Phone Interviews

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by catfish278, Apr 13, 2011.

  1. missdipika

    missdipika New Member

    Hey :)

    I did ICP in 2008 f&b in animal kingdom! I left on June 3rd :)

    Has chloe for my interview, she was lovely xxx
  2. Chattydani

    Chattydani New Member

    Hey Katie,

    Uhm i think it went okay... ish.
    Ive been to summer camp twice and it was kinda like talking to the agency for that (Camp Leaders)
    I mostly tripped up on the talk about the uk stuff. Im trying not to pin all my hopes on it but thats easier said than done.
    I wonder how many people from the phone interviews get taken to the f2f stage?

    Dani. xx
  3. disneydreamer88

    disneydreamer88 New Member

    Hey Dani,

    I guess we really can't dwell on our interviews too much can we because we just don't know :( let's just be realllllly hopeful and keep positive hehe. See I struggled with Uk stuff and Derby stuff. lol. I just mentioned the royal family for the UK, our having many ethnicities and cultures in the UK and our ability and coperation in helping other countries out around the world along with our relationship with the US LOL. babble babble babble. lol.

    I really don't know how many people get taken to f2f stage, I hope we do!!!!!! LOL

  4. mizzbex2807

    mizzbex2807 New Member

    My interview is in 20 minutes il let you all know how I get on eek!!!

  5. SamanthaEllen

    SamanthaEllen New Member

    Good luck to all of u today! Ul do great just be urself!x
  6. mizzbex2807

    mizzbex2807 New Member

    OK just had my interview dont really know how it went?? not sure if it was good or bad :s but ive done it!! one thing I can now relax over just not anticipating the email fingers crossed and good luck to everyone else who has their interview coming up xxx
  7. disneylover

    disneylover New Member

    had my interview today ! glad its over now , tryna be hopeful. good luck everyone all we can do is wait now.!
  8. laurenaimee

    laurenaimee New Member

    Hi guys!

    Pretty new to the forum, but just wanted to say well done to evrybody who has done their phone interviews already!

    Mine is today in like 25 mins with Hannah, so fingers crossed!

    Lauren x
  9. disneylover

    disneylover New Member

    hey lauren good luck ! be calm and go with the flow ,let us know how it goes.
  10. disneydreamer88

    disneydreamer88 New Member

    Good luuuuccck! Let us know how you get on :D

  11. mizzbex2807

    mizzbex2807 New Member

    Hey everyone so my interview was today Chloe asked me quite a lot of questions probably about 7 - 9 do you reckon thats bad she said aww alot and oh wow and stuff, laughed along with me and I just did everything from my head thats probably the best way to do it...I'm so so so worried that I did bad I want to get through so badly but obviously not all of us can go through urgh I hate waiting fingers crossed for everyone
  12. bradderz

    bradderz New Member

    hi, I think EVERYONE thinks they done bad (me especially LOL) but its just because we all want to go sooooo badly it just don't seem real that it COULD happen to us! I got asked about the same amount of questions and got all the same reactions lol. But just stay positive, even though its the hardest thing when you think you done bad. Just try put it to the back of your mind there is nothing you can do now anyway, no point stressing over it :)
  13. mizzbex2807

    mizzbex2807 New Member

    Yh thats what im gunna do now just forget about it til like 3 days before beginning of may when il start checking my email constantly lol haha xxx
  14. disneydreamer88

    disneydreamer88 New Member

    I've been checking my e-mail constantly since I had the interview lol, don't really know why hahahaha! arghhhh can't wait! :D
  15. seabadger

    seabadger New Member

    My interview is tomorrow :eek:
    I've been going over questions and answers out loud in my bedroom and i know for a FACT i'm not going to be able to shut up i'm going to ramble sooo much, and all my Belfast pharse's like 'so it is' is going to be in full effect. OH NO

    Good too everyone though, so glad to hear all your interviews went well ;D
  16. bradderz

    bradderz New Member

    One of the things I wish I hadn't done was actually have my answers already, it got me all confused when she actually asked the questions and I think sounded a bit mixed up, I think it is better to just answer the questions casually with just an idea in your head of what you will say. But if you think it will help you that way do it like that, sorry if this has just confused you and left you more panicky haha!
  17. laurenaimee

    laurenaimee New Member

    Hi again!

    So had my Phone interview today with hannah and it went ok! she was lovely and really put me at ease! I rambled on abit on some questions though haha! I dont feel overly confident with how I did but I don't think I've ever come out of an interview feeling like I've done amazing- so we'll see!

    Will have to try and forget about it for a few weeks!! ( which will, no doubt extremely difficult )

    Good Luck to everybody with interviews coming up!!

    Lauren x
  18. Disney2010

    Disney2010 New Member

    I've just went onto Yummy Jobs website and logged on and normally it says about the application and that I had a telephone interview and gives the date etc but it's says nothing now, just when I go into applications,just says that I've applied.......has anyone else got this? :eek: :eek: :eek:
  19. VickyPul

    VickyPul New Member

    Don't worry, that's supposed to happen :)
  20. Georgie_259

    Georgie_259 New Member

    Ahhhhh I've got mine in an hour and a half and I'm freaking out!! So nice to get nervous with everyone else though, helpful to see I'm not the only one!! Thanks for all your tips, wish me luck!!

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