people in the UK applying for summer 2010

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by yay-disney, Sep 5, 2009.

  1. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    hey guys is this the international program for students at uni in england to work over the summer for disney, yeh? sorry im just a bit confused cos im so interested in this opportunity but the presentation on it isn't happening in my uni till december the 2nd and ive read some of you have interviews, is this too late and should i apply independently before?
  2. littlegreeen

    littlegreeen New Member

    i'm sure they wouldnt give u a presentation at uni and then say u were to late to apply. but if u want to be safe u could always get a head start and go to yummyjobs and apply of ur own accord, even if u dont apply i'm sure there will b information about when the closing date is.

    gd luck!
  3. Tom °O°

    Tom °O° New Member

    If you like, you can watch the presentation on beforehand online: Someone told me it's pretty much the same as the real life presentation. And it is a cool presentation anyway, it gives a very good insight into the program. :)
  4. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    thats really the presentation they show at uni? i already watched that my self! lol but yeh it was really helpful, i think i'm about ready to apply myself i guess anyway, no1 really seems to have a clue about it at my uni anyway so ive just been researching myself. Seems like the perfect opportunity though, i cant wait! x
  5. Kay19

    Kay19 New Member

    Hey all - Just discovered this forum so thought I'd say hi! I had my phone interview on Friday and it was ok.. not sure how it went, but fingers crossed! :)
  6. yay-disney

    yay-disney New Member

    AAHHHHH interview in 10 minutes. Just ring me now woman so i can get it over with
  7. Tom °O°

    Tom °O° New Member

    Hehe, the last 10 minutes of waiting are killing, aren't they? :p I know what you're talking about. :)
  8. yay-disney

    yay-disney New Member

    Ok its done! ahh was very scary lol i got some strange questions. was not prepared for them. but hannah seemed really happy that i could go on an early date so woop. hopefully that will be a plus.
  9. littlegreeen

    littlegreeen New Member

    that link was brilliant! it really let u see what it might be like!
  10. fleur_charms

    fleur_charms New Member

    Heeeeeeeeey guys, I'm new around here ;D got my interview 10am Friday :)
  11. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    cool do u kno when abouts u sent off your application? x
  12. Eve

    Eve New Member

    if we have a good phone interview what are the odds of us getting a face to face??? i would love it. . . .im from Ireland so it would be huge. When would the f2f be scheduled around????
  13. yay-disney

    yay-disney New Member

    The F2Fs are happening around mid-november. So we should find out soon. i was told in would be in the next 10 days or so.
  14. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    eeee excited im just still preparing for my phone interview :) x
  15. smudger

    smudger New Member

    Unfortunately at my phone interview i had to tell yummy jobs i wouldnt be able to go this year due to starting a year in work placement as part of my degree in June 2010 so good luck to you all have a great time and i hope you all get in and I will be the first to apply for June 2011
  16. fleur_charms

    fleur_charms New Member

    well i've had my phone interview so far and i'm happy i did my best even if i don't get through this year. I was really proud of myself to get this far as I thought my CV was awful lol.
    But yeh, what are the chances of getting to the f2f after the phone interview?
    And is everyone on facebook? We should set up a facebook group for UK applicants?
  17. yay-disney

    yay-disney New Member

    A facebook page is a really good idea but i wouldnt want to set one up just incase i didnt get in and theni would have to see everyone elses excited comments. hell, if someone else set one up i would join. So someone out there DO IT! lol.
  18. Eve

    Eve New Member

    Just had my phone interview, so so so scary!! She said she is hoping to let people know on friday but we should know by wednesday!! scary!!
  19. fleur_charms

    fleur_charms New Member

    I'm going to set up the facebook page now and I will put the link here and also start a new thread about it. Hopefully people will join?
    It would be gutting to see people get through when you didn't but it would also be great as we could learn more about the process as its much easier to talk about it via facebook. Honestly, I don't think I'll get to the f2f but it's nice to meet like minded people anyway :D
  20. fleur_charms

    fleur_charms New Member

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