march 21st waiting game

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by keithy, Mar 22, 2007.

  1. keithy

    keithy New Member

    when leanne interviewed me she said they would probs email because its the main way that yummy communicate through and also they need to send loadsa information with it.

    but who knows they may surprise us and send us a letter or sumthin
  2. xxlora_182xx

    xxlora_182xx New Member

    i think we will proably be emaailed
    but whoo noos
    anyway os good for me as long as we find out soon!
  3. Paul_dela-somthing

    Paul_dela-somthing New Member

    OMG I JUST WATCHED THAT VID AS wanna go now =( hey if i dont get it thi apply again!! lol no rule saying we cant xD
  4. JenniferK

    JenniferK New Member

    a letter would be fun, i love getting post. i reckon they would email rather than phone if we didn't get the job?
  5. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    Thought i'd leave you all this link...

    Its got like pretty much every disney song going on it..its amazing..i've got loads of songs of it that i couldn't find anywhere else..

    And don't worry, you'll all be fine..My first interview i had with them went awful..its probably one of the worst i had in my life and i still got the job..
  6. simmyd23

    simmyd23 New Member

    So on the theme of sharing....
    I think this is a really good video as well. Think its the fantasmic music which I absolutely love, and the video just makes me wanna go!
    Im starting to really doubt how well my interview went (I was on 19th) and I really wish I'd been quick enough off the mark to actually try and see what she was writing hehe.
    I wasnt nervous at the time, but looking back there are so many things I wish I'd said.
    Oh well - jus gotta wait and see!!!! Arrrgghh!
  7. adam87

    adam87 New Member

    how long have the past few days taken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dont think i can handle 2-3 weeks, by the way how many people do you think was at the interview? i was thinking maybe 50/60
  8. xxlora_182xx

    xxlora_182xx New Member

    yeaah i reckon about that... i wish we new how many jobs were available
    god its really killing me i just wana noo soo bad
    i want this more than anything
    yeah i recon it was 60 ppl ish cuz it was quite full the cinemaa thing!
    i dont no how il cope for another 2 weeks or more its only beein 4 days an feels like weeks
  9. JenniferK

    JenniferK New Member

    yeah i'd say about 60 people! which i guess is better than 70...
  10. adam87

    adam87 New Member

    i was hopeing there was only going to be the people from here but when i got there i was like wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and dam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. hayleylovesorlando

    hayleylovesorlando New Member

    yes there was a lot of ppl there huh? which means that quite a few must have to be rejected even if the interviews went well i guess....nooooo!!! aaahhh this is agonising!
  12. JenniferK

    JenniferK New Member

    i will almost definitly be rejected. i said i want to work in merchandise and as theres hardly any jobs for that i cant see why i would get it.
    i really wish i said F&B now.
    perhaps we will find out by the end of this week?
  13. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    To give you an idea of the amount of people they employ..

    This year yummy jobs are employing 800 people..over all of the programs they do..I know this because i've worked there before and i spoke to them about it..casually obviously and they told me thats how many people their employing this year over all the programs..

    Obviously this is confidential information..but im sure it won't hurt to tell you all thats the amount of people there employing this year..

    Apparently as well the college program is really competitive..although i've heard that they need a really large amount of people for F&B..
  14. hayleylovesorlando

    hayleylovesorlando New Member

    I heard that they are interviewing in Belfast this week-so I dont think we will hear untill after this week-next week or week after? I am finding in so much harder than I thought I would to wait, I want to forget all about it as the more I think about it the more anxious I get! Its like-the next year could be absolutely amazing, or another rubbish year at home..I cant face it! Anyone succeeded in taking their minds off all this waiting???
  15. elusivemoose

    elusivemoose New Member

    Not necessarily- if F&B was on your list, and you were a better candidate than someone who put F&B at the top of their list, you'd assume they'd pick you over them. You can but hope!

    Wow, I'm suprised they employed so many people from the last round of interviews- half the people at mine didn't even really know what they were applying for- hadn't come in business clothes, had just heard about it through their friends, hadn't done the phone interview or anything!
  16. keithy

    keithy New Member

    yeah i was shocked at how many people hadn't done a phone interview when i went for my face to face.

    suppose the waiting comes with everything really, its the largest thing most of us will ever of applied for so waitings just normal
  17. Paul_dela-somthing

    Paul_dela-somthing New Member

    remember about 50/60 people turned upto the conference but some didnt even come back for their face to face interview so i guess that whittles it down a bit right?
  18. JenniferK

    JenniferK New Member

    some didnt come back to the face to face?
  19. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    Im really hoping the fact that i worked there for 10weeks in 05, at food and beverage makes me stand out-but i doubt it
  20. Paul_dela-somthing

    Paul_dela-somthing New Member

    yep they were calling em in but they wernt there...but hey good for us! xD

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