Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by OttawaChikky, Jul 28, 2006.

  1. kristen@disney

    kristen@disney New Member

    Here it is black and white super simple
    Drink yourself silly or stay sober its up to you
    Go to every single party or be in bed every night by 9
    If you do drugs its your risk if you dont understand some do
    Really it all comes down to this....when you leave Florida and your sitting on that plane flying home its you and only you who knows how true to yourself you were. No one can force you to live your year a certain way. To some what you do may seem absolutly so boring or so stupid but to you its what you do. The only person you have to answer to about your actions is yourself and whatever those actions result in you have to live with so basically DO WHAT YOU WANT AND LIVE YOUR LIFE YOUR WAY.
  2. elizakbeth

    elizakbeth New Member

    I absolutely agree...

    However I want to point something out, this topic came NOT from judging what the other's doing. I really don't care what these girls are up to, it's their life and not mine. BUT what WE were discussing was: if I had somone as a roomate and s/he was keeping drugs in MY apartment, then it does involve ME and I would tell.

    That's what this was about. Not about judging people's habits just because. It came from discussing something that would involve US directly.
  3. OttawaChikky

    OttawaChikky New Member

    exactly, but becaus ei give my opinion on the topic and try to tell you what i see here, from stuff like this happening.
    All of the sudden I have a drug problem and im apparently afraid that you'll report me. Seriously thats an attack. im just defending myself. For the record i dont have a drug problem! and ist rude and immature to accuse someone of such an addiction.
    So in my retaliation posts i will call you all idiots and stupid, and hell ill throw in a loser here and there, at least i am not ACCUSING you of drug problems. all i said was aprox 90% of the commons does some sort of drugs, and drinks underage, and that you are naieve to think otherwise and say "oh i wont do anything bad there" give it a few days, be it weeks or months and you will probably say different.

    this is my last post......because its clear you will only ever listen to the "good" of peoples opinions from down here. I came down here for disney...after 2 months it became im down here for the money (i wont lie i make shit loads of money down here, but i could make the same back home) im counting down the days till i leave disney...and so are many others.

    just one question.... why are you 36 and comming to disney to work and live in the commons with a bunch of 18-23 year olds??? are you leaving your job or something? im just wondering
  4. elizakbeth

    elizakbeth New Member

    OK, I just want to say that we were discussing before it was about illegal drugs, not alcohol or cigarrets. And really now it seems like it got out of proportion because some missunderstanding.

    I respect people's choices, and the way they want to have fun, all I said is if it affects me directly I have to watch my back because no one else will for me.

    But again, I didn't mean to offend anyone or accuss you of anything.
  5. Ona

    Ona Member

    Ok well I'm really not going to add to this discussion since, as you said Lou, we've been down this road many times before.

    However, I just want to clarify for anyone who's coming down here soon and is feeling more than a little intimidated by the prospect of some 2000+ folks at the Commons (it was 90% right???) doing drugs. That this is simply not the case. Sure some folks do drugs. You'll find out pretty quickly who they are. If that's your thing. Fine (but don't keep it in the apt & endanger your innocent non-chemical-dependant roomie). If not, then rest assured you can and will, still have a great time. I was 23 first time down here and didn't drink a drop of alcohol. Never mind anything else. I had a blast. So much so that I'm back here again.

    I know a few people who turned out to be some of my closest friends, read these boards in the past, saw similar topics, and almost didn't go on the program. I am so glad that they did since they are such a huge part of my life now. I would absolutely hate for anyone to miss out on such an awesome experience simpy due to the recent over exposure of one particular view point.

    Ona x
  6. SML84

    SML84 New Member

    Ok so as many have said before this topic is dead. And it is. we konw that some people party all the time, some just one occasion and some non at at all. Some people choose to do drugs. 90% Ya I really dont think so.
    Yes i have been here two months now so i am still some what of a newbie. I want to tell you all though not everyone is a bitch and cow like otttawachicky.
    for those of you coming down soon and a now worried. I would be but not about the drugs and alcahol. you will find friends that are like you and that you are comfortable with. the truth is the job really isnt that great. but you make what you want of it. that's what i am doing.
    Oh now here's the good news for you Canadians coming down and everyone else, ottawachicky is leaving in septmeber, so you dont have to deal with her!
    This is going to be an experience of a life time for all of you, just do your best to make the best of it. For some it's not what they expected and they go home but for the rest it is great.
    So i hope to meet all of you as you arrive. and hope that no one is scared off.
  7. monkian

    monkian New Member

    ROFL!!!!!!! i can't believe you just dedicated a thread to yourself...hee hee hee


    BLEAGH.... hmmm yes i don't think anyone needed i retort as much as they needed to know that they weren't going down there to be surrounded by hormonal teenagers who were into peir pressure thats all.. which i believe we got!!! we now know that individally we will be able to find like mind ...just as you have!

    and SLG.... we will stand while the crowds are on there backs!!!
  8. spa_life_girl

    spa_life_girl New Member

    Well THIS little girl has LOTS to give up here in Canada before I I am SO looking forward to my YEAR LONG visit!! THAT'S IT......ONE SHOT!! ONE YEAR!! at JELLYROLLS BABY!!! ;) ;)
  9. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    Hey all,

    I know this topic is dead as there have been no replies for about a month, but I haven't been on here since I went down to Florida. I am now back home in Canada and I had the best experience of my life and I don't want anyone to forsake an opportunity of going down because of miscommunications.

    I was in Florida for about 4 months on the International College Program which means I did not work in the Canada Pavillion, I have no idea what happens there or in the commons. I lived in Vista Way with 5 other canadian guys. All of us were underage, most of my roomates were drinkers back home but not a single one of us had a single drop of alcohol while we were there. If people want to risk their opportunity by doing something illegal then that's their own problem. However, if they put someone else's opportunity at stake, then that's just being selfish. This is not why I'm posting though, I'm posting because this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I wouldn't want anyone to miss out on it. Everyone of my roomates had a blast and we all want to come back. There was so much that we wanted to do, but never had the time to do. If you're reading these topics and they're swaying you whether or not to take the chance to come, then I say just do it. I mean what's the worse that can happen? You end up not liking it so you decide to go home and spent a couple hundred dollars on a short vacation. But if you end up loving it, then there's no price you can put on that. I'll end this post with one of my favorite quotes and don't be afraid to take that chance, it may be the best choice you'll ever make.

    ~Never let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game~
  10. snow.white87

    snow.white87 New Member

    Hey Matt, I miss you already.
    We had a great time together and I loved all your room mates.
    Good you hear you had fun and I hope to see you again soon.
    xoxo Jei
  11. spa_life_girl

    spa_life_girl New Member

    THANKS MATT for posting!! I TOTALLY agree with your statments!! I TOTALLY look forward to going to Disney and experiencing EVERYTHING that this position has to offer me!!

    Best of LUCK with everything man and I DO HOPE you continue to post and help those of us getting ready to go!! ;D ;D
  12. monkian

    monkian New Member

    good luck Matt! glad you had a blast!

    Jei we need to get together! im in 2327 so give me a call!

    not long now tracey! youll be here before you know it!
  13. Members Only

    Members Only New Member

    Sorry, but just what do you think Alcohol is... It's a DRUG. It's just a drug that's taxed ;) Nice and easy for the Government too say nooooo THIS drug, THIS drug is for YOU.

    I just finished my 3 month CP at Vista Way, and I can tell you most people. You will drink underage, and a significantly large proportion of you will also use so called "drugs".

    Obviously not everybody is the same, but if people are going down there thinking there going to be surrounded by a golden, clean "Disney'esq" life then they are going to have a big shock when they get to Vista, Chatham, Or The Commons.

    I love to take in the beauty of life as much as the next guy. I did not get bored visiting the parks as a guest either, I love the Disney parks, there great and they are all a big inspiration, there are tons of things to do in Orlando, but crazy drunken parties at night are also fun. You might as well live life to the full while you are down there because you will get very few other experiences in life such as this.

    The one thing you will realise though, it is the people that will make this experince so special and get you through it. I had to say some of the saddest, if not the saddest set of good-byes I have ever done at the end of my program, and that's just a 3 month CP program, I cant imagine how bad a year long cultural rep good-bye would be.
  14. spa_life_girl

    spa_life_girl New Member

    NOT LONG NOW ANA................................

    We will be together and having a BLAST SOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNN ;D ;D
  15. doowop

    doowop New Member

    when do u come spa life girl?
  16. Emily

    Emily New Member

    Can't wait to be down there!!! SLG and I get down there December 5th. I don't drink, but I do enjoy a good time, so anyone who wants to not drink and have fun can hang with me! (And no I'm not underage and still holding mommy's hand) actually, I WISH I was still holding mommy's hand. Those were the good old days. Anywho,

    That was a little off topic, but I can't wait to go down to disney. I am not a negative person so hopefully I wont attract negative friends! I just want to have fun, can't we all just get along?

    Except for Mr_Tom_Morrow, he can't get along with anyone. :p But he WILL have a tattoo by the end of it, right Tracey? ;)
  17. spa_life_girl

    spa_life_girl New Member


    I mean HONESTLY..............small that NOT EVEN MARSHA could see RIGHT???

    DEC.5th HERE WE COME!!
  18. KirstyLouise

    KirstyLouise New Member

    hehe...gotta love Brian!!

    I can't wait to be there either having fun with you guys...


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