March 5th CRP Interviews!

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by DisneyGibbs, Feb 16, 2008.

  1. Elle

    Elle New Member

    Oh well, it's tomorrow! Good luck everyone and i'll meet you all there!
    I'm not as nervous today, my rational side is taking over. There's no point being nervous about something I can't control so am just gonna have some fun and see what happens!
  2. moisesum

    moisesum New Member

    Good luck everyone... fom Mexico!!! :)
  3. TinkTingeling

    TinkTingeling New Member

    Good luck!! Even though you're probably at the interview now ;D
  4. lovethemouse

    lovethemouse New Member

    well i just got back guys and am very excited!! hope it went well for everyone! and lets hope the next time we see ech other were all boarding a plane to florida!!!!!
  5. xsamx

    xsamx New Member

    So what did everyone make of their interviews?

    Didnt think much of mine :-\ Got a little bit gobble de goope...But we'll see I did my nervous best!

  6. disneyprincess87

    disneyprincess87 New Member

    Hey guys, sorry to crash your thread!

    I was a March 4th person but totally agree with what you said about the interviews. I was really worried because mine was so short! I too went a bit gobledee goop, I had great answers in my head but when it came to saying them, they didn't come out!

    Kirsty x
  7. Megara

    Megara New Member

    Gobledee goop is the language of Disney interviews!

    I'm sure all of you did fine... Honestly
  8. *Charly*

    *Charly* New Member

    omg i'm so glad u guys are syaing that cos i felt mine went so so so bad..... i didnt think it went on as long as others and i was just such a fool.... i knew the answers in my head but they came out as childish mumblings
    i think i may have kissed my disney dream good bye and for such stupid things, i should have just slowed down and thought about what i was goin to say

  9. Megara

    Megara New Member

    Just don't forget, Rodger has been through the exact same prosess himself on the same side of the interview table as you all did (I can't remember if he mentioned it on the 5th as well as the 4th but he did the CRP as an Italian Merchie!) so knows how it feels. Heather also knows how you all feel, they do understand how much this means to people.

    As long as you didn't say something totally stupid, like in 5 years time you can see yourself divorcing the person you married so you stay in the country, they are going to understand you were having an attack of the brain to mouth connection going down and pick the sense out of what you said. :)
  10. disneyprincess87

    disneyprincess87 New Member

    That is exactly how I felt!! Ah well, there's nothing to be done now. And if it is bad news, there are always other programs! Good luck though to everyone, I hope they take us all! x
  11. Elle

    Elle New Member

    I thought mine had gone really well at first, it lasted a good few minutes, we were laughing and joking and the conversation seemed to flow really well until I got out and started thinking about it and realised I had patronised him at least two times.
    Also, I've heard of people being turned down for being over-qualified and that might be an issue. At one point he shouted to Heather 'She knows more than we do'.. and I can't think that'll be a good thing.
    I feel really bad that not once did I have the opportunity to say why I wanted to work for Disney and how much it meant for me.
    Oh well... hopefully we'll hear by this time next week.
  12. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    I thought they went ok... I'm not getting my hopes up! I did that last time. I liked the fact that Rodger remembered me from 2005 was quite nice to have a familiar face in the room!

    Now it's just the waiting game. I hate this bit. I'm always so jumpy. Seeing as no one ever phones me on my mobile, or sends emails to that address! (Oh except Mum lol)
  13. disneyprincess87

    disneyprincess87 New Member

    Elle - I know what you mean. I think that because it was so short I felt I hadn't been able to show much of myself.

    I think the problem we have now is that because we all want it so badly, a lot of us are questioning ourselves in case we weren't good enough, when in reality we probably did really well!

    So chin up everyone, hopefully we'll hear soon! xx
  14. Rachel2310

    Rachel2310 New Member

    Hey Guys!

    Thought i would hop this forum aswel! I also had my CRP interview on the 5th of March. Did you find the interviewers were writing alot throughout your interview? Also i have read it sometimes only takes a week too find out?! I am so nervous xx
  15. Elle

    Elle New Member

    He wrote the whole time! Which was really awkward because I didn't know where to look, a few times he looked back at me and I was staring at the desk... oops.

    The mobile number they have for me is my old one, so no one uses it any more. When it rings, i'm going to die. If it rings. Because it can only be them.
  16. xsamx

    xsamx New Member

    :mad: Uhoh...Looks like I have my answer already interviewee didnt write much on mine? more of a scribble...eek. :'(

    You all sound like you did really well tho, so dont worry too much!

    Oh ive heard that your m,ore likely to hear in a week and a half than 2 - 3 weeks...fingers crossed for you all!

  17. Elle

    Elle New Member

    Maybe they were so impressed they just put a great big 'YES' on it! Cos I seriously can't think what he would have written on mine... 'talks a lot.... patronising....' I think they probably have more negative to write than positive.
    We'll see.

    Are we likely to get a phone call rather than an e-mail confirmation? I don't remember them saying which.
  18. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    From what I can guess they just write down what you're saying.... like your answers to your questions. That way they can remember you!
  19. BriarRose

    BriarRose New Member

    I'm pretty sure they said phone call. I dont think she wrote too much down on my sheet, but I kept just looking at her in case she thought I was sneaking a peek at what she'd written! I know she circled something.. but that's all. I heard that we all got different questions too.
  20. xsamx

    xsamx New Member

    :eek: Oh no..I got circled too..what could this me I ask?? lIke someone said before, unfortunately we cant control it so we should just 'try' and chilax..BUT its no so easy..

    Everyone I met that day where all lovely..all very Disney so its a hard one.....

    Bless you Elle Im sure you have done really well and i dont think yhey where writing bad things just the opposite!

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