, too, but still you get to meet some other people as well. You are right, the sad part about the program is that you will have to leave not only a bf/gf but many friends behind. It's hard to have all your friends across the globe when they were once living around the corner. I still wouldn't want to miss any of it though!

  20. tinydancinggirl

    tinydancinggirl New Member

    All the clubs in PI are free to CMs Sunday - Thursday. From a Cast Member POV the best nights to go are definitely Mondays and Thursdays. If you're under 21 I believe you can't go into Mannequins (and maybe BET?) but that's it. It's changing to ALL over-21s only on Jan 1st though :(

    If you are under 21 and you go to PI, beware. Virtually the sole purpose of security on Mondays and Thursdays is to catch under-21s with a drink in their hand - and you WILL get termed. I went back to visit my CP friends last week and when we went to PI one of the girls who had moved into my old apartment was being hunted down by security cos she was seen giving one of our under-21 friends drinks :-[

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