i spoke to alexis last thurs and she told me 2 weeks....altho at the interview i was originally told 4, so i guess 3 is fair since its only been a week. SOOOO hard tho, i just wanna know now! but stay positive everyone if ya can!
hey ceza, Yep i think you have the right person...although i'm not Welsh! I thought you were!!! lol x
Ok, so it's a 3 week wait... We've waited one of them already, so it's only 2 weeks really...... Stressing isn't going to help anyone, I still have a gut feeling I'm going to get a No, so I'm enjoying not knowing I'm not going ;D Charis, Ceza was discribing herself, not you, she is a short lil welsh girl
am i the only one whos feeling relatively calm about all this at the moment? I just cant sit by my phone waiting, and the more and more i think about my interview the more and more prepared i am for it to be a no anyway, in which case my phone call wont come i guess- and people who do get in will know first? Im actually glad of the wait, because its giving me time to try to be more level headed about what ill do if its a no. This time last week just after the interview when some people heard i wasnt prepared for the news- and it would have killed me to have gotten a no then, but now all that emotions out of the way Im feeling much calmer- of course i want to know, but sitting on my phone will just drive me nuts- at the end of the day if you miss the call they WILL call back and i should guess they'll also leave a message. Is anyone else feeling like i am? Its not i dont want it so badly, because i really really do- but i cant let it be everything my lifes about at the moment because thatll make a 'no' just to hard to take....
Its okay Gems, I feel so much calmer now Since Alexis said it'll be in the first couple of weeks of April i've been fine... I've got April 14th (Good Friday I know) as the date I hope to hear by, and I think til then I will be relatively calm! By that point I should be wrapping up on my FYP and it'll be great news to hear if I've got the job! I don't think i'll be prepared for a no though, I dont think I can prepare for that, I can't think about it, the thought of a No makes me want to break down in tears, I need this job so bad! I would imagine I won't be a pleasant person to be around for a while if its a no I have my fingers X'd so hard you've no idea! Colin
I kno how guys feel! i'm a bit calmer these days! ready for a wait now and preparing myself for whatever news!!! cheers meg, yes i am a lil shorty welsh girl...but one that u love and u kno it! hows it going charis? interview go ok? u seemed pretty calm before hand! megan was nice wasn't she!! hope chris didn't call us all internet geeks! grrrr x x x
seriously... That is why I only have pictures of me not in human form. I look ok in pictures as a Freezer truck, fine as a kitten.. not bad at all as a queen (be it Snowqueen or Queen cat) but godawful as a human. I've learnt to live with the fact, but still complain bitterly about it :-\
dnt b silly u look fine in that pic..heads jst at a strange angle! lol...i look gooooood thou! hee hee jokes!!!!!! x
Hey Meg...I think you look great in the pics on my MSN site!! The one of you and Ceri is really sweet! xKx
well i dont want to cause trouble Ceza, but Chris did also call you a computer Geek!!! im only joking!!! Megan was lovely, had a good giggle with her! although if i looked calm then i must have been doing a very good acting job as i was an absolute bag of nerves inside!!! x x x
The reason Chris was talking about internet geeks is that, before he went in to his interview someone called us that.... basically bitching us out for sitting at the front and having our hands up for everything..... he's quoting a case of sour grapes :-\
hey hows everyone doing after the sad news of jilly and lizzy? I was hoping that someone would have got a phone call today and would have some happy news to share.. i guess not. :'( I cant face checking my email just in case Ive got a 'no' . Ive been avoiding it all day, partly because im just not ready to know, and partly because my flatmates are all away and i couldnt face getting the news on my own. I hope your all OK, i just want this to all be over now and know one way or the other- i cant believe lizzy and jilly didnt get it, its just made the waiting awful. Its pretty depressing I need a hug... x0x
aw hes going dwn!!! lol me and mr chris lightyear will b having words! i am not an internet geek! hee hee. nah its alll good. tell me about it meg we were awesome at those questions! got most of the prizes! hee hee i love me globe! x BIG CWTCH FOR GEM!!! x Hopefully not long now we r nearly hitting the 2 week mark! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Well whatever happens from here on in, we're about to crack the top 5 longest threads on this board so we won't be forgotten in a hurry Just sucks our group's got it's first lot of bad news before we've had any good stuff to enjoy Hang on in there everyone....