Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mpark90, Jan 23, 2009.

  1. *minnie**mouse*

    *minnie**mouse* New Member

    *jo runs into the thread......................* WILDCATS!!!!!!!

    sorry that was a bit late. it needed doing though.
  2. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

  3. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    ah, miley cyrus has just made her appearance on all for one. i wanna see the third one now!
  4. Disneyjess

    Disneyjess New Member

    Jess is drunk.

    on her own, in the house, cradling her vodka bottling, weeping softly.

    No forget the weeping part.
  5. entcal

    entcal New Member

    I was just gonna say that it is rather early in the day to be drunk! But then I realized you are 7 hours ahead of me... hmmm. I am crazy
  6. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    i think some shifts are forming here of their own accord...me yesterday, jess today...any volunteers for inebriation tommorow?
    well done jess, drinking alone is good lolz!
  7. entcal

    entcal New Member

    I volunteer!

    It is my companies xmas party tomorrow (a little late?), I will be drunk tomorrow night.
  8. hen87hels

    hen87hels New Member

    Only a month and five days late!!! LOL! Have fun!!!
  9. entcal

    entcal New Member

    My other job had their xmas party on Monday... crazy eh?
  10. mpark90

    mpark90 Member


    Thereee we gooo! All better
    so earlier.. my friend who has had a babyyyy, called logan, he is quite cute, i went round and she was like "hold the babyyy" and i was like "oh must i?" and so he was cute, wrinkley baby thing,

    he was sick on me ;l

    not amused

    im quite bladdered
    and not the i need a wee bladdered
    the im really drunk bladerefd
    abnd so this is me rambling on and aon oand

    i held the baby earlier when i was sober
    im not like some crazy drunk baby holder

    so yes

    ivee washed now

    i no longer smell like baby puke
    i love you
    yes you!
    yess! :)
    THE ?END
  11. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Ill take on today's and tonights drunkeness.

    I'm still drunk from the disney night out, omg my head is thumping. I remember most of the night which is really good, haha.

    Sadly i have to go to work for 12, i think my head may have exploded by then, if so then i think i could be excused for the day, and life!

    My drink last night was cocktail's, i dont think i had two of the same drink all night, no wait! I had two budweiser's, haha.

    Michelle i love your post, i'm not going for the glamorous colour's as well that's not how im feeling, colourful is not how i feel the now, just reminds me of all those multicoloured cocktails. argh! They were delice though!

    I said to my friend that i would go and have a drink at her house and some chinese, that sounds good, lets hope im better then.

    Btw if anyone cares, a night out in glasgow absolutely rocks!

    I thanks mark for letting me crash at his flat otherwise the night wouldn't have been as good cause i would have been restricted to what i did, so cheers to WALL-E!

    I have realised im on the verge of writing a book but if im typing it means i am using my brain so i am kind of wakening up a bit better and making my concentrate on working rather than making me suffer from my fault's from the night before, my poor cerebellum must be destroyed, as long as it doesnt fail on me im good. OMG what my liver, good thing they can regenerate otherwise i dont think my liver would exist after last night. I would recommend all the cocktails i had: woo-woo, key west cooler (ultimate), Gremlin (ultimate) (it tasted like a fruit pastle lolly, hehe), blue lagoon and charlotte let me try her cocktail but i cant think what it was, oh wait, that was a woo-woo too. woohooo! so i had two woo-woo's then.

    Me and hayley also had two bottles of rose wine between us, they were great, hehe. Mark dared me to down a whole glass of wine, and i did it (not that im impressed or anything, the aftertaste was...yuck!) haha.

    Thank heavens that i am not allowed to drink out in florida cause god knows what the party's would be like, im happy not drinking, im not going to do the whole "i'm never gonna drink again" thing, cause it is never true, ok i wont drink a lot for another month or two but never say never unless you really mean it, hehe.

    I have decided to go for some red coloured writing because i think it reminds me of disney in some way, hehe. also the sun is shining outside (what a surprise! not seen it since august) and it has put me in a happy and good mood. haha.

    I think i may go and see what we have in our fridge, i think i remember buying something for me to have yesterday but i dont think it was a breakfasty thing, wait! it was pizza...yuck! who would have that for breakfast? unless it was pizza hut left overs, ive only did that once though, and it wasnt at my house.

    Wow i have been writing for like 20 minutes now and if this does not post then i will cry but use wouldnt know if it didnt post, haha.

    This whole topic is based on MICHELLE IS DRUNK but now LEOM IS DRUNK! ouch!

    I think i may suffer hangover flu today, my new illness which will be devoted to anyway who had the vast amount of concoctions (don't have a clue how to spell it, haha) as i did. I went to having budweisers and vodka and red bull and what not.

    OMG i forgot about the meal, me and hayley were talking so much that we forgot we had ordered food, i dont know about the rest of them, but the waitress we had just kept pushing us into ordering, like constantly looking over us and rushing us to pick our food, i deliberately didnt decide what i wanted to eat before she came, i decided 10 minutes later, haha. we were still waiting for laura at the time.

    Ive finished with that colour, now im back to normal.

    Right i hope you all had a good night and i will return with another comment later.

    If anyone wants to publish my little story then please do, i could do with the publicity. haha.

    Love use all xx
  12. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    still drunk the morning after...brilliant

  13. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Still drunk, my god, i feel like ive never been to sleep, lmfao.

    Chuggy for me today, minty freshness to take away the vodka breath, boak!
  14. jslussier

    jslussier New Member

    It is my turn!! 2 beer and a bottle of wine...and i'm not done yet!!!! some vodka's coming!!!
  15. entcal

    entcal New Member

    Hi al you sexy people!!!!

    as promised here is my drunken post!!!

    wILL be nowerhe near as cool as Leom's though!

    I drank two long island ice teas, a few rye and gingers (some double!) a few malibu cokes, and a few amaertto cokes... yummmmmy

    I;m not sure whayt else I want to say,excepot I can't wait to party it up with all of you!!!

    We had a fun money casino at the party tonight I won 3 million dollars in fun money. I started wiuth 20,000 why can;'t I have the kind of luk in a real casino??

    I won a nintendo DS, a gym bag, a cool stainless steel mug! YAY for making lot's of fake money!

    SUch a fun night yayaayayay
  16. Disneyjess

    Disneyjess New Member

    i'm suprised i didn't post in this topic last night. I was very drunk! just posted in the t'other ones.
  17. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Wow that was a long post i wrote, i think i was going to come back and write more but i didn't, thank goodness.

    Well my hangover lasted the whole day and got very very bad last night, it was not pleasant. and i went into a strange mood, hmmmm.
  18. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    i'm surprised i didn't post in this one either!
  19. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    l;,gmoshjk i
    am drunki
    omgosh im so drunk
    ive josut hot home
    tjis is fun
    i lvo eyou guys so much
    yor gohenne a make my entire year :)X
  20. Disneyjess

    Disneyjess New Member



    hsha, my work went bust today so we took the rest of the mioney from the till and scarpered to the pbub.


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