Soarin looks AWESOME!!!!! I don't know exactly how it works, but you sit in seats designed like hand-gliders and then they move up over a cinema screen so you feel like you're really flying, and a movie plays of you flying over Californian scenery. I think the seats move around too to match the direction you're flying plus there's effects like the smell of oranges as you fly over an orchard! It's in Epcot and I can't wait to go on it, plus Test Track and Mission Space!
Oh my goodness! that sounds awesome!!!!!! The coolest things last time I was there was the alien one (Aliens ran around behind you and threatened to kill you) and Tower of terror. I'm so excited, there's so much stuff to do!!!! Bring on Disney!
the top flyer on soarin is good, but one of the best bits about being in the other rows is watching people lift their feet up as they zoomed over landscapes to avoid the trees and buildings lol. its brilliant, i can't wait to get back on it.
I still don't know exactly how the seat is positioned once the movie is playing - are you lying flat or sitting?
you're sitting in seats, which are in a row. the seats tip and move though so when the film is on, so you get a flying sensation.