Phone Interviews

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by catfish278, Apr 13, 2011.

  1. Epiphany_1988

    Epiphany_1988 New Member

    Good luck to every1 with interviews today hope all goes well :)

    I currently cannot speak because im full of a cold but fingers crossed it will clear by thursday ready for my interview haha!
  2. Disney2010

    Disney2010 New Member

    It was fine, don't know what my stressing was about. Amy is so nice, really easy to talk to. She firtly asked about the Disney Look, told her about my tattoos on my wrist and forearm but told her I have cover up because in my job now I have to hide them.She was fine about it. Told her about myself and my experiances in work etc babbled on a bit though cause i've had so many jobs. She asked me why disney, why I should be in the programme etc, again babbled on I think. Was asked to describe a difficult customer and how I overcome which has a hard one really but I had many examples because in my job working for a bank outbound I get a lot of difficult customer that I have to sell to. And she also asked me how I would describe Liverpool, which was easy because im Liverpool through and through.
    She told me they are recruiting for Jan-Oct 2012 which is fine with me, time to save etc and Ill find out in 2-3 weeks for the f2f interview in London and they are in 1st week June.
    U never know with phone interviews how they went but people......dont panic, they are not like normal interviews, there just a chat really.
    Good Luck to everyone who still has them to come. Everyone will be fine and do great!!!!!!!
    Didnt realise how long this post is ha
  3. disneydreamer88

    disneydreamer88 New Member

    I'm so pleased you felt comfortable through your interview :D Chloe was really nice to me, though I have to say I am confused with the questions I was asked compared to others. How come I wasnt asked about dealing with customers?? lol. Do you think this means i didn't give the right answers? Arghhh.
  4. doddi92

    doddi92 New Member

    They vary the questions, there was a few on kimthecoolone's youtube videos that I didn't get asked when I applied last year. Don't worry about it :) xx
  5. VickyPul

    VickyPul New Member

    The same happened during our round- everyone got asked different questions but don't read too much into it, I think it depends on who is interviewing you, how much time they have and how the conversation naturally flows. My interview was only 15 mins and I worried cos some people's were half an hour, but in reality it doesn't make a difference. :)
  6. SamanthaEllen

    SamanthaEllen New Member

    Missish thanks so much for ur pm with those questions u r a star!! Unfortuately I had a change of interviewer and had chloe instead so totally different questions to those I prepared for! Lol. So was put on the stop for most of it! The only question I was prepared for was the disney character!! I really feel like I mucked It up and repeated myself the whole time! Oh well let's be optimistic! I must say I also am confused with the questions I got asked as they were pretty vague.. Those of u who had chloe what did she ask?
  7. Missish

    Missish New Member

    Oh no, that's rubbish! Did they tell you in advance that your interviewer would be different, or was it just not Nick that called you?
    Really hope it went okay for you otherwise, though - I think it's pretty hard to tell. I probably repeated myself loads and I had most of my answers planned :D
  8. disneydreamer88

    disneydreamer88 New Member

    Hey SamanthaEllen, i had Chloe :D her questions were pretty vague weren't they which is why I#ve got myself a little paranoid LOL. But she asked me:

    1) What's unique about the UK culture?
    2) Tell me about where you're from and what's different about it. (I'm from derby and i got a bit stuck LOL)
    3) What was your motivation to apply and why Disney?
    4) Have you ever lived away from home? Will it be a problem being away from family and friends for 12months?
    5) If you could be a disney character who would you be and why?

    I think th\ts about all the questions she asked me. How about you?

  9. emmaecstatic

    emmaecstatic New Member

    I just had my phone interview with Chloe instead of Nick was a bit confusing at first. I got a bit stressed that someone else was phoning me when i had a phone interview at the same time haha.
    But she was really nice :). And mine was only 15 and she was on time :D
    The only question i feel i really messed up on was 'tell me about yourself' :/. I know it was like the easiest question but i blanked. I ended up talking about Disney for a little bit which i didn't want to do but i couldn't think of anything else and ended up going errrrmmmm. Luckily she steered me into another quesiton :).
    I didn't use the notes i'd made which i'd spent ages on haha. Only suprise question was 'why do you want to work in hospitality' but it was pretty easy to do that one on the spot.
    I'm now off on holiday until Friday so good luck for everyone :)
  10. disneydreamer88

    disneydreamer88 New Member

    It's so easy to ramble on about Disney though but at the end of the day we have to be passionate about Disney to be able to work for them so i wouldn''t worry about that too much. I mean, I've been to Disney World like 12 times and as i've grown older I've noticed little things that not many people would so I mentioned them to prove how much I take notice of little hidden things. I didnt get asked about hospitatlity or anything which surprised me and thats why I've got a bit paranoid. Now my biggest problem is having to wait to hear LOL. and i just keep thinking I've messed my chance up because she didnt aske me anything to do with actual work. LOL. but oh well we'll keep our fingers crossed hehe :)
  11. bradderz

    bradderz New Member

    Just had mine, I totally blew it, I know for a fact I wont get a call back! :(! I stumbled and just gave poo answers!
  12. disneydreamer88

    disneydreamer88 New Member

    Ohhh noooo why do you say that?!?! Don't think like that, I'm sure you did better than you think you did... what were you asked??
  13. bradderz

    bradderz New Member

    well I think i came across as a nice person but my answers were really short, I kinda just went blank and repeated stuff and prounounced words wrong making me look stupid haha.

    I got asked -

    What motivated you to apply?
    Good/Bad customer service examples?
    3 buzzwords?
    How would you sell your city and get people to visit?
    Where would you tell people to visit in the UK?
    How would you find living away from home?
    How do you get on with people?

    I think I had so many questions because my answers were so rubbish lol! But I will stay positive from now on and just hope she felt sorry for me and decides to give me a second chance :D
  14. disneydreamer88

    disneydreamer88 New Member

    They are going to expect people to be nervous though so don't worry :) I mean, when I was asked about my city where i came from I was literally thinking "great, good 1, what can I say about Derby that's interesting" haha and i more or less came up with bugger all. lol!!

    Awww well we'll keep our fingers crossed though hey! I'm so nervous though, I can't believe we've got to wait like 2 weeks! argh! I just hope we get face to face interviews so they can meet us and see our personalities clearer. haha.
  15. bradderz

    bradderz New Member

    Well I hope she realised it was just nerves I did give good answers even though they were short, I would do much better in the F2F because i could show my enthusiasm lol!
  16. sophieplmgto

    sophieplmgto New Member

    hey guysss

    does anyone know if each interviewer has a set of questions that they will ask everyone? so i mean does everyone who has amy get asked the same questions as everyone else who has her? or is it just random?

    not sure if i explained that very well haha x
  17. disneydreamer88

    disneydreamer88 New Member

    she would have done I'm sure, just keep our fingers crossed now :) it's a nervewracking thing though, when you really want to be able to get that opportunity and it's all in their hands.
  18. disneydreamer88

    disneydreamer88 New Member

    I'm really not sure, I asked that because I didn't get any questions relating to hospitality or anything! They were personal questions really. But some people have said that each interviewer has their own questions so maybe everyone who had Amy did get asked the same questions else it wouldn't be fair. Maybe they distribute questions out to each interviewer? I'm not sure.
  19. Southworth

    Southworth New Member

    How has everyones interview gone so far?

    mine is tomorrow morning, so excited yet extremely nervous
    feel really prepared then not prepared at all,
    hate all the uhmming and arghing means so much :/

    anyone else had chloe?
    how was she? what did you get asked?

  20. sophieplmgto

    sophieplmgto New Member

    thanksss :) think i'll prepare for every question then just in case!

    i know everyone that's already had one has said that it was fine but i am still sooooo nervous, i need to get a grip!

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