Non Fizzy Drinks and Water at the Parks

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Audrey II, Feb 19, 2009.

  1. Fettes girl

    Fettes girl New Member

    Yep you're right. Tho, they opened a Starbucks opposite Vista when i was there last year, and omg we spent hours there, they even gave out free samplers (at around 12/1pm if you're planning)...ah starbucks mornings, then stroll over the Cici's pizza...perfect.

    NB Walmart is so overpriced (on a disney salary anyway!) on the imported stuff so load up before you go/give visitors a shopping list. Saying that my roomie brought loads of PG tips so we were set.

    And yes people went crazy when they found out Irn Bru was sold (and not only because of the additives!!)
  2. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    haha, i love it so much, i get a mega sugar rush, that will be my hyper juice, hehe. Lots of fun parties with that.

    I hope im in vista then, i will be in starbucks every morning, hehe!
  3. Audrey II

    Audrey II New Member

    I miss the minutemaid out in you often miss american stuff when coming back here?
  4. Disney Dude

    Disney Dude Guest

    I'll need someone to physically stop me from going to Starbucks as i'm addicted to their Hot Chocolate with cream on top :p
  5. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    OMG ill be dragging you there then, hehe. you need to drink it if you want to gain weight, extra cream and chocolate cakes!

    Ill just have my mocha, latte or capuccino
  6. The only thing with that is that not all stuff can be brought over by everyone. For example, Irn Bru, legally can only be brought over by the the distributer as they do not release the full contents on the label. And also there are some foods that have additives in that are illegal in America (red skittles :()
  7. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    Umm.... just a thought... is there not the merch store in the UK that some of you may be working at if you're doing the CRP? I'm fairly sure they have all kinds of tea... I'm just saying...

    For all you so called "Canadians" :p have you tried the Peach Juice at Tim Horton's? lol, it is really good! I love Tim Horton's, and Hockey, and I say eh a lot! Stereotypical Canadian, that's me! I'm not a huge coffee drinker either, but it fits the bill when I need one. And I especially love around Christmas time when they have their candy cane hot chocolate. So good! I also like to get Iced Capps at any time of the year, and it's like half the price of Starbucks or Second Cup.

    For going around the parks, I get lemonade a lot as well, though I do drink Coke and stuff, it doesn't hydrate you too well. My only suggestion is don't get ice... you may find when you get there, the ice tastes funny sometimes. It's the same for some of the fountains around the parks too, they just have a funky taste!
  8. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    and also they chill the drinks anyway, so there's not really a need for ice, it just means you get less drink!
    and don't they have costa in the us/canada? that means the living with lions song "coolin' with costa" isn't about coffee? crazy!
  9. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    I want costa coffee!
  10. BeautifulBelle

    BeautifulBelle New Member

    I had a Cafe Nero hot chocolate today, daaaamn it was good ;)

    And starbucks chocolate frappuccino (sp?) YUM!
  11. Fettes girl

    Fettes girl New Member

    Gosh really?? Blimey, better just request Cadbury's (its $2.50 for a little candy bar in the UK Pav., i'll only pay that in desperate times...!)

    Oh wait, that's right, I'm NOT working for Disney anymore...damn, well one can dream,,, and I better bloomin' get the DCL/CRP job!!
  12. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Awwww, thats crap.

    why you not working for disney anymore?

    I wont be desperate for dairy milk or that, i dont eat it a lot. But i will miss a good baked tattie and ill miss my tattie scones and orange lucozade!
  13. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    and can't you just play the stereotypical scot and say you'll miss haggis? because i'm sure you eat it like every day, while you wear your kilt and play the bagpipes
  14. orange lucazade you might be able to get but as with irn bru it is imported and thus expensive. They sell potatoes so you can have your baked tattie, not the same but nice just the same. No tattie scone though, but I find them expensive here never mind if they had them over in Fl.
  15. BeautifulBelle

    BeautifulBelle New Member

    yeah because you only eat bara brith while riding a sheep, right?

  16. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    we prefer the term 'making love' actually. 'riding' is a degrading term which deeply upsets our partners. the sheep.

    also, i can't remember ever having PROPER bara brith, cawl or rarebit.
  17. BeautifulBelle

    BeautifulBelle New Member

    actually i meant sitting on a sheep and riding it around, not the sexual term... you dirty sheep shagger! ;D
    not even a laverbread?! welsh cakesssss too!
  18. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Yea, i have haggis three times aday. 30 different kilts and play bagpipes professionally. Oh yea, and recite robert burns everyday! :p

    If someone asks me why im not wearing a kilt or do i wear one everyday, i will laugh my head off.
  19. Disney Dude

    Disney Dude Guest

    LOL :D :D :D :D
  20. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member


    I hate tea. It makes me feel sick. How un-British am I??
    And Starbucks hot chocolate is gooood - loads complained about Starbucks in Lancaster, I was happy :)
    although York having at least 3 I can think of off the top of my head is less good.....
    And I hate Yorkshire pudding, and gravy since primary school (curse you Warter School cooks....)
    And I don't talk in a Yorkshire accent (but my southern fairy friends say I sound northern)

    I just have no national identity :( ;)

    And Leom - I'm ashamed you weren't playing the bagpipes outside Debenhams with that man Charlotte and I saw!
    And shouldn't you have been in Monarch of the Glen? :p

    Oops - sorry for the random rant - too much soil science :(

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