Photo Thread!!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Freckles, Sep 2, 2008.

  1. ginabella

    ginabella New Member

    please send me snoooow :)
  2. Janey

    Janey New Member

    Okay, I'll put my best effort to get it there. ;) No guaranties though.. :/
  3. ginabella

    ginabella New Member

    ;D Yay!!!
  4. forloveofmusic

    forloveofmusic New Member

    Hopefully these work, direct-linked from facebook...

    This is me, like 3 years ago... Janey, you might recognize the guy I'm with:

    And this one, I like, hehe (yes its real):

    Once upon a time, I was a photography student... this was taken in Epcot :)

    No explanation required ;)

    This was taken in Finland, at an outdoor concert... I didn't buy the hat but I did buy the shiny scarf
  5. Janey

    Janey New Member

    Nope, unfortunately didn't recognize the guy, but then again I don't actually know all the 5,5 million people that live here. ;) By your photo I couldn't even actually tell where in Finland you've been to.. ???
  6. ginabella

    ginabella New Member

    i love your much!!
  7. forloveofmusic

    forloveofmusic New Member

    The photo was actually taken in Canada but the guy is Aki, the drummer of The Rasmus. He has blonde hair and no glasses now I think though...

    And thanks Ginabelle, I love it too ;D
  8. Janey

    Janey New Member

    Oh my god, that's right!!! :D I thought he looked vaguely familiar but couldn't connect him to anything. :D I absolutely love their The Dead Letter album and Living in a World Without You friom the new album is amazing as well! :)
  9. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    :eek: how dare you?!?!? she's much better than that hussy vanessa hudgens!
  10. ginabella

    ginabella New Member

    oh yeah!! i second that...shes not hairyflange at home for nothing!! :D
    what are you going to do if you meet ashley?!!?!
  11. Disneyjess

    Disneyjess New Member

    I wouldn't kick Zefron out of bed..
  12. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    i see my options as being the following
    1) go down the obsessive "hi i'm matt, we have the same birthday, can i smell your hair? will you marry me?" route
    2) pretend like i have no idea who she is - then we're equal!!!
    3) do the stereotypical english hugh grant approach "*random posh noises* i'm sorry, but i couldn't help but notice how spiffingly wonderful you looked. do you know i know the queen? jolly good"

    or, if all else fails
    4) steal her

    1 and 4 are looking like rather baaad options
  13. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    Haha option 1 all the way matt! :p
    or you could 'accidently' drop something onto here, and then you have an exuse to.. dare i say... touch her.. to wipe it off
  14. ginabella

    ginabella New Member



    Matt - id go with three, americans love the 'english' accent. and if that fails...i'll help you with 4!! ;)
  15. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    Oooooft to him
    .. Yes please =]

    p.s Jess, your countdown isnt working =]
    its just a loada characters and numbers.. haha =]]

  16. Disneyjess

    Disneyjess New Member

    i've posted the wrong html code, i noticed but i just can't be bothered to change it yet! haha.
  17. ginabella

    ginabella New Member

    I have this on my bedroom wall! yummmmers.
  18. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    is there something wrong with me...when i first saw that pic i imagined the tagline being something like "zac efron checks himself for male breast cancer"

    oh, and i'm not very good with the english accent. i'm welsh, but don't really have a welsh accent, so i think the word that best describes my accent is 'scatty cardiff' heh
  19. ginabella

    ginabella New Member

    hey! it gets me checking!! preferably on him though :D
  20. Disneyjess

    Disneyjess New Member

    good job you don't have a proper welsh accent..

    I LOVE welsh accents..

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