New Graduate/'ICP-Academic' Program

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by tinydancinggirl, Dec 20, 2006.

  1. tinydancinggirl

    tinydancinggirl New Member

    I heard you could switch roles half-way through but I don't think anyone really knows, lol. Still no word from Yummy :( although to be honest I've been completely flattened by gastroenteritis all weekend and right now lying down is an effort so it would probably be best if they didn't call today!!
  2. Nina

    Nina New Member

    Ah so much confusion can't wait to find out!
    Hope ya get better soon ;D
  3. tinydancinggirl

    tinydancinggirl New Member

    Right I found this on the internet:

    Just to clarify I do NOT know if this is the same program, but it does sound very similar so I reckon this one is at least along similar lines. Sounds like there is a lot more job variety, I'm quite excited!!

    Has anyone had phone interviews yet? Still waiting :(
  4. kahluafan

    kahluafan New Member

    Yeah sounds pretty similar, i got a reply back from Jason today so i've requested some more information from him:)
  5. tinydancinggirl

    tinydancinggirl New Member

    Awesome what did he say?
  6. Nina

    Nina New Member

    Just got an email from Alexis-she works so late!
    I was just asking her about a mail she sent me a couple of months ago and if the interviews were still gonna be in Feb and she said they were still finalising things with Disney but they should know in a couple of weeks and they'd be in touch then so looks like a couple more weeks of waiting for us!!
  7. kahluafan

    kahluafan New Member frustrating! Wish i could know more about it, interview wise, leaving dates etc, i really don't wanna miss my uni graduation so the october date sounds ideal for me, i'll keep everyone updated as soon as Jason gets back to me :)
  8. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    So its been a week since the last post on this topic. Anymore info yet???
  9. Lonja

    Lonja New Member

    HI guys,

    well i also applied for the J1 program! I am from germany and we have our interview feb 8th in paris! and the departure date is july 15th until january 11th!
    our recruiter is international services in paris, so i dont know if they handle it different then yummy!

    hope you hear soon!

  10. tinydancinggirl

    tinydancinggirl New Member

    I've had a couple of emails in the last couple of days. I finally caved and emailed to find out when I could expect a phone call and it turned out they never received my CV!!! :-\ Just as well I checked!!

    Anyway I emailed it again and Alexis said I would hear from them in a week or two :) She also said that interviews would be in March although she didn't specify when (I'm supposed to be going to Canada March 22nd eeep...)

    I then got another email tonight from a lady called Kristen (from Yummy) saying that if I wanted to do the J1 Academic starting in April then to email her before the end of next week. It was addressed to all applicants so I'm assuming everyone else got it too? Far too early for me I still have exams but for others...could mean a much shorter wait :)
  11. louise

    louise New Member

    Yeah I got the same email and wish that I could go in April but I'll still be at uni.
  12. acp

    acp New Member

    I got the one from Kristen this afternoon, too. The only thing that kind of puts me off applying for that one is the bit in the attachment that says:

    Cost: Tuition cost for seminars: $1800 USD

    ..that works out at around £950ish... A bit steep for me :eek:

    Andy. Shall continue waiting for them to contact him about the Seasonal H2B program...
  13. tinydancinggirl

    tinydancinggirl New Member

    It ain't cheap that's for sure :S BUT the way I'm looking at it is, it's a damn sight cheaper than doing a masters...and I get to work and have some fun at the same time :)
  14. Nina

    Nina New Member

    Yep i got the April one too, pity still would still have another 6 weeks left unfortunately, can't think many final year students could go then!
    So interviews not gonna be till March hope it's early march so we dont have to wait too long ;)
  15. kahluafan

    kahluafan New Member

    It would be wicked, but i don't finish uni until early June, so tht options out the window for me, darn :)
  16. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    Well, I'm glad I found this thread. I have pestered Alexis a couple of times and got the email from Kristin last week. Hopefully we will know in the next week or so what's going on. I applied 22nd Nov. It's been a long wait.

    Edit: Got another email from Kristin saying that I would be contacted in approx 4 weeks to begin me on this great oppurtunity I am about to embark on. (Her words.) This is for the July intake. I'm glad we're getting more of a time frame now for interview procedures. Exciting stuff.
  17. Nina

    Nina New Member

    Hey welcome to the boards and our little group ;)
  18. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    Thanks very much.

    Dylan. :)
  19. Emi

    Emi New Member

    Hi guys I just found this thread too. :D

    I'd initially sent my CV for the cultural program (and still hope to get into it) but Kristen called me today ask for my email so she could send me info on this. I'm glad she did too because the cut off date for it is Friday!! :eek:

    It sounds VERY interesting and I really hope I can do it. When I spoke to Kristen and asked how many spaces were available she said there would be unlimited spaces so I hope that means that most people who want to do it, can do. :)

    I'll be sending my CV and cover letter tomorrow.

    In some ways this might be better than the cul rep program. Sure its on the expensive side but it would look a bit better on your CV. ;)

    To be honest though I was more interested in the customer care side but the course would be interesting. My uni course (Social and Economic History - don't ask) isn't exactly appropriate but then what was I ever really going to do in that field. :-X

    I'd prefer the October entry myself but appreciate that the demand for that will probably be higher so if I could get the July one I'd miss my graduation for it. :)

    (Jeez I just realised how many smilies I use...I may have a problem....)
  20. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    Wow. Excellent news. Thanks for the information. :)

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