Phone Interviews

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by catfish278, Apr 13, 2011.

  1. disneyglitter

    disneyglitter New Member

    Good Luck everyone! Just remember to pimp out your work experience!!! :D
  2. seabadger

    seabadger New Member

    I have mine this week too, with Hannah, any one else had Hannah yet?
  3. disney-dude

    disney-dude New Member

    I have mines with Hannah too, she is lovely :)
  4. disneydreamer88

    disneydreamer88 New Member

    Hi Tom,

    I had Chloe last Thursday :) she is really lovely and very down to earth who was interested in every answer I gave which helped a lot. I admit, I didn't plan AT all because I just got so excited when I found out I had got through to phone interviews, and then booked the interview for the folloing day haha. But seriously, I didn't panic and just tried to relax as much as possible. Don't worry at all :) I know it's easier said than done because there's nothing else I've anted more in my life, but at the end of the day they're gonna know we're all nervous so please don't try to worry about that. Just anwer as honestly as you can :) I think they're trying to to get a grip of our personalities too sooo if you come across happy, giggly, fun etc then that's a great thing!!

    I got asked...

    1) What's unique about the UK culture?
    2) Tell me about where you're from and what's different about it. (I'm from derby and i got a bit stuck LOL)
    3) What was your motivation to apply and why Disney?
    4) Have you ever lived away from home? Will it be a problem being away from family and friends for 12months?
    5) If you could be a disney character who would you be and why?

    Hope this helps!! Good luck :) keep calm and let me know how it goes.

  5. missdipika

    missdipika New Member

    Omg guys, if we're successful, does anyone know what dats f2f interviews would be, as I'm flying out to malia for a week on the 5th june, and I really dnt wana blow my chance for the interview, n knowin my luck that would happen (altho I still dnt think I've passed the telephone interview stage) :(

  6. gem20tinks

    gem20tinks New Member

    Phone Interview Tomorrow People.......Tuesday People GOOD LUCK too....A few words....
    Have A little Faith, Have a Little Trust, Have a little Pixie Dust :) xxx
  7. sophieplmgto

    sophieplmgto New Member

    pretty sure they are the first week of june, you might just make it! if not i'm sure there's something they can do :)

    and i'm sure you did better than you think toooo :)
  8. Missish

    Missish New Member

    I was told that the F2F interviews would be either the first Friday or Saturday (we can be assigned to either) of June, which are the 3rd and 4th, so you just make it!
  9. Missish

    Missish New Member

    I believe all of the interviewers have the same set of questions. I think each interviewer has a preference for certain questions (for instance, Nick told me that he always asks the question of what Disney character you're most like), but they could ask any of them. It also depends on what they already know about you and where your answers lead the discussion - I wasn't asked about how I'd cope living away from home because I had already mentioned that I lived in Colorado for a year.
  10. gem20tinks

    gem20tinks New Member

    So I Just had my Phone Interview......... :)

    Instead of um and ar... I was straight forward with my answers to the point maybe i was too prepared :s :s

    Oh I dont know how too feel weather i was good or bad. Its so hard when you want something so bad to a point its YOUR dream to come true and these stages are so nerving !!

    Good luck to everyone though I wish you all the BEST.
    And see you back here in 2-3 weeks when we see whos got through!xxxxxx
  11. disneydreamer88

    disneydreamer88 New Member

    I am sooooo struggling to wait and it's only been 5 days!! LOL. arghhhhh!! I hope we all do so well :) I really do! I can't believe I've even come this far to even get a phone interview.... I just hope it doesn't end there!
  12. Chattydani

    Chattydani New Member

    Hi everyone.
    Im a newbie. I had my phone interview last Tuesday with Nick he was lovely!
    Just playing the waiting game now. ;D

    Does anyone know the dates for next year?

    Thanks. Dani. xxx
  13. disneydreamer88

    disneydreamer88 New Member

    Hi Dani!!

    how did you find your interview?!?! I have such mixed reviews on mine I've been making myself paranoid. LOL.I read somewhere in a thread on this that they are looking to recruit for dates throughout january to october 2012 but whether that's 100% definite I don't know.

  14. disney-dude

    disney-dude New Member

  15. win101

    win101 New Member

    Had mine yesterday with Amy, she was lovely. Even though it was my 4th phone interview I was still majorly nervous, guess it means more this time. Another 2 or 3 weeks of waiting now I guess... I am not getting any better at it!

    By the way to introduce myself as I have been pretty quiet on the forums up until now: Dan, I have done 2 summer ICPs in 08 and 09 and I am from London.
  16. disney-dude

    disney-dude New Member

    Hi Dan and Dani! Welcome and good luck :D
  17. disney-dude

    disney-dude New Member

    You must have been straight before me, mines was 4.15, Hannah is so lovely, was quite fun
  18. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    Hi Dan! I also did an ICP in 2008 in Merch, I was on Main St USA :D And I also had Amy for my phone interview!
  19. win101

    win101 New Member

    Spooky... What were your 08 dates? I was June 3rd. We might have had merchantainment class or traditions together ;D
  20. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    Ahh I went out on June 22nd so we just missed each other!

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