MSN exchange for everyone

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by erikdale, Apr 17, 2006.

  1. Tom19

    Tom19 New Member

    Tom...21/m...Victoria, Canada....Operations June 11th! (Woo-hoo!)

    Feel free to add me to your list....great to know some people before getting there!
  2. Tenshi

    Tenshi New Member

    Hi...just add me and lets chat about everything from who we are to our trip to Florida ;) My name is Christian but all my friends call me Tenshi (believe it or not). I'm norwegian and I'm 18 years old :) I'm from the next biggest city in Norway, Bergen :)

    My msn is:
  3. AlexHope

    AlexHope New Member

    male 22 Italy (sardinia)...
    ...I'm leaving on August 8th...


  4. PrincessNat

    PrincessNat New Member

    Hey everyone

    Im Natalie F/26/UK.
    Im currently on the waitlist praying that i'll get a call! If i dont then i'll be re-applying for interviews in March 2007 so might see some of you there!
    Feel free to add me, I want to make friends from all over the world! ;)

  5. Jenny1985

    Jenny1985 New Member

    Hey Everyone,

    My email address is I'm 21/f/UK. Ive recently applied so hoping I get a phone interview.

    Jen x
  6. hockey_town_canada

    hockey_town_canada New Member

    Eh! everyone :p haha

    Im Andrew 22/M/Winnipeg Canada here....if for those of you who dont know where Winnipeg is...its pretty much the middle of canada in Manitoba ;) anyways ...just getting ready to apply thought i would throw out my e-mail msn if anyone wants to add me their more than welcome too love to meet new people ....

    talk to you all soon

  7. Alexbigmc

    Alexbigmc New Member

  8. Ann Milia

    Ann Milia New Member


    Ann Milia /20/f/China(Shanghai)
  9. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

  10. snow.white87

    snow.white87 New Member

    you dont happen to know Hide, do you?
  11. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    no I dont sorry - am new here just got this site today :)

  12. snow.white87

    snow.white87 New Member

    Oh, lol. Hide is a rockstar from Japan who died in '98. He had a single called Pink Spider, I was wondering if it was just a coincidence.
  13. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    nah lol I have had this nickname for the net since I was 15 - I've not heard of that ebfore now I'm going to have to go listen to the song :p
  14. snow.white87

    snow.white87 New Member

    It's not a bad song. Though I have to say Japanese rock is an aquired taste. lol. It also helps to know the language.
  15. teresa ding

    teresa ding New Member female/20/Shanghai, China/Merch

    leave for Orlando in Feb. 2007
  16. FeeBleu

    FeeBleu New Member

  17. s4meb

    s4meb New Member

  18. yohann

    yohann New Member

  19. Kristine

    Kristine New Member

  20. april25th

    april25th New Member

    uk merch already here add if you guys want to lol well back to the sunshine state(thats is rain today ;LOL)xx

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