Mickey Mouse as a MatchMaker??

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by CrEsT, Mar 24, 2005.

  1. Isolda

    Isolda New Member

    Mickey is a Matchmaker.....

    Believe me, Magic does exist at WDW... and at The Commons....

    Wish and your dream will come true....

    I'm a live proof of it......

    We are in love, still together, even though of the distance....

    I'm from Mexico, He is from Norway.....

    If you want, you can find your Prince Charming there.....

    It sounds chessy, but it's true....
  2. cinderelli.jessy

    cinderelli.jessy New Member

    :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
    I hope that my dreams will come true....
  3. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    Sounds familiar....
  4. Lizzie

    Lizzie New Member

    so is that your statement to live by? i dont really understand..can someone explain please haha
  5. shannybanany

    shannybanany New Member

    You will soon enough.
  6. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    hehe yeah u got it julia ;) :-[ haha!

    im not sayin anymore on the subject at the minute :p

  7. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    That's ok hon, I will see myself when visiting I guess hehe! Good luck....good to have ya back!
  8. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    lol yeah u better come visit ;)

    yeah good to be back, just back to stressful assignments!

  9. Doc

    Doc New Member

    Hey, yeah he wasn't the biggest Mickey fan was he? But never mind! You two hit it off at my limo party didn't you? You met before at Subway, but got together after the limo night back in october 2003!?

    Yeah, lots of people got together out there, me included (and we're still going strong nearly 16 months later) - I think they put something in the water!

    A lot of the time it's like living in a soap opera though - stories and rumours flying around the place - something might happen one night and before day breaks everyone knows! There's no secrets...

    Still, it adds to the experience - and it's a good laugh - as long as you're not the subject of the rumours going around! Unless you want to be, of course... ;)
  10. emma

    emma New Member

    jesus yeah.british boys cannot keep their pants on!! ever! lol im taken when im down there too! alredy met the love of my life i think in a non naive and silly way...wer best friends! aww! but im sure mickey will be wavin that wand from time to time with ppl!
  11. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    awww :)

    ...................... is this topic hot or what......look at the amount of pagess eveyones postedd..............
  12. emma

    emma New Member

    it is huge innit! nerly as big as my thongs one...altho that is now dying a slow death
  13. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    lol....trust u to do a topic on thongs !! :D......yup it was a very popular topic,,you should of let it go out with a bang"!!! ;)
  14. Doc

    Doc New Member


    Not all the UK Lads are/were like that!

  15. shannybanany

    shannybanany New Member

    No, not all...just most!!!!

    Yep, we were first really introduced at your limo party. An elaborate set-up by my wonderful roomie Sarah. It took some work though!! He wasn't the smartest!!!! But life is good and he'll be here in just 5 weeks!!!

    It is a lot like a soap opera...very much like high school!! People know stuff has happened before it does!!! As much as you like to think that nobody sees you sneaking in/out at 4am...people do!!! It might not be someone from your country, but news travels through countries faster than you'd ever believe!!! So don't do anything you dont' want EVERYONE to know about. It's always a laugh when someone does the walk of shame past the bus stop in the morning!!! I felt dumb and everyone clearly knew where I had been cause we'd been together for 9 months!!!!!

    How's Jemma?? You guys should come visit.

  16. cinderelli.jessy

    cinderelli.jessy New Member

  17. Tinks

    Tinks New Member

  18. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    lol not the disney weddin convo again... i always end up on that site!

  19. cinderelli.jessy

    cinderelli.jessy New Member

    lol sara... well we have to get back on track.... :-*
  20. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    haha yeah jessy


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