March 5th CRP Interviews!

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by DisneyGibbs, Feb 16, 2008.

  1. GBuk

    GBuk New Member

  2. lovethemouse

    lovethemouse New Member

  3. *Katie*

    *Katie* New Member

  4. +*Sharpay*+

    +*Sharpay*+ New Member

  5. nstrats2212

    nstrats2212 New Member

  6. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    If that's ok with most people, then so be it :D I just thought it would be a time that most people would be in laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... sorry, I've been hitting the cherry coke :-X
  7. lovethemouse

    lovethemouse New Member

  8. nstrats2212

    nstrats2212 New Member

    lol oh i will be in alrite, ill be brushing up on my knowledge of the UK lol xxx
  9. xsamx

    xsamx New Member

    Sorry guys, Id love to but I wont be around a computer at that time :mad: :'(
  10. lovethemouse

    lovethemouse New Member

    thats a shame, well we can still get your hotmail addy and chast before so you wont be left out before the interviews!!
  11. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    Hmmm I think we need to come up with a way of recognising each other at the interviews, so the wdwip crew can get together beforehand :p then we can all sit together and wow people with our disney knowledge haha!

    I can't think of a way though. It'd be cool to have big stickers with 'wdwip' and our names, but I know Yummy isn't too keen on wdwip so probably not the best idea!

    Maybe there could be a hand signal or wave or something we could do everytime someone walks in! Or we could arrange to meet outside at a certain time.
  12. Spaztaz

    Spaztaz New Member


    How do you know that yummy is not too fond of the forum???
    I was busy busy busy with my dissertation on Sunday so was not able to join in the msn debate haha!
    If they dont like the forum it might be best for us not to sit together
  13. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    Just something I heard in 2005 from another applicant who apparently heard it from them! I don't think there's any problem in us sitting together! I think they're not keen because this forum used to be really nasty and a lot of things people said weren't true.

    It's a lot nicer now, and it will be nice to have people to talk to as we all kind of already know each other.

    Oh, and the msn 'debate' :p is this Sunday....the 2nd.
  14. Elle

    Elle New Member

    I'm Elle, funnily enough. I'm also going to be at the 5th March interview! Am very excited! Maybe we could meet at Waterloo station and find the place together at like 8am? That way we know who we all are and we don't have to get lost on our own.

    I've just rummaged through my wardrobe and found my 'business attire', I just wish it would get here sooner now though, I want to get it over with so I know if i'm in or not, I can't stand the waiting! I'll be looking to go out in Spetember if I get through.
  15. gingerbeacon

    gingerbeacon New Member

    Yeah from what im told Yummy are not in love with the forums anyway but I dont ever remember the forums being nasty!!
  16. +*Sharpay*+

    +*Sharpay*+ New Member

    nearly 1week :D
  17. xsamx

    xsamx New Member

    :-\ :-\
    I know its only a week, but im starting to get really nervous..gulp..Im trying not to get too excited tho..

    So what is everyone hoping to do? Merch, F&B and when..Im hoping to do Merch and go in Sept...sooner the better...I miss Donald ;)

  18. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    People used to be really nasty in one or two thread.... one time to Ona! So as usual, all the Disney Dorks were there giving them what for :p haha

    I'm applying for F&B in December...can't go any sooner because of graduation
  19. gingerbeacon

    gingerbeacon New Member

    I didnt hear about that!!! But im sure you wouldnt lie to me. Or would you????? No I dont think you would.
  20. *Katie*

    *Katie* New Member

    I'm also hoping for Merch and going in sept! Just wish the interview would hurry up and get here sooner lol!

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