Photo Thread!!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Freckles, Sep 2, 2008.

  1. opherrichards

    opherrichards New Member

    I am in wales for uni, and I am surprised by the great variety of the welsh accent even from just a 5/10 journey away.
    My firends did however say that if I came home with a welsh accent, they would kill me! Haha :)
  2. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    i am pleased jess, i wouldn't like to get harassed by you. remind me never to speak in welsh to you...then i sound proper welsh haha.

    opherrichards, where do you go to? i'm in aberystwyth, and while i did get a bit more of an accent in first year, it doesn't really affect people too much i don't think!
  3. Disneyjess

    Disneyjess New Member

    my friend lives in swansea, when i want to harrass some welsh people i just go there :p

    i know one word in welsh..oh no, 2 WORDS!

    ARAF= slow

    BWS= bus.

  4. AshleyDawn

    AshleyDawn New Member

    AHHHH. I don't know if I can properly communicate the fact that I LOVED the Rasmus a few years ago. It was kind of a scary fan love. I still listen to Dead Letters when I clean or study because it comforts me so much!

    I 'spose since this is a photo thread I should post some, haha. I'll get around to it after classes, and I should probably pop some up of our fresh snow! It just dumped a pile of the powdery soft stuff on us all day and now everything is covered!
  5. ginabella

    ginabella New Member

    are you at uni there? if so what do you do?!
  6. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    i am indeeeeed! i couldn't live here otherwise hehe. and i study law.

    jess i'll teach you some, let's see
    "dwi'n caru ti" - "i love you"
    "dwi'n eisiau cael dy babenau" - "i want to have your babies"
    "dwi'n gweithio yn walt disney world yn florida" - "i work in walt disney world in florida"
    "mae blas o gin fel dwr, beth am gan un arall, john" - "this gin tastes like water, may i have another, john?"
    matt yw y berson gorau yn y byd, a mae e'n hoffi cerddoriaeth da iawn! - i'll let you try to translate that so i don't seem to full of myself!

    (i am not fluent, so there may be a lot of inaccuracies)
  7. AshleyDawn

    AshleyDawn New Member

    Saying these things out loud sounds so magical... and also ridiculous, because I know I have it wrong, haha.
  8. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    "mae blas o gin fel dwr, beth am gan un arall, john" - "this gin tastes like water, may i have another, john?"

    This one is a keeper...I see myself using it often...
  9. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    it's from a song by a band called mynediad am ddim...i only like/occasionally listen to that song because my flatmates found it funny in the first year!
  10. forloveofmusic

    forloveofmusic New Member

    Oh ya me too, I was very excited after meeting him lol

    I don't think I've ever heard anyone speak Welsh before. Just from reading your examples, I couldn't even imagine what some of those letters together would sound like lol I do however think the accent when they speak English is very sexy.

    And for the record, yes, Zac Efron is a babe (for some reason I especially think so in Hairspray) but for me, in the HSM gang it's all about Corbin Bleu. That boy's smile is to die for.
  11. opherrichards

    opherrichards New Member

    I am at uni in Newport. And I have learnt not even to attempt to pronouce welsh without asking a welsh person first as words are pronouced completely different from what they look like, its so much easier to avoid the embarassment completely :)
  12. *minnie**mouse*

    *minnie**mouse* New Member

    Welsh sounds like fun to learn. I can fake the accent quite well (well, for a yorkshire lass anyway).
  13. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    oh god don't go home with a newport accent, that's a baaaaad accent, even worse than cardiff's

    as for pronounciation, i'll try and write those phrases phonetically
    dween ca-ree tee
    dween a-shy kyle duh [not like duuuh, just a short one] ba-ben-eye
    dween gway-theo un walt disney world un florida
    my blas o gin vel do-er, beth am gan een aralth, john
    matt ew ur bearrson gore-eye un ur bead a my ehn hoffi care-th-ori-aeth dai awn

    that's REALLY hard to do haha, hope you'll all be speaking welsh to me out in florida now though ;)
  14. hen87hels

    hen87hels New Member

    "Rydw i'n byw mewn ty ar wahan -- I live in a detached house"

    That's the only Welsh phrase I remember when drunk, which is absolutely useless usually. But if I can remember it when I'm drunk, you'll be able to remember it!! :D

    I have a minging Welsh accent.... I didn't lose it when I went to Faberystwyth uni :(
  15. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    you can tell who the rich ones are here...i'm a "dwi'n byw yn ty teras" boy ;)

    (oh btw, dwi'n is just a shortened version of rydw i'n, in case you kids are getting confused)
  16. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    We would get along great Matt, i love the Tis! Shes my ideal woman, woohoo!

    I wonder if she likes Scottish accents, im good at a scottish accent (haha!)
  17. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    that's awesome leo! but i won't lie to you, if the tis comes along, i'm gonna fight dirty for her - no holds barred! :) hehe
  18. Disneyjess

    Disneyjess New Member

    omg, best saying ever.
  19. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Shes mine mate, dont wanna get in the road of a scotsman and his burd!

    and my names Leom! Not Leo!
  20. Disneyjess

    Disneyjess New Member

    OMG, i can't actually tell you how excited i am to be working with some welsh 'uns.

    i'll have a whale of a time learning all these random phrases :D

    but more excited about florida as a whole in general..

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