Hi Ona, Ehm...that is a lot of questions. I am supposed to go for about 6 months (Aug-Jan). Yummy Jobs said that this was part of the J1 program(s). I guess this is important because it is part of the required internship I have to do for my educational program here in The Netherlands. My agony though: 'haven't heard anything yet. Actually for everybodies entertainment I have dreamt about not getting accepted last night :-\ hope this is not a sign!!! On the forums of the regular CP they named the fall program as being Aug-Jan, that is why I called it like that two. 'Hope I cleared up some op the fog PD
well ive just been very brave and checked my email for the first time in 4 days just in case i had a 'no'- and i havent-yey!! ive got nothing, nada, zilch!! wooohoooooo!!!!!! So back to waiting for the phone to ring then i guess... the phone ringing is more fun! the phone ringing is a good thing... ;D tra la la la la la laaaaaa (me waiting....) Hugs Gem x0x
I'd really try hard to fight that temptation... If we don't know by Friday, then I think we'd have every right to call, but as it is they're still within the timeframe they gave us. Far as I know there's no news yet today...
i'm so made up!!! really glad to see other people flying out on the 29th too!!! my email is Charisparr@hotmail.com add me to your msn if you like!! x
whay! congratulatuions girls!!! f&b all the way! i'll be settled in by the time u come so i cn show u all around!! yey!!! x x
Well done guys finally people starting to hear !!! I'll be an expert by the time you guys come over, show you all about Ian.
Guys I caved. Im on the waiting list. Gutted but hopefully ill get called at some stage. Congrats to everyone who got in.
Congrats to everyone with good news today. The rest of us are still having too much fun with the waiting game to put it away :
I called a few hours ago. I know its not a no. Would you believe I was on teh waiting list 4 years ago and figured it was a really nice way of saying no. I went to uni and they offered me the job and I couldnt go. So fingers crossed they will offer it to me at some stage again.
ok im not sure who's msn i have or who has me but if ur heading out to c the mouse get me added so we can chat!! lovemedontjudgeme@hotmail.com good luck to everyone else still waiting........................
CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF YOU- WOOHOOOOO!!! Yey for people finally hearing- fingers crossed for more good news tomorrow!! ;D YEY ;D YEY ;D YEY ;D YEY ;D