people in the UK applying for summer 2010

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by yay-disney, Sep 5, 2009.

  1. Eve

    Eve New Member

    I just joined facebook!!! hahaha so excited!! Yay!!!
  2. yay-disney

    yay-disney New Member

  3. littlegreeen

    littlegreeen New Member

    yeah its nicer to communicate over facebook it feels more personal, so y'all join up so we can all chat!
  4. Hey just signed up thought i'd say hello!

    Just got the e-mail - Face to Face interview 21st November in London, anyone else going?

    xx ;D
  5. yay-disney

    yay-disney New Member

    I AM!!! lol see you there soooooooooooooooooooooo excited, going shopping now to get my outfit lol x
  6. Ha, i haven't even decided what i'm going to wear yet.
  7. yay-disney

    yay-disney New Member

    Dont even get me started on what im going to wear! Thats going to be one LONG shopping trip lol.
  8. Yeah same here, shopping is hard generally, now i have this added pressure!!! Where about's are you from?
  9. yay-disney

    yay-disney New Member

    Bucks (just outside london), but i go to uni in Southampton which is good because there is a big shopping centre. I have my interview in London on the 21st. hehe you?? (PS im Sarah btw lol) x
  10. Ha is that Sarah from Solent uni that i'm chatting to on Facebook?
  11. yay-disney

    yay-disney New Member

    ok this is getting a bit freaky now lol :D
  12. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    what are all ur facebook names guys il add u :) x
  13. kandicombo

    kandicombo New Member

    I'm Kandi Wilde x
  14. yay-disney

    yay-disney New Member

    Sarah Fegan! lol x
  15. Amy Jackman - Portsmouth network :D
  16. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    i added u all =] btw did any1 here not get a f2f? x
  17. mac shell

    mac shell New Member

    Michelle McGuigan :D
  18. littlegreeen

    littlegreeen New Member

    caroline mckenna :)
  19. beccac123

    beccac123 New Member

    Hi have all you guys found out you are going now? Or still waiting on F2F interviews? I had mine last friday... Lucky friday the 13th for me... cos on monday i got a congratulations call! So exciting.. i can officially start getting excited!
    Anyone Add me on Facebook... Rebecca Cannon Robert Gordon uni network... i'm happy to answer any questions bout interviews cos i know i had loads of questions before mine and i obviously did soemthing right!

    75 days til i go ;D
  20. yay-disney

    yay-disney New Member

    you only had to wait for three days for a call thats so good!

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