I just turned 25 on monday.. (and got the email for final interviews then too!! best bday present! lol) I have interviews end of feb/beg of march.... they aren't set yet but should know in the next week or so and then ususally three weeks after that we get our dates. Our hire dates are from July to December 2011.. What are you hoping for? F&B or merch?
Cool that sounds like a great present! You'd be there with some of my group then!! Im not 100% sure, think im leaning towards f and b, but both have benfits, it's a tough one, fortunately I dont have to decide just yet
i think now they are letting us redo the programme there will be a lot of 'older' applicants because when you have done it once you want to do it again and your gonna be at least 20 if your a reapplicant but most will be older cos of the time scales