Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by JOSSYPOO, Sep 30, 2004.

  1. WdwJo

    WdwJo New Member

    Chelsea, I'm feeling the same way. Actually I won't be too surprised if they don't call us on tuesday. I'm thinking it might be a little longer than that, but who knows maybe we'll be surprised :)
  2. JoRdAnA

    JoRdAnA New Member

    Hey Guys

    Do think I am a geek or anything. But I am reading well just finished this book called " Inside the Magic Kingdom" and its really good. Its the 7 keys to Disney Success. Really interesting for business and just life lesson. I got it chapters I think it was 20, but I can remeber. Anyways I guess we sill wait and see.

  3. EvilQueen

    EvilQueen New Member

    Thanks, Chels... unfortunately, no birthday present from Disney today. :( I'll take it tomorrow, though.... or the next day... okay and any day after that. :p

    It was an uneventful day at the Hockey Hall of Fame today. Checked my cell phone and my answering machine at home on each break I had.... and I kept getting msgs. Even one from the Disney Store. Guess who's working 9pm-midnight tonight? You got it. Working both of my jobs on my birthday. Yucky!

    I hope everyone is staying calm. I'm really getting anxious now. I really hope that we get called soon. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for tomorrow.

    Going for a nap....

    Sandra :)
  4. greendayfan

    greendayfan New Member

    Hi all

    Happy birthday to you Sandra, I hope that it is a good one. Thanks for the info Jordana I will take a look at the book. The book sounds like it will be VERY helpful. How are things in Calgary ladies? I hope that you have not had more snow.

      I called one of my bosses that I put down as a refrence yesterday. He told me that he had not been contacted from disney yet. So I sure hope that disney is still deciding on who to take. I REALLY hope that they are still deciding because if they are not  then this probably is a bad sign, for me. But I hope that things will work well for all of us.

      How are you and Griff D.P.? Hang in there D.P. because you are not the only one who wants out of your town. I do not have anything to stay for in Ottawa, so I would be willing to leave there at the drop of a hat. Just hang in there and hope along with us, that things will work out for all of us.

      Well take care all and talk to you soon, Chris.
  5. greendayfan

    greendayfan New Member

    Sorry, I just saw the pictures again, it put a big smile on my face. So D.P. or Dawson if you will, or anyone else feeling a bit anxious. Look at the pictures, you can't help but smile and laugh. Keep smiling out there Chris.
  6. WdwJo

    WdwJo New Member

    Jordana, I'm proudly a Disney geek ;D I have quite the collection of Disney books. There's a biography on Walt Disney by Bob Thomas which is soooo good! And a nice picture book with quotes called "Remembering Walt." I'll have to check out the book you're talking about, the title sounds familiar.
    Tomorrow is the big 2 week marker! Woo-hoo! Here's hoping we all get a call. I'm sure I'll be thinking about it all day at school.

    JOSSYPOO New Member

    well happy birthday TO THE BIG S.....err nevermond

    hey chels tomorrownight is cool but i have class till about 7:30 or 8. we could always just chill out at one of our houses and check messages from wherever

    ANYWAYS whatever works for you.. my cell has no more day time mins so i will e-mail you my house number

    okay guys one more day , i swear they better call..... who won the election?

  8. JoRdAnA

    JoRdAnA New Member

    Hello Everyone ;)

    Well its the 2 week point and I am getting super nervous. Everytime my phone rings during the day, I run over only to find out its NOT Disney. :mad:. I wonder when they are going to call. See I think I remeber when I talked to Eric that it was going to be longer then 2 weeks but I dont know. I should clarified it with him.

    Chris- Calgary is good here. The weather has been pretty nice. No snow again, so thats a bonus.

    Sandra- Sorry but I didnt say "Happy Birthday" so here it is ::).

    Anyways guys good luck to everyone

  9. katiekat

    katiekat New Member

    Well hello there everyone!  I just found the address in my purse for this site, and I'm glad that i finally did!!!  Sorry i never ended up going out with you guys the night of the interview, but you know, it's funny, i was reading these forums and remembering things about all of you! (Though I don't clearly remember which name goes with which face!)

    Anyway, another thing I noticed is that i'm not the only one totally freaking out over here.  Seriously, i never used to answer the phone, but now i'm guarding it with my lfie!  I've become the house secretary. 

    Also, last night I had a dream that they sent me an email saying i was accepted.  I think I was a little more than dissappointed when i woke up!

    eeek!  2 weeks already!!!!!!!  this is so crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    the only crappy thing about florida, (besides the heart attacks it gave some of you) is that apparently they think bush should be prez.  go kerry! and go us for disney!
  10. Lady

    Lady New Member

    Hey Katie, glad you found your way over here! You'll find it's kind of comforting when you know that you're not the only one who hasn't heard anything from disney yet! Well guys, 2 weeks today. Still nothing yet but I guess the day's not over. Someone at the Vancouver interviews said that Eric told them 3-4 weeks so we could be waiting much longer still. These past 2 weeks have already taken forever, I don't know what I'll do if I have to wait DOUBLE that time! Well I hope that we'll all hear soon. Definately post something if you hear anything. oh yeah and happy 2 weeks everyone!


    p.s. joss I didn't get your email but it's early so you may not have sent it yet. i'll be at home all afternoon if you want to give me a call there. talk to you later!

    JOSSYPOO New Member

    still no call.. i think we will be heading into week 3 people... i just wanna cry
  12. WdwJo

    WdwJo New Member

    Hey Katie! Did you get my email? Atleast I feel a little reassured hearing that no one else here has gotten a call yet. I raced home to check my messages and alas, there were none.
    Chelsea, 3-4 weeks, eh. It's strange, I feel as if I interviewed a month ago, yet the time has gone by fast. I had the strangest dream the other night. I dreamnt that there were no more positions open for the program so I had to work in a department store in Florida, in my Canadian pavilion costume. Let's hope things don't resort to that,ahaha
  13. katiekat

    katiekat New Member

    Hey WdwJo, I didn't get an email from you, unless the subject was something to do with the us government...
    Looks like we're all being haunted by dreams about disney!!!
    anyway, did u send it to That's my address.
    It's cool that we are all in this boat; in Winnipeg, it's like, i'm surrounded by friends, family, etc, who are all very nice and interested, Ie. "Did you get that job?"
    But they don't understand what it's like to be thinking about it, racing to the phone, reviewing your call id the second you get home, and prettymuch just going crazy by yourself!!!
    ANyway, off to class....

    JOSSYPOO New Member

    hey guys

    well here goes week two and here comes week 3
    good luck to all .. we need to know the first persons call!!!

    i cant even wait. yay
  15. DigitalPhear

    DigitalPhear New Member

    Everyones still fretting hey...heh...

    Hey Katie...was wondering if you'd ever show up. Nice ta *see* you again. :)
  16. WdwJo

    WdwJo New Member

    Hey Katie, yah, that's the email address I used. hmmmm, strange. Something's alway wrong with my email. I just wanted to see how your interview went because I didn't get a chance to see you after you interviewed. I'm actually pretty calm right now. What's suppose to happen, will happen and I know either way if I get in or not, I have a plan.
  17. Lady

    Lady New Member

    Yeah, Jolene I try to tell myself the same thing, what's meant to happen will but I still find myself hoping for disney! It's getting a little easier since I've had time to calm down since the interviews and I think I could handle not getting accepted now. Well, maybe not...I just need to know! Hope you're all having a great week and post the second you hear anything!

  18. EvilQueen

    EvilQueen New Member

    Hey Everyone.... how's it going? Our thread seems to have slowed down a little. I guess everyone is tired of just saying they haven't heard anything. Getting more frustrating everyday, eh?

    Happy to report that I have survived my terrible cold and have regained full use of my voice again. That alone was enough to drive me insane. I've been working like crazy over the past week getting ready for Induction at the Hall tomorrow night. Should prove to be an interesting night. It's already been an interesting week-end. Spent the evening at the Hall setting up for the big night. Got home after midnight. Tomorrow's the night we see if I can live up to being a team leader. So, at least I've been keeping myself really busy and haven't had too much time to dwell on wondering when Eric's gonna call.

    In any case, let's just hope that it's this week cause I don't really want to be high on painkillers talking to Eric right after my surgery next week. :p

    Joss, how's the new job? Chels, still hard at work at school? Chris, how's ottawa? I really gotta get out there soon. I miss it. Scott, Griff, anything interesting? Didn't think so. :p Jord, how's things on your end?

    tty all soon,
    Sandra :)
  19. JoRdAnA

    JoRdAnA New Member

    Hello Everyone ;D

    Well I agree that indeed the chat has died down. You are probley right Sandra, people just have nothing to talk about other then waiting for the calls. I am sure once the calls start to come in, the chat will begin again.

    I have been super busy to. I am working 2 jobs one full time Mon-Fri 8-4 and then after that i go to another job. So I have been super tired. I figure I should start racking in the cash just in case I go because I am going to need more money then what I will be making probley. And if I dont well I will go on a sweet holiday.

    Sandra- things down here a good...other then the waiting!!
    Jossy- WHERE ARE YOU??? I havnt heard from you in a while

    And everyone else??? we need to keep these discussion forums up.

    Well anyways I will talk to you all later

    Jord ;)
  20. JoRdAnA

    JoRdAnA New Member

    Hey Guys

    Well I just wanted to let everyone know. I called Eric today from Cast-a-way to see if he new anything about what was going on. He said nothing has been released yet. And that if I didnt hear back by December 17th to call. So it might still be a little bit of aways. Thats over a month away. He said if he heard anything before he would let me know to. Just thought I would let you guys know.


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