OMG Phone interview already! :D

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by Sweet Emotion, Sep 28, 2011.

  1. Carissa_93

    Carissa_93 New Member

    They just wrote me about the phone interview!!!!!!!! :)
    I get to choose from Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday of next week which is SOOOO soon!
    This is an AWESOME birthday present!!!! (yeah it's my birthday today)
  2. Gemma94

    Gemma94 New Member

    Happy birthday and congratulations :D
  3. ianwarn

    ianwarn New Member

    I think you need to log in to the site, here will be a message at the top saying to pick a time!
  4. vickiw001

    vickiw001 Member

    Has anyone else watched the presentation yet? mine seems to be about the CRP, but its still got some useful info in!
  5. ianwarn

    ianwarn New Member

    I had the same thing! Still useful thought about the look roles etc! I think it gives you a general idea just the roles will be different, as they will be all over the park! We should make a thread for who gets through the phone interview stage and all meet up for the London interviews! Maybe I am a little excited haha
  6. Emmafruitpastell

    Emmafruitpastell New Member

    This is my first time applying for this although I looked into it last year I was wayyy too late, got a phone interview, so excited!!!! ;D Found out at uni the other day and had to be quiet for the whole lecture ah! Anyway, just watching the epresentation, is everyone's about the CRP program rather than the Summer work experience?
  7. TalkingDug

    TalkingDug Member

    There isn't an ICP presentation... even at the interview they show the CRP one! But somewhere online it's possible to find the American CP presentation which pretty much covers the ICP roles.
  8. @Carrisa_93, what an awesome birthday present! Hope you had a good day.

    My interview is the 27th October at 2. OH MY GOD!! This will give me enough preparation time I hope!
  9. Emmafruitpastell

    Emmafruitpastell New Member

    Thanks, any idea where?
  10. I haven't chosen a time yet as I don't know my university schedule, is there a time limit on when you need to choose, and if I chose one before getting my schedule and then had to change it, would that be allowed? :S Maybe I should email them :/
  11. lovebuzz_90

    lovebuzz_90 New Member

    just heard yesterday I have mine....this Thursday lunchtime. Hope it goes well. Good luck to everyone else ;D x
  12. Because I left it so long I had to choose the 27th of october but thats ok because it gives me some time. I just went ahead and got the earliest possible which was 9:15am EEK!
  13. vickiw001

    vickiw001 Member

    What sort of preparation are you guys doing for your phone interview? I've started looking over some possible questions they could ask but I was wondering if anyone had any other tips/advice? Thanks!! :) xx
  14. Carissa_93

    Carissa_93 New Member

    I made a list of question asked on past interviews plus some that I thought might be possible, then I answered/am the process of answering them in point form, and during my phone interview I'll have them with me for reference, not to read word-for-word off of because they might be able to tell you're doing that, just for quick ideas so that I'm not sitting there saying "uh... let me think for a few minutes and make a really awkward silence that's going to make me not get this job because I wouldn't be able to do this while working at Disney World"
  15. CuriousAlice

    CuriousAlice New Member

    I know how you feel, I'm in the same situation. Yummy are coming to my uni 14th Oct. You'll have to let me know how it goes.

    Just a little note so you know you're not the only one. :)
  16. TalkingDug

    TalkingDug Member

    CuriousAlice are you at Manchester? As I have the same thing on the 14th! I actually spoke to them on the phone today and it turns out that this interview/presentation is in place of the phone interview, i.e. it's the same thing. It's casual dress so nothing too formal!!
  17. CuriousAlice

    CuriousAlice New Member

    What a coincidence yes I am at Manchester. Hahaha the odds! :') Are you at Manchester Met? So weird. I feel a little better now thanks to you. Is it 14th October yet? :D
  18. Carissa_93

    Carissa_93 New Member

    My phone interview is in approximately 21 hours and 40 minutes... :-\
  19. TalkingDug

    TalkingDug Member

    Yes Manchester Met so I will see you next Fri!! I will private message you with my facebook :)
  20. Let us know how it goes and good luck! I have mine on the 27th, seems so long away! I wonder if that is the last day for interviews?

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