Photos to meet each other

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by alemanolga, Mar 28, 2005.

  1. ellen101

    ellen101 New Member

    I don't speak or read any German so thanks for relaying what he's been's certainly an insight into the mind of a weirdo who's obviously so far up his own back side, he can see out of his mouth!!! and what a shame....why is he trying to spoil it for everyone!?!?

    Ellen x :D
  2. Anika

    Anika New Member

    I have no idea! ???
    I asked him once and he just said that I didn´t understand yet. I think you just have to ignore people like that and make you´re own experiences.
    We´ll see! Oh, Ellen, you´re in my arrival group! Are you in F&B, too? ;) :)
  3. ellen101

    ellen101 New Member

    No, I'm an HRC-er (check out to find out more.....cos I don't really understand it!'s part of merch tho!). Am very excited! :D

    Ellen xxx :D
  4. MyLittlePony

    MyLittlePony New Member

    Well technically I am also an American :-[ but I was just pointing out the fact that I'm Norwegian, wasn't insulted at all, ;D so thanks for the compliment ;)

    As for the points thing, I think I also heard there were no points for Norwegian and German girls, that's just cruel!

    And when it comes to this German guy, he has nothing to say about knowing better because there are a lot of people here on this board that are alumni, the experience they have had is just the same as his and the information they give out is correct.
  5. Anika

    Anika New Member

    @Ellen: Well, I hope it´s fun...hadn´t heard about it before.

    @Kris: Yeah the points thing is an insulation, but well, let´s face it, these kind of (German) guys shouldn´t be worth any points either, if we girls were doing such silly things, too. ;D
  6. MyLittlePony

    MyLittlePony New Member

    Kay, just had to post this too... a pic of me with really short hair. This was taken over a year back though and as you can see I've had a few drinks that night...

  7. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    :D jsut a lil tipsy ther are ya... ;) ;D ;D
  8. cinderelli.jessy

    cinderelli.jessy New Member

    yeah you might look tipsy, but also very sexy. ;) the guys are gonna freak out ;D
  9. MyLittlePony

    MyLittlePony New Member

    LOL Jessy. All I see on that pic is my bright red face, but thank you! ;D :D
  10. MyLittlePony

    MyLittlePony New Member

    Alrighty, I'm bumping this cuz there are so many new members, whose faces I'd love to see, I know y'all agree, right?
  11. CrEsT

    CrEsT New Member

    yeah keep posting!
  12. Carla

    Carla New Member

    I ´ll arrive on june 13th, this is a bad pic, my nose seems so big.
  13. myriam

    myriam New Member

    I'm trying to send one but it doesn't work and I don't know why......... ???
  14. milchmen

    milchmen Guest

    sexy pic Kristin
  15. MyLittlePony

    MyLittlePony New Member

    Thnx milchmen...
    but I don't understand why you germans think its so sexy... LOL. I think I look like a tipsy pig, haha...
  16. starzcrazie

    starzcrazie New Member

    haha nah kristin, you do look sexy in that pic, seriously!
    hahaha a lil tipsy that is but defin'ly ... not a tipsy pig! lol :p
  17. CineStephie

    CineStephie New Member

    <----------- thats me ;D! its one of my drama profile pics...its the only one thats on my computer
  18. starzcrazie

    starzcrazie New Member

    thatsa pretty pic stephie!!! :)

    i do have some on my new computer but im too lazy to upload one here lol
    <-- thats mine anyway! ... trimmed from a sticker-photo! hahaa

    - Nichol -
  19. CineStephie

    CineStephie New Member

    nice pic Nichol :)

    ive got a load of sticker photos too...they rule!
  20. starzcrazie

    starzcrazie New Member


    hahah yea, i havent been taken any for a while but recently addicted to it again! lol..
    i wonder if there's any around WDW.... and i defin'ly have to grab y'all ppl to madly take loadza of 'em! lol

    - Nichol -

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