money money money

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by disneydreamer, Oct 18, 2007.

  1. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    as per your request...

    on my 1st program i opened a vista bank account. IN one of the welcome meetings they gave us all the forms and we filled them out and they sorted it out for us. It did still take a few for them to sort out the account, so i still had to go and pick up my pay check for the first 5 or so weeks.

    I'm probably not the best person to answer this questin because i didnt really use my bank card at all. I just used my account to store my money and used the money i brought from home to pay for things.

    on my 2nd program they didn't give us the forms to fill out at the welcome meetings. They only gave us the opportunity to be on their checking system (which means we can go in and cash the cheque). In the end i didn't actually open a bank account at all. I just picked up my cheque every week and then cashed it at either Vista bank or publix. But i dont advise this!! It meant i had quite alot of money hanging around the apartment which anyone could have taken!!!

    I would probably advise taking out a vista bank account for a couple of reasons.
    Firstly, you get a cool card with a famous disney building on it.
    It may look like this, but mine had a different building on it!

    Secondly, the bank locations are easy to reach from any of the housing locations. The main branch is near chatham square apartments and i know people who have walked to it from there, or the walmart bus drops you off. But that bus is the worst. But there is the A bus which goes to the magic kingdom every 20 minutes and there is another branch behind the magic kingdom at the disney university. If you live at the commons then the magic kingdom bus isn't scheduled to go to the commons but you will be able to walk to chatham or get a bus to vista/chatham and then get on the A bus.

    Thirdly, people have said that you are charged for withdrawals from ATMs outside of disney. Admittadly this would be a problem if you go on a trip but there are plently of ATMs around disney property - one in every housing complex (apart from the trees, but they are closing), at least one backstage at every park and at some of the resorts too. Look at this list for ATM locations So, if you are going out somewhere then you could take money out before hand.
  2. *minnie**mouse*

    *minnie**mouse* New Member

    that was really informative thank you. i liked the picture!! ;D ;D ;D
  3. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    I still have my Vista account....for next time! I just need to find a way of putting my US tax cheque into my account from the UK :-\
  4. disneydreamer

    disneydreamer New Member

    ahh moneys so complicated!!

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