March 5th CRP Interviews!

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by DisneyGibbs, Feb 16, 2008.

  1. disneyprincess87

    disneyprincess87 New Member

  2. jamieb1485

    jamieb1485 New Member

    The interview in Liverpool on 7th March was for ICP. I was there and in the presentation we were told 2-3 weeks, but Roger said it should be sooner. Hopefully we'll all find out soon.
  3. Elle

    Elle New Member

    I'm now resigned to finding out next week. But am secretly hoping they'll put us out of our misery for the weekend and let us know tomorrow.
  4. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    I got an email today about the ICP (see my other thread!) and it said to respond to them by midday on Friday (if you could go out an earlier date than the 22nd june). This makes me think they are doing their final decisions and stuff tomorrow afternoon and they will start phoning on Monday.

    This may apply to the ICP only tho... :-[
  5. Elle

    Elle New Member

    So who's up for finding out today then?
  6. BriarRose

    BriarRose New Member

    I really hope its today! It'll be 2 weeks tomorrow since my interview.
  7. Rachel2310

    Rachel2310 New Member

    I have a feeling it will be in the next three days! eck! It's been the longest two week ever.... lets hope they dont push us too three weeks of torture!
  8. Beckyboo

    Beckyboo New Member

    Im going mad! I cant concentrate at work cos i keep refreshing my emails lol! ;D
  9. Rachel2310

    Rachel2310 New Member

    Im too scared too even look at my emails! I avoid doing it..! I am trying to find other options of what i can do if they say no! AHHHH
  10. Beckyboo

    Beckyboo New Member

    I dont know what i'll do if they say no - ive convinced myself im going...which is quite bad!!! :eek:
  11. Elle

    Elle New Member

    I keep trying to think of things to do after Sept if I dont get in.... but there's seriously nothing. I can't even sign up for college or uni because i'd want to keep re-applying (i'm gonna get there once damnit!) and obviously can't do that if i'm in full time eduacation (don't wanna do ICP). So therefore they should obvously just give it to me.

    I nearly had a heart attack when the 'been accepted' topic just came up! I thought this was it!
  12. Rachel2310

    Rachel2310 New Member

    Im in the exact same postion! I want too go abroad next year but only too disneyy! I have tried too plan what else i can do but i am holding back. I have a feeling it will be today or tomorrow if some people have already found out on the ICP!

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