If i remember correctly, a manager told me that too many people who got their pins after their one year contract (51weeks) were selling them on ebay and stuff. So it was therefore changed, that you could only get your pin if you were their for the full 52 weeks. I guess they figure now if you extend (and can) you actually deserve your pin. I don't know. My contract was initially 51 weeks, so i wouldn't have got one anyway. I think it kinda sucks. Everyone deserves the pin if they complete the one year contract.
OK I'm not sure about Disneyland Paris but I know people who worked in the Disney Store before they came over were able to get their 1 year pin because of the fact that they combined the time they had worked so good idea to check this out before you go over there cause there is a chance. We definately did not get year pins and this was very annoying! 51 weeks is just cheeky! In answer to the extension question its a little hard to tell if you will be able to or not. the F&B group in 2003/2004 could not (well actually 2 of them were able to but these were chosen from the whole group by management and anyone else who put in wasn't offered one of their spaces cause they weren't really needed). It depends on demand and how many people are coming over in the next arrival group. If you come over between big arrival groups (for example we arrived in a large Septemeber intake) you probably have more chance of being able to extend because there isn't likely to be a large group of people coming in just before you leave. Also depends on the area as UK Merch had alot less in take than UK F&B and alot more extensions. Its worth asking when you're there though cause you never know.
I worked for The Walt Disney Company in a different area (not the store) for 5 months prior to coming down and tried so hard to get my serviced bridged...mainly to keep my benefits...but it never happened. So mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! still.... Shan
Guess it just depends where you work then and if you can find someone nice to get it. I guess you just have to keep asking.
what are the one year pins for? I mean I'm guessing it's if you have worked there for a year, but what do you do with them?? what are they for?!
They are to be placed on your nametag itself to show your years of service. People would buy them simply because they're not widely available (although eBay's prices are still much lower than Company D's...)