Photos to meet each other

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by alemanolga, Mar 28, 2005.

  1. Pablo

    Pablo New Member

    This is again me at the UN in Switzerland, last Summer....
  2. Lindsey

    Lindsey Guest

    well i must say guys this was an amusing read...i think I've laughed my hangover off.....well...maybe not quite!

    honestly I'm away for one bloody night and you 2 r at each others throats again!lol....ok gonna shut up now, starting to sound like my mum!haha

    robyn, youre cute....lizzie, youre pretty! ok sorted! youre even...

    ....but lizzie....kinda wanna c those pics!haha

  3. CrEsT

    CrEsT New Member

    Hola Pablo, where did you have your interview?
  4. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    oh yeah liz im on your side haha ;)

    us gals have 2 stick 2getha :D

    although robyn is cute haha!

  5. vicks

    vicks New Member

    ok its war now between me and my computer! ive tries loads to make my pica smaller, i tried that u suggested sara and it crashed with an error, i aint kidding i was on the comp like 2hours, dammit its defeated me!! altho i may try again! :mad:
  6. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

  7. Pablo

    Pablo New Member

    Marco: Hi,,, I had the intervie in Guadalajara, it was very tired to me because the interview was a Friday and I needed to be back to a compromise the saturday morning so I traveled by bus, a night before 12 hours, and then the next night other 12 hours, but Im happy of that because now Im acepted hehehe...
  8. CrEsT

    CrEsT New Member

    You can also send it to me... I can upload it to my own server.

    Add me to MSN if you feel like
  9. CrEsT

    CrEsT New Member

    I had mine in Guadalajara too, so we had it together... can't remember you.

    Yes I was really, really tired too.
  10. rjshevy

    rjshevy Guest

    Thanks for the compliment Linz and Sara ::)
  11. Pablo

    Pablo New Member

    Yes Marco I guess that we were together,, hehe, It is hard to remember when I didnt sleep well one night before and with 70 people at the interview hehe,,, but maybe you remember a guy with beige suit but with a extreme shiny orange tie, this Guy is named Lorenzo, he is also acepted to be in food and he will arrive on july... right now I know about You, Lorenzo, this girl from Guadalajara Called Cinthya, Olga, and me...
  12. CrEsT

    CrEsT New Member

    Yeah! I can remember Lorenzo (actually his orange tie, jk)

    That day I was wearing a black leather jacket.
  13. Lizzie

    Lizzie New Member

    AHH LINDZ, SARA...DONT COMPLIMENT THE other side!!!!! just kidding....although robyns head is about to explode..cuz u girls are calilng him cute! hahaha..oh man!!! and yes lindz if u arent here to regulate....rob and iWILL be at each others throats!
  14. rjshevy

    rjshevy Guest

    lol - i do not have an ego :p
  15. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    i know liz,,,, men r my downfall tut! well i had already told robyn that so welll.... there u go!

    as for now on.. us girls stick 2getha ;) war against all men :p

  16. tania

    tania New Member

    hey sara just wondering if i email u a pix of me could u post it on here?? xx
  17. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    yeah sure thing tania ill do that 4 ya ;)

  18. tania

    tania New Member

    cool that ill b fab ill send u one soon got a fine one
  19. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    no problemo tania :)

  20. Lizzie

    Lizzie New Member

    ahah agreed sara!

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