Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by Paco Aleman, Oct 24, 2006.

  1. PeXoXaLoVePooH

    PeXoXaLoVePooH Active Member

    LMAO es Laugh my ass off :p
  2. Pijuel

    Pijuel New Member

    aver aqui les van unas que me se.

    LOL = Laugh out loud

    LMAO = Laugh my ass off

    ROFL = Rols on floor laughing

    BRB = be right back

    OMG = Oh my God

    y se que hay muchos mas pero no me los se jejeje
  3. GABRICH!!!

    GABRICH!!! New Member

    ayyyy calmense gringos!!! jajajaj no se crean pues solo conocia lol y asi los mas conocidos pero no se mil y un siglas jejeje sorry!!
  4. EveR

    EveR New Member

    jejeje yo tampoco las habia escuchado mas que la de lol que esta medio choteada en mi opinion
  5. poncho

    poncho New Member

    una ke usan k;on es ttyl que es talk to you later
    otras son
    bbs- be back soon
    pos- parent over shoulder en mic aso era cos- counselor over shoulder cuando trabajae en un camo
    np-no problem
    ty- thank you
    b4n - bye for now
    tmb- text me back

    y asi me mas, luego los pongo
  6. Paco Aleman

    Paco Aleman New Member

    Definitivamente, necesito conectarme mas al messenger... haha
  7. Mrkuri

    Mrkuri New Member

    Ok esta es la clase de chat y forum

    AAK - Asleep at the keyboard
    AAR8 - At any rate
    ADAD - Another day, another dollar
    AFAIC - As far as I'm concerned
    AFK - Away from computer keyboard
    AIM - AOL Instant Messenger
    ASAP - As soon as possible
    A/S/L - Age/Sex/Location
    ATM - At the moment
    ATW - Around the web

    B - Back
    B4N - Bye for now
    BBS - Be back soon
    BC - Because
    BCNU - Be seein' you
    BF - Boyfriend
    BFN/B4N - Bye for now
    BG - Big grin
    BIL - Boss is listening
    BITD - Back in the day
    BMG - Be my guest
    BOTOH - But on the other hand
    BRB - Be right back
    BTDT - Been there, done that
    BTDTGTTSAWIO - Been there, done that, got the t-shirt and wore it out (esta es mi favorita jajaj)
    BTW - By the way
    BYKT - But you knew that

    CD9 - Code 9: Parents nearby
    CID - Consider it done
    CSL - Can't stop laughing
    COZ - Because
    CU - See you
    CUL or CUL8R - See you later

    DQMOT - Don't quote me on this

    EOM - End of message
    EZ - Easy
    EG - Evil Grin

    F2F - Face to face (esta quien no se la sabe??)
    F2T - Free to talk
    FAQ - Frequently asked questions
    FWIW - For what it's worth
    FYI - For your information

    G2G - Got to go
    GAL - Get a life
    GF - Girlfriend
    GGN - Gotta go now
    GJ - Good job
    GL - Good luck
    GOL - Giggle out loud
    GR8 - Great
    GRT - Great
    GTG - Got to go
    GW - Good work

    H8 - Hate
    HAK - Hugs and kisses
    HAND - Have a nice day

    IAC - In any case
    IAE - In any event
    IC - I see
    IDC - I don't care
    IDK - I don't know
    ILY - I love you
    IM - Instant Message
    IMHO - In my humble opinion
    IMNERHO - In my never even remotely humble opinion
    IMNSHO - In my not so humble opinion
    IMO - In my opinion
    IMPOV - In my point of view
    IOW - In other words
    IRL - In real life

    JIC - Just in case
    JK - Just kidding
    JTLYK - Just to let you know

    K - Okay
    KIS - Keep it simple
    KIT - Keep in touch

    L8 - Late
    L8R - Later
    LBH - Let's be honest
    LOL - Laughing out loud

    MIRL - Meet in real life
    MorF - Male or Female
    MOS - Mom over shoulder
    MTFBWU - May the force be with you

    NE - Any
    NBD - No big deal
    NMU - Not much, you?
    NP - No problem
    NRN - No response necessary
    Noob - "Newbie" -- someone who is a novice

    OIC - Oh, I see
    OMG - Oh my god
    OTP - On the phone
    OWTTE - Or words to that effect

    P911 - Parent emergency
    PAW - Parents are watching
    PCM - Please call me
    PIR - Parent in room
    PLS - Please
    PLZ - Please
    POC - Point of contact
    POS - Parent over shoulder
    POV - Point of view
    PRW - Parents are watching

    Q - Question

    ROTFL - Rolling on the floor laughing
    RL - Real life
    RSN - Real soon now
    RUOK? - Are you okay?

    SFETE - Smiling from ear to ear
    SIT - Stay in touch
    SOZ - Sorry
    SYS - See you soon
    S2R - Send to receive

    TAFNT - hat's all for now
    TBA - To be announced
    TBH - To be honest
    THX - Thanks
    TIA - Thanks in advance
    TMB - Text me back
    TOY - Thinking of you
    TTFN - Ta ta for now
    TTYL - Talk to you later
    TY - Thank you

    U - You
    U2 - You too (esta es maaas que obvia jajaj)

    WB - Welcome back
    W/E - Whatever
    WFM - Works for me
    WTG - Way to go
    WTH - What the hell?
    WTF - What the fcuk?
    WU - What's up?
    WYGOWM - Will you go out with me?

    XOXO - Hugs and kisses

    Y - Why
    YT? - You there?
    YW - You are welcome

    ZZZ - Tired or bored

    End of class
  8. poncho

    poncho New Member

    ahora si me impactaste padrino, yo pense que me sabia varias, pero nunca pense que hubiera tantas
  9. Pijuel

    Pijuel New Member

    me quede con el ojo cuadrado :eek:
  10. jano

    jano New Member

    Jjajajaj Lol
  11. GABRICH!!!

    GABRICH!!! New Member

    no manchessssssssssss kuriiii te la volasteeeeeeeeeee calmate diccionario gringo humano!! jajajjajajaj ntc pero enn la vida me aprendere todo eso, mejor sigo con las abrev. en espanich por ke nooo?!!
  12. Mrkuri

    Mrkuri New Member

    ajaajjajj no esque ps con tanto amigo gringo uno aprende todo al principio me quedaba como WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? pero despues ya hasta entendia tanta pinky letra
  13. GABRICH!!!

    GABRICH!!! New Member

    si si es broma kutieee
  14. Paco Aleman

    Paco Aleman New Member

    si si si... a mi ponganme todas esas.. pero en español! que no hablo ingles! haha
  15. Bego

    Bego New Member

    wow!!!!! ni idea de que tooooooodo eso existia...... jajajaj
  16. Paco Aleman

    Paco Aleman New Member

    Got Flight? hell yeah!

    Continental - 1625

    mex 9.30 - Hou 11.45 - Cambio al 786 - hou 1.30 - Disney! 4.48 :)

    Ademas de pelos! por que los 6 o 7 que nos vamos! Te ponen los asientos todos juntos! :)
  17. Brer Paco

    Brer Paco New Member

    jaja yo tambien ya tengo vuelo :D


    Merida - Houston 9:30 - 11:40

    y en Houston me les uno, lo que esta genial ;D
  18. Bego

    Bego New Member

    wow!!! Pacos!!! muchas felicidades!!!!!!!!!!! y muy buen viaje ya tienen todo listo???

    oigan y una pregunta como a que hora les llamaron... resulta que en mi casa soy la unica que habla ingles y ese dia no voy a poder salir hasta no recibir la llamada :-\
  19. Brer Paco

    Brer Paco New Member

    gracias Bego!! :) fue como al cuarto para los doce

    pero yo creo que si no te encuentran, te mandan un mail o te dejan un mensaje... o tu les puedes hablar
  20. poncho

    poncho New Member

    ke padre ke ya tan solo les fatan 5 dias pacos, tambien que chingon que los pongan a todos en un mismo vuelo

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