Phone Interviews

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by catfish278, Apr 13, 2011.

  1. MichaelA

    MichaelA New Member

    Heard about this forum over the tinernet. Very reassuring!

    How did everyone elses phone interview go?

    And does anyone know about the potential start dates for this year, i've read so mant different ones... hmmm
  2. Missish

    Missish New Member

    From the other thread, I see you've already had your interview, so I'm guessing that they didn't tell you during that? Hmm, I'd heard they might in order to confirm your availability.

    You're the first one on the boards to have their phone interview, as far as I'm aware, so wait a week, and I'm sure you'll be able to get an idea of how everyone did ;)
  3. Missish

    Missish New Member

    Oh, and thank you for the luck, everyone! :-* I'm off to do some more swotting up right now ...
  4. Dandan

    Dandan New Member

    Just want to congratulate all the people that got through! As well as your cultural heritage don't forget to think of some examples of customer service i.e difficult customers and a time you might have given exceptional service.. I remember I got asked that question last year ;) but yeah, I'm sure you'll all do brilliantly - lots of luck being sent your way!
  5. andrew1990

    andrew1990 New Member

    Mine is in less than an hour. Very very nervous.
  6. VickyPul

    VickyPul New Member

    Good luck andrew :) Relax, take a deep breath and smile and it'll all be over before you know it. If it helps, once I got over the initial nervousness of mine I actually enjoyed it :)
  7. disney-dude

    disney-dude New Member

    Hi welcome, originally the dates were for most of 2012, def early to mid, but we may get dates sooner than that (depending on whether or not the people on the waiting list get offered dates this year or not). I am sure it will be asked at some point during the phone interviews, I will be asking but mines is not to tues.
  8. andrew1990

    andrew1990 New Member

    Thanks Vicky! You were right, you do enjoy it by the end. I had Chloe and she was absolutely lovely.

    Re: dates, she asked me when I was available from and I said June 2012. I later said does that fit into the available dates and she said "Oh yes, definitely" so I don't know if that helps anyone else.
  9. disney-dude

    disney-dude New Member

    Well done Andrew! I imagine it is more nerves than anything, then you relax into it. Oh so that is good they are happy about 2012 dates, I would like to go at the start of 2012.
  10. mizzbex2807

    mizzbex2807 New Member

    Hey guys just checked my email I got through omg my phone interview is next wednesday does anyone know what sort of questions they ask? im worried i really wanna get it right :D any help would be amazing
  11. disney-dude

    disney-dude New Member

  12. MichaelA

    MichaelA New Member

    I asked about the start dates but the lady wasn't sure about the slots for this year or next so she didn't want to give me the wrong info. Hope everyone does well! Don't be nervous the person i spoke to was friendly and you could actually have a laugh with them whilst answering everything they needed to know!
  13. Missish

    Missish New Member

    So, had my phone interview! It went pretty well, I think, although I'm worried that
    a) I shouldn't have said "I was thinking my phone had broken!" at the beginning - I meant it as a joke, because he was only maybe 5 minutes late calling, but I couldn't tell if he took it as one or not ...
    b) I talked too much! At one point he had to cut me off because I was going on about Cardiff so much :-\
    c) I repeated myself a bit. Ugh.

    I didn't mess up anything of the questions, though, so fingers crossed it was good enough! Nick was friendly and easy to talk to, and laughed at my couple of attempts at jokes, so for anyone who has him - don't worry!

    I got asked for 3 words that described me, which I'd never heard about anyone being asked before, so be aware with that one!

    Finally, Nick told me about dates - he said that although there might be places available for the end of 2011, it's most probable that we'll go out between January and October 2012 if we're successful.
  14. disney-dude

    disney-dude New Member

    Im sure you did well and just are over-thinking, it is what we all will do no doubt, yeah im worried about talking too much, its very likely so i picked the last slot on the day in the hope that if we overrun they might be a bit more lenient as there will be no-one after me
  15. Missish

    Missish New Member

    Disney-dude, you're probably right about the overthinking! I'll try to push it out of my mind for the next 3 weeks.

    So, who's up next with the interviews? I'm nosy and want to know how you guys do! :D
  16. disneyglitter

    disneyglitter New Member

    My interview is at 3pm today, just swotting up on questions!

    So nervous already!!! :-[

    Good Luck to us all!!! :-*
  17. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    Mine is in 10 minutes! :eek: :eek: :eek:
  18. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    All done!!! Amy is lovely and its more of a chat than anything so good luck everyone!
  19. disneyglitter

    disneyglitter New Member

    I have Amy! Were there any new questions from the standard ones? :D Glad it went well!!
  20. Craig2208

    Craig2208 New Member

    I also have Amy... 2:15pm today! Lookin forward to it, maybe 80% excited, 20% nervous. I shall report back afterwards!

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