Phone Interviews

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by catfish278, Apr 13, 2011.

  1. terryrs

    terryrs New Member

    Hey all!

    Thought id wait until after my interview to introduce myself.

    Its just finished. I was supposed to have Hannah but had Chloe, who actually rang 7 minutes early! Interview was ok, after the inital shock. I felt like i repeated myself a couple of times, but i guess that all comes with nerves.

    Interview only lasted 10 minutes. She said i had some great answers which was encouraging, but i felt like i wasnt answering the questions long enough, so i dont know whether she got the best of me. A few times i felt like she was cutting me off, which i wasnt sure if that was my fault or hers! I guess, theres always next year! :(

    Id like to think i said the right things, had a few good facts about cambridge (birth place of football, oliver cromwell etc) told her how i was going to london for the wedding next week etc, which she said was cool.

    So yeah.. im still rambling cos im nervous :(
  2. disneydreamer88

    disneydreamer88 New Member


    I had Chloe too... my interview lasted like 15mins and she had to cut me off LOL. I know what you mean, I did feel like she often cut me off but I just made sure I said everything I wanted to. I really don't know what to expect to be honest :( i've never wanted anything so much but I can't help thinking I've messed it up a little bit. She did seem reassuring when she was saying things like "awww" "that's great" "very rewarding" and "oh wow" but still you just dont know what she wanted. lol. I rambled too so don't worry... a lot. Did she ask you what character you would be and why? hehe

  3. leeds disney fan

    leeds disney fan New Member

    hi I also had chole yesterday and she phone 15mins early mine lasted 14mins and 22sec according to my phone which i think is my longest disney phone interview, this is my 3rd (2nd for the crp) now for the waiting game agin for the email in 2/3 weeks
  4. sophieplmgto

    sophieplmgto New Member

    wahh just had my interview with amy!
    it went ok but i am now sat here thinking about all the things i didn't say :(
    i feel like i did ok but i think there's so much competition and have convinced myself that everyone would have done better than me, anyone else feel the same?!
  5. anastevens

    anastevens New Member

    Just had my interview with Chloe and she was lovely! :) I keep thinking about stuff that I should have said and things I forgot! The only question I had trouble with was after I spoke about culture she then mentioned our food and music culture and I thought maybe I was giving the wrong answer! It was just under 15 mins, I researched loads of interesting facts about my hometown but didn't get to use them :( think I was one if the last interviews so good luck to everyone hopefully we'll get to the next stage!
  6. seabadger

    seabadger New Member

    Awh good luck Anastevens!! I just had my interview Hannah, she was sooo lovely but i was soooo nervous!
    I totally forgot to say all the stuff i had prepared haha, i even had to count 1-10 in japanese haha so embarssing!
    But all I can do is wait, trying not to get my hopes up at all.

    Good Luck everyone ;D
  7. terryrs

    terryrs New Member

    Yeah. I said Donald. Fun, Cheeky, But a great friend with a great heart.

    Cheesy, but oh so true!
  8. disney-dude

    disney-dude New Member

    I didn't get asked about a disney character, I thought that one would have been a given.
  9. disneylover

    disneylover New Member

    i didnt get a disney character question either dats what i thought as well, got asked the other usual questions though ! had about 6 or 7 ahhh i just wanna know the result now , two weeks seems ages lol
  10. disney-dude

    disney-dude New Member

    It will fly in what with the holidays etc, I just hope the emails arrive when they are sent; after the last time when they thought that we had them and we hadn't
  11. disneydreamer88

    disneydreamer88 New Member

    I am literally expecting the worst :-( as whats been discussed, there are so many applicants and I just feel like wellll I wasn't anything frickin special lol. I was pleased when I got asked about which character I'd be because I was able to throw in experiences of how characters have interacted with me when I've gone to disney. Like chip n dale always seem to 'banter' with me and put on a show with one of them 'proposing' to me and the other walking off with me. LOL. I said at first that I'd be Tink but coz I'm not 4ft tall and certain the zipwire coming from the castl in Wishes won't hold me (LOL) i said I'd be a chipmunk because I'm fun and giggly but at the same time caring and true. Then I went on to babble how I'd be a princess because every little girl dreams to be a princess and I'm still a little girl at heart..... BIG LOLLLLL!! Soooo cheesy but I thought, I don't want to be all "i want to be Mickey" along with everyone else. LOL.
  12. megarid

    megarid New Member

    SAME! Ah well - my answer for the Disney character one was so cheesy beyond belief anyway - ha so kind of relieved!!

    I had Amy and she was really encouraging - i felt like she was nodding along and she laughed abit and said one of my answers was 'cute' -not sure if thats good or not :S

    It is gutting though when you prepare really good responses and then just crumble at the time, and don't include lots of good points..i repeated myself loads too like a few people have said. I said 'have a nice day' at the end too, got the old American goodbye in there, so fingers crossed.
    Good luck to everyone else and i guess we will find out in three weeks time guys.

    My name is MEGAN by the way and I'm from Manchester (realised i never properly introduced myself) so hello to any other mancs, and i also graduated last year!
  13. emmaecstatic

    emmaecstatic New Member

    Hi Megan :).

    Is this is now, have the bulk of the phone interviews been done? Scary thought. Haha. It'll only be the people that couldn't get a time suitable left i imagine?
  14. disney-dude

    disney-dude New Member

    Im confused. Some people haven't had phone interviews? I thought the dates were up till yesterday
  15. emmaecstatic

    emmaecstatic New Member

    Yeah, i'm just presuming that people might have had the skype interviews like maybe next week?

    They might have had them on a night though or something. I'll shut up because i have no clue about what yummyjobs are doing haha.

    But the phone interview appointments are all over now though?
  16. megarid

    megarid New Member

    I thought they were definitely up yesterday...

    I was going to request a different date and time, as none of the ones listed were that suitable...but i was so eager to get it done i just had to sit in my car on my lunch hour at work with noets spread everywhere whilst i got a sweat on in a 25 degree car...not easy to keep cool and calm in those situations!!

    These next three weeks cannot go quickly enough..
  17. emmaecstatic

    emmaecstatic New Member

    It's a bit strange that 3 weeks actually doesn't seem too long now compared to how long we were waiting to hear about the phone interviews haha.
    Just hope my answers were good enough to get me through to the f2fs. I was really happy with my Disney character question but that's about it :/
  18. seabadger

    seabadger New Member

    Nope, i had mine yesterday at 4.15pm with Hannah and she said there were still a few too do!
  19. disney-dude

    disney-dude New Member

    My goodness, maybe that was people that couldn't do the original dates. More interviews = more competition, this is like a little disney adventure on it's own.
  20. Briggs682

    Briggs682 Member

    RE: Phone Interview

    Hi, I had my phone interview on wednesday - I think it was with Chloe, but it's all a bit of a blur! :)
    I think it went fairly well...but then again, I was expecting that I would freeze up and not know what to say - so anything would probably be an improvement on that :p The questions were all fairly simple, other than the one about 'sharing something from your culture with the visitors': I said something about how most americans have the warped view of English people, and that I'd like to show them that we're not all stuffy snobs...or something along those lines!
    My favorite question (even though I totally wasn't expecting it!) was the Disney character one :) I tried to chose someone that I didn't think other people would go for (e.g A Princess or a Fairy!) so I went for Mary Poppins - she's quintesentially English and 'practically Perfect in every way'. I also said I'd want to Jane from 'Tarzan' - I think she's really funny and again, she's quintesentially english :D
    Hope everyones interviews went awesomely :) Can't wait to find out about the next round! :D xxx

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