Photos to meet each other

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by alemanolga, Mar 28, 2005.

  1. MyLittlePony

    MyLittlePony New Member

    LOL thanx Nichol. I was afraid I had some weird German magnet or something, haha
  2. cinderelli.jessy

    cinderelli.jessy New Member


    may I ask you sth??? Where are you from...??????????? this might sound odd or weird, but I swear I have seen you before!!! you look very familiar??? :-\ well, I dunno, maybe I am wrong?! Are you a dancer? or have you ever been to germany.... ahhh this is crazy, i know!!! lol ;D ;D

    later! jessy
  3. starzcrazie

    starzcrazie New Member

    @ jessy

    lol.. ukno wat you have just said makes me feel like.. .. WOAH! hahaaa
    maybe you've seen me somewhere around this forum??? hahaa... or you mean you've seen me in person before?!?!  ::) i've been to germany once but that's a VERY long time ago like i was 3 or 4 years old! :p if that counts, lemme kno! lol...

    I'm from Hong Kong, (tho, i aint pure chinese - aight i got some latin in me  8) ) will be goin to FL for a year on 6th Sept working in "China" as Attraction!

    wat about you??? haha.. you sound like a funny person and i definetly would love to hang out with you some times in FL!!! hahaa.. should be mad fun!!!

    - Nichol -
  4. starzcrazie

    starzcrazie New Member

    LOL.... most welcome Kristin!!!
  5. CrEsT

    CrEsT New Member

    Hey guys, this is Nadine Ludigkeit from Germany - June 14th

  6. Grouchy87

    Grouchy87 New Member

    Hey guys... how do i add a pic to this post? ???

  7. CrEsT

    CrEsT New Member

    You have 2 options:

    1.- Upload it using "Additional Options", picture must be 50kb max
    2.- Upload it to an external server and make the link with [​IMG]
  8. cinderelli.jessy

    cinderelli.jessy New Member

    LOL nichol!!! yeah , i could swear i have met you in person before!!! but since you ar efrom hong kong that doesnt make sense, does it??!! ;D
    anyway, you were saying that you have been to germany when you were 3?? i guess this doesnt count, but you still look familiar... i dunno why! :D

    and yes, we should hit the beaches and parties 2gether every once in a while!!!
    im gonna leave sep . 05th... whoooooooooooooooohooooooooooooo.... its just, its fantastic!!! am so excited and impatient....

    lots of hugs from Germany!!!!

  9. starzcrazie

    starzcrazie New Member

    lol @ jessy! omg.. this is weird.. maybe just the pic that makes me look like someone u've met! anyway, you look familiar to me as well.. LOL.. now it all makes sense. maybe 'we met before (in dreams) lol..

    hahaha damn, you';; arrive there ONE day before me!!!!! now you better pick me up @ the airport! lol.. and we cud go to some shoppin and stuff! :p

    beaches are cool .. i cannot wait!! I CANNOT WAIT!!!!
    and parties... PARRRRTTTTTTTTTTTTTIIIESSSSS! *happy happy joy joy* ;D

    opos, im goin bit outta control today...

    stay in touch!

    - Nichol -
  10. cinderelli.jessy

    cinderelli.jessy New Member


    of course I am gonna stay in touch... actually my leaving date is supposed to be on the 6th of sep, but since I had not found a flight on this date i booked a flight one day earlier... I am gonna arrive with 5 other german fellas!!! lol this is going to be so much fun.... yeahhhhhhhhh...
    unfortunately, i believe that I am not allowed to pick you up, for there will be a team who will do that..
    but we def. should go shoppin' 2gether!!! who knows: maybe we will get the same apt.???!!! only god knows!!!
    are you gonna do the IP or CP???

    later! jess :-*
  11. starzcrazie

    starzcrazie New Member

    @ jessy

    lol thats okay if you cudnt pick me up, i still havent have anythin confirmed yet, have to wait til Sue send me another email and stuff within this 2 weeks! cannot wait!!! Im gonna do the IP, so id be stayin in FL for a year (if nothin else worst wud happen on me) lol.. wat about you???

    lol if we're gonna stay in the same apt, thats gonna be crazily mad i bet!! :D

    loadza love,
  12. cinderelli.jessy

    cinderelli.jessy New Member

    I am going to do the IP as well... this is so cool... and i feel sorry for you cos' you have to wait another two weeks... but time will fly by!!!
    really looking forward to seeing you ( IN PERSON )in three months time!!!!! ;D

    lot of hugs!!! :-*
  13. starzcrazie

    starzcrazie New Member

    omg, i so hate to check my email like every 30mins and getting NOTHING from Sue this week! Arrrgghh! this sux!!! i feel like the time's stopped! LOL... I hate waiting and omg, we still have 3 months to go.. counting the days would just make me going crazy! hahaaa...
    yea me too, lookin forward to seeing you, definitely IN PERSON .. lol , parties, hangout and possibily doin all those girls stuff lol...

    loadza love,
  14. emma

    emma New Member

    hey nichol from ur picture u kinda remind of ....erm sam of california dreams...anybody ever see that old show! u r very pretty tho like she was!!!
  15. starzcrazie

    starzcrazie New Member

    hahaa..  thanks emma, she's pretty foshure!! i remembered that show but i didnt get to watch it much!
    hey i like yers as well.. lookin pretty!! so youre the 6th Sept leaver as well huh?? i cannot wait to be there and meet you guys up!
    loadza love,
  16. emma

    emma New Member

    thats a weird pic of me from on holiday once! i was drunk lol gozzy eyes i have here!!! yeah im the 6th...we could be roomies yey and jess too!
  17. starzcrazie

    starzcrazie New Member

    lol... really couldnt tell you were drunk in that pic!!
    mine's a sticker photo (trimmed one) taken when i was in taiwan!
    hahaa it would be awesome if we could be roomies!! and we definitely have to hit the beach and go shop sometimes..! :D
    so you kno your flight details yet??

  18. emma

    emma New Member

    no i dont have flight details yet dont have my visa or anything!!!
  19. cinderelli.jessy

    cinderelli.jessy New Member

    oh yeah, this would be fantaaaaastic!!! we would have a lot of fun, I guess... girl power, huh???? ::)
    maybe, we could utter some wishes!!! Emma do you say that in England??? utter wishes!!!!??? this sounds kinda odd!!! LOL
    well, anyways.If we were in the same apartment, I would be able to learn a lot of vocabulary from ya'!!! Hopefully.... ;D

    loads of kisses
  20. emma

    emma New Member

    no what does it mean? oh yeah we say lots of odd stuff

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