Phone Interviews

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by catfish278, Apr 13, 2011.

  1. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    Mine was exactly 10 minutes long, I think it went okay :) I did the best I could anyway and that's all I can hope for! They did say we'd find out within the next 3 weeks (which with all the bank holidays taken into account is probs gonna be first week of may I reckon) and that the f2f interviews are in the first week of June I think. And yeah, as others have said the positions are for Jan-Oct 2012 :)
  2. CanadianCole

    CanadianCole New Member

    This is for only UK applicants, right? Yummy Jobs says Canadian applications for early 2012 begin in July. I'm not going crazy, am I?
  3. cdneeyore

    cdneeyore New Member

    Just UKers Nicole :)
  4. CanadianCole

    CanadianCole New Member

    Phew! Thanks! Got real worried there.
  5. missdipika

    missdipika New Member

    Hiya everyone :)

    Had my telephone interview on Thursday :) n like everyone else says, it really is like a conversation!

    I was in so much shock, that I'd actually got through to the telephone interview stage! I did ICP in 2008 and since then applied for CRP about 4 times, and never got through to the telephone interview, so I gave up, untill the other day, when I received the eimail! I was so happy, had to book the tele interview the next day! Lol! Has anyone else been in the same position as me? And did anyone graduate last year?

    I would soooooo love to go back, it really is an amazing experiance, all the lovely people you meet!

    Just wana wish everyone who has their telephone interview good luck, and you'll be fine just be positive, calm, and just think Disney!


  6. SamanthaEllen

    SamanthaEllen New Member

    Just a quick question for all of u who have already done ur PI's... When u were asked about ur hometown what kind of things did u chat about cause I'm not sure whether to state some fun facts or talk more about the architecture etc... Helllpppp please! X
  7. bradderz

    bradderz New Member

    I haven't had mine yet, but I think it could be a bit of both, like I am from Birmingham so I a few interesting facts about it and some historic moments and places. I am struggling more on talking about the cultures and values of the UK which is annoying as that is basically what the job is lol!
  8. BANGItsLaura

    BANGItsLaura New Member

    Oh I'm glad they're in the first week! Or at least I hope so! Going on holiday on the 18th of June.
    I'm jumping way ahead of myself here... still got a to do the phone interview- on weds.
    Glad yours went well!

    Laura xx
  9. Missish

    Missish New Member

    I just rambled on about what there is to do in my hometown - Nick phrased it as "if I were an American coming to the Epcot pavilion and saw you were from Cardiff, what would you tell me to convince me to visit there?"
  10. Missish

    Missish New Member

    All you people who are saying that your interviews were only 10 minutes are freaking me out - mine was 19 minutes long :eek:
    I guess it depends on the person who interviews you, though. At least that's what I'm hoping!

    Oh, and anyone wondering what questions might be asked (by Nick specifically) - I did a post in my blog (link in signature) about what questions I was asked. There were a couple that I was unprepared for so it might be helpful ;)
  11. andrew1990

    andrew1990 New Member

    Has anyone else had Chloe yet?
  12. SamanthaEllen

    SamanthaEllen New Member

    Ooh I have nick on mon missish! What was he like? I can't access ur blog as my laptops broken and I'm on my bb.. Do u mind posting a few of the questions he asked u on here please? Sorry to be a pain! How do u feel it went? Good luck everyone I'm sure ul all be fine! X
  13. CanadianCole

    CanadianCole New Member

    I'm kind of wondering about the Canadian culture question. We don't really have a certain culture since we have so many different cultures put together. We're the mixing pot country! I'm not sure what to say when it comes to that question. I definitely know what I want to say about my home town but I don't know what to say about Canada as a whole. Should I just say that Canada's culture is a mixing pot? ???
  14. disneydreamer88

    disneydreamer88 New Member

    Heyyy! :D I'm new to this, but oh my gosh I got accepted for a phone interview and I had Chloe!

    have you had yours yet??
  15. mizzbex2807

    mizzbex2807 New Member

    Hey everyone just wandering what everyone said about uk culture kinda confused On that question? Help v much appreciated :) x
  16. disneydreamer88

    disneydreamer88 New Member


    I know what u mean I was a bit like "huh?!" but I went on about the royal family LOL!!!

    Have u had your interview then??
  17. cdneeyore

    cdneeyore New Member

    I wasnt asked about Canada culture i was asked what you want to tell the guests of Epcot about Canada. I spoke about explaining common stereotypes like pet beavers, living in igloos and speaking french and educating tourists on how we have dogs and cats, we live in houses or apartmetns and speak English and parts of our country speak french and then many speak both. Schtuff like that :) I wasnt asked about my hometown til face to face
  18. CanadianCole

    CanadianCole New Member

    Hmm. Maybe the interviewers already know that we don't have a set culture. But I think I'm good on talking about Canada's history and stereotype's. Thanks! :)
  19. cdneeyore

    cdneeyore New Member

    Kristen has been to Canada a few times now :) Also she is from Michigan which isn't too far from the border compared to some states.
    But definetley talk about Canadian culture at a face to face, the interviewers from Disney may not know such stuff! I talked all about Petawawa and the Ottawa Valley in my face to face but wasn't asked so much in my phone interview.
  20. Missish

    Missish New Member

    I sent you the questions in a PM - hopefully they're useful for you! He was really nice, though, so there's nothing to worry about.

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