
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by robynchic, Apr 30, 2005.

  1. Lindsey

    Lindsey Guest

    well most people call me Linz....for obvious reasons.

    the bouncers in inverness have taken to calling me shorty and after one drunken comment from some randon guy i get called sweet cheeks by my friends!!

    oh and at work hey used to call me dancer, coz there were two lindsey's so someone had the idea of calling us dancer and prancer...being the dancer it wasnt too difficult to figure out who got what name!

    i think thats about it!

  2. cheerAli@Disney!

    cheerAli@Disney! New Member

    Ohh this looks like fun... here it goes:

    Ali: for obvious reasons- short for Aliyyah ( Aa-lee-yah), but often people call me Ah-lee-yah -like the singer.

    Chocolate Princess: This nickname stuck after a crazy night out with my cheerleading teammates and groomsmen from one of my cheer mates wedding.

    Baby Girl: I am one of the youngest out of my friends and I also look and "act" innocent. Plus this hot university basketball player called this nickname as well. It is like being called "Shorty".

    Alison: Is my "white girl" name. It stuck with me beacuse I was "upset" that one year before a cheerleading competition one of my teammates offered our whole team free tanning sessions. And of course being black I couldn't do it- so I threw a mini tantrum- I just want to know what is like tanning with my cheermates!!!!

    That is all,
    Aliyyah aka Chocolate Princess aka .....
  3. Lizzie

    Lizzie New Member

    wooo cheerleading! i was aslso a cheerleader..during highschool..damn i miss cheerleading!
  4. Tazzy

    Tazzy New Member

    Hmm nickames,

    Well the first one is a givin. #1. Taz #2. Rocker #3. Oscar. One time someone called me JediMickey. LOL

  5. kelly_p

    kelly_p New Member

    WOODY - my mates called me it as a joke one day about 5 years ago and it sts stuck ever since, no one nos me as kelly its only ever woody lol - my bf calls me tinkerbell sometimes as well?? ;D
  6. kelly_p

    kelly_p New Member

    that went a bit wrong - that was supposed to go bold - oh well me and computers dont go were crap ;D
  7. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    the little one this is what my housemates call me coz i'm short

    kaka one of my uni friends started calling me this but havent got a clue where it came from

    since i went to Magaluf last Summer i also get called JJ as my nickname on my holiday t-shirt was Juicy Jess

    Dumbo this is what my brother use to call me when i was little as i had big ears until i had them pinned back when i was 12!!!!

    Smurf i guess i get called this coz of my size but from what i can see i am not blue!!!!!!!!!

    I'm sure there are more so will keep thinking!
  8. bambi_mad

    bambi_mad New Member

    i have loads of nicknames!

    george! amps! annie! fred!

    thats a few of the more common ones! i have no idea where they came from! but its not unusual to be walking down the street and someone yelling fred at me! its very strange! ;D
  9. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    ive had a sharky....leon aliatan....(name nearly backwards lol ) tilly....talia.

    and a few others.......... ;D ;D
  10. bambi_mad

    bambi_mad New Member

    sharky rules!!!!!! and you know it!! ;) ;)

    love george!
  11. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    i know!!! lol....its ure does!!!!!!!! george aint to bad neither ;) ;) ;) ;D ;D ;D
  12. bambi_mad

    bambi_mad New Member

    george is my fave, closely followed by archie (short for archibald)!!!!!!!!! lol!!!!!!!! ;D ;D
  13. low

    low New Member

    thats a good nick name
  14. bambi_mad

    bambi_mad New Member

    that it is! i love it! its from the tv show sharky and george! have you seen it!
  15. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    yes i ;D
  16. bambi_mad

    bambi_mad New Member

    of course you have sharky!! lol!!!!!!! :D :D
  17. smiler

    smiler New Member

    Ok ive had some queer ones!!!

    Im called Annika so Ive had:

    AK (for sum reason in the year 2000 i got called AK2K!!! QUITE SAD)


    Anneka Rice (people seem to say it n think Ive never heard anyone say it before!)

    Boots ( this stuck from my Dad when I was lickle... I was a baby laid in my pram outside the back window n my dad said all he could see was my little boots kicking thru the window)

    Scran (off my bro)

    Monkey/lil bean/lil turkey/princess (off my bf (not sure why some of them!!)

    and Smiler!! by quite a lot of people!
    so take ur pick! :p
  18. cheerAli@Disney!

    cheerAli@Disney! New Member

    hey Lizzie,
    do you still cheer now? have you done any PCA competitions? why did you stop?
    it is cool to meet other cheerleaders!
  19. low

    low New Member

    i loved that tv show and song was the best heheehehehe
    its like am relivin my childhood just thinkin about it
  20. halifaxboy

    halifaxboy New Member

    I got:

    Cragga Buull the French Vocalist - some guy made it up don't where he got the french vocalist bit from because I'm english!!

    Cragga - the short version and what I get called most nowadays

    Craggle Rock - was an old tv program, comes from Cragga again.

    Big Man - cos I'm tall!

    Bulldozer - My surname is Bull and I used to play rugby and hit anyone ne size hard!

    Thats it i think!

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