Ok... Guys/ Gals... I need some convincing.... to apply that is...

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by hockey_town_canada, Jan 9, 2007.

  1. hockey_town_canada

    hockey_town_canada New Member

    well you will all be happy to know... i broke up with my girlfriend today... lol... kinda sucks... really good though... wasnt really working out... sucks that we were together for 6months so kinda long kinda not... thought it was something good... but turned out it wasnt... so this is now one less worry for me with regards to Orlando ;D ;D ;D ;D

    so i cant wait and hope i hear from cast - a - way soon.....


    p.s. just thought i would keep you all up to date lol
  2. Kerry J

    Kerry J Guest

    awwwww,thats a shame i guess in one way but in another maybe its the end of something so that you can start a fresh at disney with no worries?!
    Keeping my fingers crossed for you....!! ;D
  3. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    It's probably just for the best since you applied anyways and listening to what you said so far she wasn't really supporting that decision to begin with. It's not an easy thing to do, but at least you can now look forward to the Florida year, without any guilt or remorse. I really hope you get the position, so all the sacrifices will be worth it.
  4. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    Sorry to hear about the bad news. But hopefully this will encourage you a little bit. I went through a similar situation last year. My gf broke up with me about the same time and it was really hard for me to deal with. A small difference is that I didn't find out about the WDWIP until shortly after, but I went for it and it was the best summer of my life! Looking back now, I always wonder if we hadn't broken up, if I would have taken the chance to go down to Florida, or if I would have decided not to so I could've been with her and the truth is, I might have skipped out... which now to me, seems utterly ridiculous! I guess the point is, though it may seem difficult to see, everything happens for a reason. Good luck with the interviews and exams!

    Got ya beat on that one ;) I had 5 amazing roomies and we all got along spectacularly!
  5. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    LOL That's ok, I am happy for you ;D Although I did mean the two roomies I shared my room with, not the other ones in the apt. who were also awesome! But I always think you could rather take an annoying roomie if they are not sharing a room with you. I had 2 mexican girls, a chinese, canadian, norwegian and french while I was there and all of them were really cool in their own way. I think we were really lucky though, because I heard other stories from my friends sometimes and I wouldn't want to have swapped with them.
    Yay for us and the good roomies ;D
  6. ajmacack

    ajmacack New Member

    Is it wrong that I was really shocked when I read your post about breaking up with your gf... like I gasped.... I think I might have emotional probs... hahaha....
    I think you made the right decision about applying too!!

    It's something that I've also wanted to do forever... and I finally got up the nerve/ guts to do it this time... I got a "thank you for applying I threw it in with the rest" email yesterday... so at least they have my info... now the waiting game begins!

    Does anyone know how soon after you email your stuff in you'll hear from the them... cause there's a phone interview before the f2f stuff in TO? no?

    PS... I'm totally biting my nails too... my finals are also in April.. but I only have one, so hopefully the odds are in the favour that they won't conflict *fingers crossed*
  7. hockey_town_canada

    hockey_town_canada New Member

    ya ... i'm really hoping the finals dont conflict... would not be cool at all....

    where you from?? flying to t.o. or driving? ...

    thanks i hope i made the right decision.... i will "what if" for a long time .... but hopefully over time that "what ifs" will get smaller and smaller until they are no more.....

  8. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    Good luck for the applying process aj! :) You guys will have so much fun if you will get the chance to work and live there. NO REGRETS ;)
  9. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    So much worse for you guys with finals... I had to get a midterm rescheduled (thankfully the prof was understanding saying a job interview is quite important)... finals I know have a much much smaller chance of defering.
  10. hockey_town_canada

    hockey_town_canada New Member

    ya true ... but i had a final scheduled for April 10th this year... and here in Winnipeg this year is the Womens World Hockey Championships... and the Gold Medal Game which Canada should be in is on the 10TH of April and i convinced my teacher to let me write it a week later so I can go to the Game..so now i write it the 17th of April :):):):):):)..Cause i've had tickets since like last april... haha... how sweet is that....

    anyways hopefully the interviews in Toronto arent that day... lol... then there is trouble hahaha...
  11. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    canadians and their hockey ::) UNBELIEVABLE! lol
  12. hockey_town_canada

    hockey_town_canada New Member

    lol its important .... its our life...lol
  13. ajmacack

    ajmacack New Member

    hey hey hey now.... they'll be no hockey bashing.. lol.... honestly, we can't help it,... i'm pretty sure it's ingrained in our DNA!

    I actually go to school at Queen's in Kingston... so I'm about 2.5 hours from TO... but "home" is only about an hour and a half from TO, so i'll either steal my rents car or more likely train it into the city....

    i only have one final in April tho.... the rest are in class.... so unless it's fate and it's not supposed to work out, i should be ok???

    The only thing I really need to know now is about teacher's college.... cause i actually applied to that also... i'll know before the TO interviews whether or not I get in... but secretly I kinda hope I don't now so I can do this... shhhhh... lol
  14. hockey_town_canada

    hockey_town_canada New Member

    haha right on... well maybe i'll be seein you in the T.O. interviews.....

    ya i have 5 ... and they range from the 5 of April i think till the April 17th... but there are like 3 or 4 days inbetween so hopefully the toronto ones are on one of the days i dont have .... ..keep your fingers crossed for me :)
  15. ajmacack

    ajmacack New Member

    sure will.... karma has a funny way of figure those things out i think... WOW... just sounded like a major hippie there.... but it does!!!! lol
  16. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    LMAO Yeah I know it is, I have so many canadian friends and they are all like that. Don't get me wrong either, I love Hockey, but to reschedule an exam for a game is just amazing to me! lol Soccer doesn't have that impact over here....yet!
  17. hockey_town_canada

    hockey_town_canada New Member

    lol.... oh for the Gold Medal Game of the Womens World Hockey Championships.... its understood to do it.... lol my prof. was so understanding when i asked lol...... plus its Canadian Hockey vs. the world.... we gotta support our teams :)
  18. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    LMAO still unbelievable to the rest of the world haha ::) Good that you get the chance to support your team though. Ohhh I can't wait for the Olympics in Vancouver!
  19. hockey_town_canada

    hockey_town_canada New Member

    ya me too... i'd love to go to van-city to see the olympics... be so cool
  20. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    I wish I would live in Vancouver, especially during the games :eek: Sooo much fun! Too bad we will beat everyone's ass again! hahahaha (and yes you can have the gold medal for hockey...I am not gonna get into that lol )

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