Need some suggestions...

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by Mom of an Applicant, May 24, 2006.

  1. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    It is hard if you don't get along with all your roomates. Lucky for me, all of my roomates are really cool so far! Like I said though, let her know she can feel free to stop by anytime! And Jorden is right too, there is so much to do, if you just stay at home, you won't enjoy it very much. As for a quick fix, most of the guys in our room are planning to go check out X-Men 3 this weekend, most likely Sunday evening I think, but we're not 100% sure yet. If she can make it, let her know that her and her friend are more than welcome to come! Remember, #3307!
  2. Shivasauras

    Shivasauras New Member

    This thread makes me not want to come to Disney. Please tell me most people aren't shunned and decide to come home within 2 weeks. Not having any friends is my biggest worry
  3. spa_life_girl

    spa_life_girl New Member


    There will ALWAYS be things like THIS that happen. I feel TERRIBLE for Shayna and truly wish that she would CONSIDER to stay even for ANOTHER WEEK!! ALTHOUGH, when your in that position, you just want OUT....NO MATTER WHAT IT TAKES!!
    I to have had troubles like that.......RIGHT NOW at the place I LIVE!! NO JOKE!! I have 2 room mates and one that owns the house is SO disrespectful.........I HATE being here!! HOWEVER, I KNOW that Disney is coming and I have but 4 months to STICK IT OUR before I leave on my journey!!
    I want to ask something........can you NOT go and ask to switch rooms? I BELIEVE that a friend of mine that was down, HATED his room mates.....went to someone...paid extra to MOVE???

    Might this help??? When you set your mind to will be determined to GET OUT!! I feel for her......but WHATEVER makes her comfortable should be what she worries about......i am TRULY sorry she is going to have a NOT SO MEMORABLE TIME AT THE SUPPOSED HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH!!

    You guys....JORDEN and have been SUCH a WONDERFUL HELP IN HERE......offering your friendship.........that is PURE SUNSHINE GUYS.........PROUD to say your CANADIANS!! ;D
  4. monkian

    monkian New Member

    i think she should stick it out a bit longer...git her teath and face it head will be hard but i think it will be worth it!! i think you can make the best of any situation...if it were me i think i would be taking jordens addvice and spending all my time in the parks!!!!they are free after all..and oh so cool! or chill at down town or one of the water parks...i guess it is easy for us to speculate from such a safe distance but i think the reason that most of us are speculating on it without having gone yet is that we realise ho easy it could be to happen to any of us!

    it is a tough thing to move so far from home....i have only every gone so far once before for 6 months...but at least i had a frind with me...but i remember even i found the change hard and being away from my family and close friends...but i did manag to make new friend an it was a great exprience in the end.

    i think this will happen for Shayna if she sticks it out!
  5. Canadian Classic

    Canadian Classic New Member

    I was in the International Program from March 2004-2005. I'm also from Southwestern Ontario (Kitchener-Waterloo area). When I first arrived I felt the same way as your daughter. I hated my room-mates except the one from Norway. There were 8 of us. I requested to move, and I moved into a wonderful aparment with four of us. Again there was a Norweigan and we had (and still do) have a great friendship! I am NOT a partier at all. You can ask anyone who was down there with me! I had a select group of people that I worked with at EPCOT that I hung out with and was perfectly happy for my year down there. I wish her the best in finding even just a few friends. I went for the actual Disney experience (I think a lot go for the partying etc....). What area of work is your daughter in? F & B? Merch.? Attractions? I did both Merch and Attractions. Please encourage her to hang out there for at least three months and to give it a chance. I know it's hard. There would be days I would even go to the different parks etc... by myself and enjoy it! And it must be especially hard considering she's living in VISTA. Is she on the International Program? I lived at the Commons. I may not have been a partier, but not a day goes by now that I'm back here in Canada that I think of Disney, and I'm hoping to one day return to work again! I have a sister and brother-in-law who both work there who can help me with paper-work. But I wouldn't change that experience for the world!! It's a precious experience that very few do get to experience. I know I'm not down there anymore, but if she would like to e-mail me and chat and find out a little more about my experience and what I did, tell her to feel free to e-mail me at I'd be more than happy to help her out in any way I can! All the best to her, and you as you are an encourager and supporter to her! :)
  6. stoondisneynut

    stoondisneynut New Member

    hey there!

    Did shayna decide to go home?? I can honestly say this is by far the most difficult experience i have been through so far in my life. Life in the United States is far different than from Canada. I do miss home incredibly and consider going home on a daily basis. I guess i do have a unique situation as i have a fiance back home, which adds another dimension to it.

    HOWEVER, while i have been down here i have met some absolutely amazing people and have formed friendships that i am positive will be life long. I have free access to four world class themeparks, to some of the most amazing night clubs on earth and discounts coming out of my wazoo. I've been here for nearly three months, and it still feels like yesterday that i arrived. The living conditions and room mates i must admmit does not thrill me, as i'm a private person, and enjoy being alone on occasion. However, most of the room mates are either always at work, or out with their friends, so i do get 'me' time. So i guess in a round about way, when you are feeling down, i have discovered(and my fiance reminds me) that you need to focus on what you have going for you, what is great about this place and remind yourself as to why you are here. you are going to hate it if you spend your time entirely focusing on the bad.

    i do feel bad for the college people who are apart from rest of us international people. I to apoint know how they feel, as i had to live in chatham square for three weeks before i moved to the commons. I have all ready met some of the college people and hang out with them on occasion. Tell shayna absolutely not to give up. If she wants she can feel free to give me a shout anytime, and i'll hang out with her. She's more than welcome to spend time at the commons with us canadians, and we'll even throw her in. there is one other college girl from canada that will be thrown in in our next throw in.

    If shayna is staying, tell her to email (or msn) me at . Anyone feel free to... if your scared, have questions, are bored etc. This is the most amazing experience she'll ever have in her life.... and she should not give it up since she's gotten this far. Disney is gold on the resume in canada.

    anyways.... hope to hear from you all soon!
  7. jenn1984

    jenn1984 Guest

    Shayna's Mum

    I'm really sorry to hear that Shayna is having such a tough time. My name is Jennifer and I'm from the west coast of Scotland, but I fly out to Florida tomorrow. I have been to Canada on several occasions, big fan of the country and the people. I would love to meet up with your daughter when I get out there. If she's interested I could give you my email address or apartment number when I arrive.

  8. Mara Mouse

    Mara Mouse New Member

    So funny that she's not enjoying herself and yet here we all are wanting to meet her, but we're not there yet and she may leave before we get there.

    I can completely relate to the way Shayna's feeling. I spent last summer going to school in Quebec. Left my friends, my family and my (at the time) long term boyfriend and for the first little while I was so depressed. To top it off I live in a small town ... I've never had to "make friends" ... they've been the same people since Elementary. Cried myself to sleep a couple night because I was simply so lonely. Going through your days with absolutely no one to talk to is so sad. Thing is I wasn't alone in that feeling. Everyone had left there respective friends and families to be there and pretty soon it was easy to make friends. Infact I loved it ... best time of my life (thus far .... looking forward to topping it with Disney).

    There is no good advice to give in this case other than trying to forget the bad stuff at the start and try again each new day. No, not everyone wil be fun to spend time with in Disney (I'm sure that's a totally myth) but I'm sure Shayna will find the people that are when she least expects it ... which might mean hanging out with a few boring people until they happen to introduce you to their fabulous friends! *laugh*

    Good luck to Shayna, and to the rest of us! I'll be down June 20th, so Shayna if you make it through that long and aren't too busy with some fabulous friends I'd love to meet you!!! We could make fun of this silly thread in your honor!

    Shayna's mom: You rock because you care so much ... and you remind me how much I'm going to miss my mom *sniffle*
  9. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    Thought I'd let you all know that a bunch of us, including Shayna, went out to X-Men 3 yesterday and she seemed a lot better! A good time was had by all! I'm sure that a lot of people go through some rough times at the beginning but once you get through it, it will be a blast!

    If anyone ever finds themselves in a situation where they need to meet some people, just head on over to our apartment, we enjoy meeting people! Plus we have a TV which seems to attract people too!
  10. Mom of an Applicant

    Mom of an Applicant New Member

    Thanks for all the kind replies!

    We are firm in letting Shayna know she has to work this out and move on in the program. I think she's turned a corner.

    Matt - she said she had a great time the other night at the movies and I think she realizes she has to put herself out there in order to make friends and things are bound to get better! Thanks for the support!

    Jen and Mara Mouse...I will touch base and let you know how you can reach each other. As I've told her, there are newbies arriving and it might be nice to reach out to them, make them feel welcome, and at the same time feel better herself!

    Have a great day guys!
  11. Mara Mouse

    Mara Mouse New Member

    Oh Yay! That's awsome. It's a weird thing to learn, how to make friends. I'm so happy for Shayna!

    X3 ... *drool* still have to see it, my plans to see it last Saturday fell through.
  12. spa_life_girl

    spa_life_girl New Member

    MOM it sounds as though your daughter is fitting in nicely now!! I was THRILLED to hear that!! ;D

    MATT.......I told you before I think you ROCK DUDE!!! You seem to have a heart of gold and you truly make me proud to be a CANADIAN because you have reached out...NOT because you were ever asked to, but because you WANTED TO!! Seems silly but life is always more fun with FRIENDS!! Even getting out to go to the movies was a little step but a GIANT one for someone who is threatening to leave because she is NOT comfortable!!

    This is DISNEY MAGIC!!! ;D ;D

    Enough CHEESE here I know but it was the moment and it was what I was feeling!! Had to write it!! I can't WAIT to get down and have my OWN experiences!!
  13. monkian

    monkian New Member

    WOOHOO...a happy ending!!!! or beginning....erm...both? that is so cool!!!!
  14. Aussie

    Aussie New Member

    It's so tough those first few days, as nothing is organised, there aren't any meet and greet events which was what I expected. But once everyone made up their minds to suck it up and enjoy it, we ended up loving it.
    So I am very glad that things are looking up. I hope it all goes well.
  15. c-nyce

    c-nyce New Member

    Hi Shayna's mom...I understand your concerns for your daughter, as I am having the same for my daughter...Currently, she's still at home,will be arriving in August. she's on line daily chatting and reading other topics.. this will make her arriving a little less lonely.

    Surely, in time your daughter will be fine...

  16. Chalet Dude

    Chalet Dude Guest

    Shayna's mom,

    This may sound stupid, but I feel a little intimidated also arriving there not knowing anyone...and I'm 33!! I feel like I'm the old fart here!! I hope the young ones will get me out there to meet new people...
  17. spa_life_girl

    spa_life_girl New Member

    HELLO.....dude?? ???
    OLD FART......come on now??

    What am I?? ;D ;D ;D

    Us oler folk will be FINE.........gotta show em all how it's ACTUALLY suppose to be DONE!!

    Remember ME when I get down there....... ;D
  18. Mom of an Applicant

    Mom of an Applicant New Member

    Thanks for all the kind responses! :)

    I'm looking forward to my trip down next Saturday so I can see for myself how Shayna's doing.

    She seems to be doing okay and hopefully her work schedule will lighten up a bit. These kids are working so much it's hard to make connections with people! She worked 9 days straight, pretty much 10-12 hr shifts before her first day off. I don't think she realized how hard the work was going to be! :)

    Can't wait to see her that's for sure! ;D

    Good luck to everyone who's heading down soon. I do think that having a little 'age' behind you is bound to help with the nerves!
  19. spa_life_girl

    spa_life_girl New Member

    Thanks MOM!! ;D ;D

    I truly hope your visit calms EVERYONE down!! NOT that you need to be calmed but it ALWAYS helps to see what she is experiencing to help you out!!

    Tell her the "OLDER" crew will be there around Dec. so she will HAVE to get us out to show us the ropes!! ;D ;D

    HAVE FUN!!!! 8)
  20. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Thtas a good idea but I'm pretty sure Shayna is a college person...

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