March 5th CRP Interviews!

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by DisneyGibbs, Feb 16, 2008.

  1. lovethemouse

    lovethemouse New Member

    yey cant wait! i dont even know what to wear?

    it says businesswear but still casnt decide! which suit or shirt?
  2. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    I'm wearing what I always wear to my Disney interviews... black skirt, black blazer, pink shirt and pink shoes :p The essence of me lol. As Elle Woods once said, "Pink is my signature colour." Though I don't go to the extremes that she does :p
  3. gingerbeacon

    gingerbeacon New Member

    Louisa I seem to remember you telling me just yesterday that you had a pink laptop. Glad your not too extreame!
  4. Spaztaz

    Spaztaz New Member


    I had my interview moved to the 5th as I would have missed the start on the 4th as the earliest flight gets in at 8am!
    So I am coming down on the 4th and staying with xsamx WOOOOHOO Sam are you as excited as I am?
    Vista Block 4 and MGM Area 50 buddies back together
  5. xsamx

    xsamx New Member

    l :D :D
    I am extremly excited mr 'spaztz' Altho I think that it was down too apt 408 that was the fun!
    What time is your flight in?

    Were gonna have to americano it up the night b4!!

    Is neone else staying ove rthe night b4?
  6. gingerbeacon

    gingerbeacon New Member

    Yeah im coming over the night before. The first flight in the next day would be far too late.
  7. xsamx

    xsamx New Member

    Im loving the pic spazzytazzy lol...

    What hotel u staying in gingerbeacon??

  8. gingerbeacon

    gingerbeacon New Member

    Im not sure yet. I sort of assumed that the interviews would be at hq like last time and id know where to stay. I dont really know that part of london too well. Do you know which hotels are close by?
  9. xsamx

    xsamx New Member

    Hey :)
    im not too sure about hotels close by. Its near waterloo so their going to be quite pricey.
    Were staying in a hotel in Victoria, so its very central and its only £30 a room for the night..The hotels noty quite the ritz but it will do for a bed..Check out Their the best i think for cheap hotels at all star ratings so u may be lucky with a not so exspensive jotel in that area!
  10. xsamx

    xsamx New Member

    Gingerbeacon is this ur second interview for crp? or have u done another program?
  11. gingerbeacon

    gingerbeacon New Member

    I have interviewed for the crp before. I was put on the waiting list. But while I was on it I also interviewed for the J1 academic program which I did.
  12. xsamx

    xsamx New Member

    Yeah, I was told I could go 4 that one if CRP didnt work out!

    How did u find it? Im presuming you loved it!
  13. gingerbeacon

    gingerbeacon New Member

    Yeah, I had a great time doing it. Still doesnt seem right going to bed without seeing fireworks.
  14. +*Sharpay*+

    +*Sharpay*+ New Member


    SAM AND KIER!!!!!!

  15. xsamx

    xsamx New Member

    How did you know??

    How are you?? Mini reunion or what..You did say Beth on our last day..a little typsy after PI...'Tis not goodbye, but Cu later' lol..

    Did u ever see that french guy again??? How bad i cant remember his name :-\
  16. Spaztaz

    Spaztaz New Member

    SAM we are going to Rainforest Cafe or TGI's just for the American Banter
    We might even fit in a trip to Abercrombie and Fitch and the Disney Shop just for old times sake while waiting on our interviews!
    I get in at 5:30 then stright to dinner!!!
  17. lovethemouse

    lovethemouse New Member

    hiya mate it is a full day event! it starts at 8.30 and runs till whenever your interview is... but plan a whole day!
  18. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    I'd love to audition for the DCL musical theatre....maybe I'll have a chance if/when I get to FL!

    So I was thinking...maybe on the Sunday (2nd March) all us 5th March interviewees could have a full on MSN conversation? We did it last time and it was so much fun! And we really got to know each other. That way we at least have people to hang out with on the day :p

    I'm suggesting a time of say, 8pm... but if anyone has any other ideas, or think this one is a no go, then post them here!
  19. gingerbeacon

    gingerbeacon New Member

    Sounds like a plan. Of course for this to work we will need each others msn details...

    Mine is so feel free to add me.
  20. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

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