
Discussion in 'Alumni Discussion' started by Lonja, Sep 13, 2004.

  1. !Dave!

    !Dave! New Member

    Hi Guys,

    well i surwived the first Wiesn pretty good. We went to the Hackerzelt and hade a great time. We were at about 7:00 am out there and wern't the first people to be there but we still hade to wait until9:00am until the let us in and lucky as we were we got 3 tables we left at 10:30pm so we spent about 14 hours in the tent having the best time of the year.

    For the next weekend we have to work as a team we need people coming in from the sides and the front or else we wont make it to get enough tables.

    Cu all next week at 7:00am in frontt of the tent.
  2. Ze Perfect Strange

    Ze Perfect Strange New Member

    Guys come on..dont be mean ....i really did my best to get the earliest train , and it arrive at 9H :-[ :-\
    but what if one of you go inline and get us a table and another one come pick me up at 9H likee that when we finnalyy get in we ll have a table!!! well since it s my first oktoberfest i dont really know how it works!
    oh by the way nice to see you online again ;)
    ZPS :p
  3. Lonja

    Lonja New Member

    wow, its getting earlier every time....
    but i guess thats the price we have to pay!!!!
    cu all real soon!!
  4. flavour

    flavour New Member

    thanks guillaume! i'm really happy bout being online again, too, i'm so addicted!!
    anyway... yeah, we had the same idea, probably ute and moni will go to the oktoberfest and jules and me are gonna be picking you up! and then we'll just lock your stuff at the station and go to where the party is! when exactly is the train arriving here and where is it coming from (directly from paris?)?
    until when are you here then? cause i gotta work pm-shifts sat/sun, but will most likely get mon/tue off, and jules is trying to get mon off as well...

    well, off to work then...talk to you later!!
    flavour xoxo
  5. Ze Perfect Strange

    Ze Perfect Strange New Member

    Hey girlz, i m here till the 28 my train is leaving at 20H54 on the 28 going back to france.
    nd i m arriving at 8H59(dont be late!!!!!) on my tickets it just say from paris to gare de l est but i dont know if it stop somewhere first like last time when i took my trazin to frankfurt it was then going to munich....this time i dont know!
    cant i lock my stuff in your car??
    i really hope you guys will have somtime to show me around..like that i m gonna love the city and then decide to move and live there for ever ;-)
    &argh cant wait......it s gonna be soon now..time is ticking !!
    ZPS :p
  6. cartwheel69

    cartwheel69 New Member

    Hey Jules

    I can't belive that I am not going to be there I should have been in germay for about two days now. I hope that you have a great time. I am working on a new trip to Europe now. I can now get free flights to London into gatwick. I am looking at going over in the spring. Say Hi to everyone for me if you see anyone that I know please past the words that I miss them all. I bet Munich is crazy now. Just what I like.
    well for all those there CHEERS and I am sorry that my trip fell through.

    Party like the common and More

    Cartwheel :'(
  7. flavour

    flavour New Member

    hey cardi!
    it's not jules, but her roommate flavia. let me tell you, jules is quite dissapointed. as for coming over in spring, well, jules will be moving away to the US or canada end of february...maybe you can make it before
    and we did start the party today! foote arrived at around 4 and we did drink already, tomorrow they'll make their way to oktoberfest (when i will have to work)...the upcoming days will be so much fun!

    don't worry, we will be there!! but the train will got FROM gare de l'est in paris to CENTRAL station in munich, right? and well, no you cannot lock your stuff in our car, because there won't be any car...sorry...but oyu can lock it in one of the lockers at the train station here in munich and we'll pcik it up the next day! so if you'll only leave tuesday evening that's really cool. jules and i will try really hard to get monday off, so the 4 of us could really get going...

    talk to you guys later!!
    flavour xoxo
  8. Lonja

    Lonja New Member

    just one more day!!! tomorrow ill drive you augsburg to stay there with my friend!! to then be there the next morning at 7 am at the sschottenhammel tent!!! im gonna bring a bottle of wine to get me in the mood!( sorry i hate beer ;D) cant wait to meet all of you!!!

  9. Ze Perfect Strange

    Ze Perfect Strange New Member

    Ok everyone...you re so right lonja, D day is tomorrow !!!!
    then i m getting on the train n°261 from paris gare de l est to muenchen HBF arriving at 8H59 wagon N°118 bed N°36(sorry flav' cant give more info than that ;-))
    oh boy , and then..i m gonna have to behave coz if i start behaving crazy as soon as i get to the party i m not gonna last....
    anyway cant wait to be there, and take loads of pics !!
    see you real soon
    ZPS :p
  10. RCP

    RCP New Member

    Hey guys... I envy u so much... Octoberfest sounds great a big party and castmember reunion... But some day... maybe next year!!! I hope! :'( :'( :'(

  11. Lonja

    Lonja New Member

    What a PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the party was of the hook!! I had soooo much fun!!! the atmosphere was crazy and i even managed to drink 4 MAß ( 4 liters of beer) without being tottaly drunk!! wanna do it again!!!!
  12. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    Hey everyone!

    DAMN, what awesome, exhausting, crazy, fun 10 days!! I haven't been partying like this in a LONG time ;)
    And how weird I'll be sleeping for more than 2 hours again now!!! The reunion was cool, but definitely not as good as the one two years back. I think that's the way it always is though, new crowd is off the hook while the "old" ones become less with the years. I can't believe there were only about 8 merchies ( and only girls!! ) from my time....all living in Munich as well.....but it was still a very good time!
    Jay and Guillaume it was great you came to visit....hope you had as much fun as we did! Jay- sorry for complaining about the mess all the time and about the tiny bit of energy in the end :-\ Guillaume - sorry for the teasing....although I know you love it!! Hehe...wish I could've taken you out for clubbin', but the time was just too short!
    Flavia- my partner in crime :-* can't wait to hit Paris with you!!!

    That's my update....my computer is so damn slow I can be happy to post one thing at least :-[


    PS: Cardi- Flavia pretty much answered your post and yes I was disappointed not to hear from you at all. We could've had a great time with partying our asses off! I ( hopefully ) won't be here next spring as I applied for trainings in the States and will also ask my hotel for a transfer to Canada! ....You surely missed a great time here....until next time....
  13. flavour

    flavour New Member

    hey hon!!
    we'll drive paris crazy, that's for sure! nobody will need any winter coats when we are coming!! ;)

    oh my god, i can't believe how quick those 10 went by! and i never thought i'd say that, but i miss those crazy guys around! haha!! jay and guillaume, we had so much fun (and so did you, i'm sure!), i just wish i hadn't had to work all weekend! thanks for coming!! you wanna come back?? anytime!!

    talk to you guys later!! big hug and big smooch!!
    flavour xoxo

    ps: guillaume: i'll kick your ass on t.h.u.g!! :p
  14. Ze Perfect Strange

    Ze Perfect Strange New Member

    hey girlz!
    really you start missing us??? boy didnt feel like you were gonna feel this way!
    I m having a friend over and we re going out everyday and waking up early...i m tired but having good time, well just to let you know why i didnt answer before!!
    this morning i got my new house just next to my hotel and to disneyland!
    i think i ll be moving in very soon but i wont have internet right away...so i llbe able ot read post from work but i wont really be able to answer all the time!!, but keep writing me, i ll answer from time to time
    well the pic are on my pc, but in the end i dont have that many pic, and not that many are interesting....Well i made a poster out of one of them...one that we looked in the mall in sarlzburg lol ;D
    ok talk to you guys soon
    ZPS :p
  15. flavour

    flavour New Member

    which picture do you mean? and what's that 'i don't have that many pictures'? i know you do!! ;) and we want them!
    well, after 14 days of no time off i just slept in all day today! so you're moving right away? you'll be done when we come visit? we won't need to help?? haha!! i'll miss you on the messenger, so get back online quick!!

    later! flavour xoxo
  16. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    Hey guys!
    Can't believe I managed to post here. Damn computer connection! Probably will hang up on me while I'm writing this LOL
    Anyhows I'm actually not missing you guys, Guillaume haha. I'm sick as a dog, have to take antibiotics and work. That's probably the result of partying non stop without sleep and even when sick already. I went to Oktoberfest on Sunday for the last day and it was so much fun! 5 Maß and I met two of my teachers haha. But then I got home and had the worst headache ever and that's where I am now :(
    I don't wanna be sick!!!!!!
    So you did get an own place Guillaume? Hehe...this will be fun!....Don't forget to send us your address ;)
    And I don't even wanna know which picture you turned into a poster.....

    Laterz everyone
  17. flavour

    flavour New Member

    guillaume: believe me, she does miss you! got it in a letter!! haha!

    julia: was surprised when i read it was a pic from salzburg he turned into a poster! i must have missed something!! haha!!

    later! flavour xoxo
  18. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    Me again! This time I only needed to reboot twice until I could post here WOOHOO!
    Me writing on a paper I miss those guys? Must have been the night I came home drunk, sick and on medication HAHA!... You know I love them somewhere deep down in a hidden little place of my heart...I guess... ::)
    Well, I'll try to take the opportunity of my laptop working and surf some more through the net.

    Laterz everyone

    PS: Flavia- Ich hab das wohl falsch verstanden mit dem Pic. Ich dacht das waer ein Foto von denen die ihr euch in groß auf nem Bildschirm angeschaut habt. War das nicht in Salzburg??? ??? Naja, maybe I'm wrong...
  19. flavour

    flavour New Member

    könnte was dran sein, julia!!

    guillaume: did you mean the pictures we had enhanced in the drugstore in salzburg? do you mean the one picture of julia?? or part of her??
  20. Ze Perfect Strange

    Ze Perfect Strange New Member

    ME??????i dont mean anything never....wichc pic???did i talk about a pic???? i dont have any!!!
    ZPS :p

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