march 19th ICP interview results!

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by stu_uk, Mar 26, 2007.

  1. Kerry J

    Kerry J Guest

    Im going on the 24th april :) wooo!!!! oh right,maybe there are then - altho i would assume the flights from Glasgow to MCO arnt direct??? (or at least they werent when i booked mine,thats why i went to globespan - i couldnt be bothered having to change planes and stuff!!)
  2. Kerry J

    Kerry J Guest

    yeah,if you fly into Sanford you make your own way to the disney housing place - no big deal,just pre book a taxi the day before you leave and they come and get you at the arrivals area at the airport! thats what im doing,going to cost about $100 tho....gulp,never mind,as long as i get there its all good!! ;D
  3. little suze

    little suze New Member

    Hi - yeah i got merch and am arriving on 24th (from london) anyone else flying out from london on this day?
  4. seanny boy

    seanny boy New Member

    hey all well i am doing merchandise as well i am leaving on the 5th June. i have been looking at flights. if i was to leave from newcastle then it would cost £487ish thats flying to Orlando via London and Washington and then fly back from new york to newcastle. but i also found a direct flight to Orlando from manchester and then back from new york to Newcastle for £452. which i feel is a pretty good deal. has any one else getten better deal?

  5. elusivemoose

    elusivemoose New Member

    There's loads of us on the 12:45 Virgin Atlantic flight- if you go through STA they'll prolly book you on that flight with the lot of us- if they're pre-booked seats I assume they stick us all together too, or that's what people have said have happened before :) (I'm also a Merchie, woot woot!)
  6. little suze

    little suze New Member

    take it you have booked your flight then. Are you flying Gatwick or heathrow?
  7. elusivemoose

    elusivemoose New Member

    Gatwick- I think that's where most of them go from?? Or at least, they said at my interview that it would prolly be cheaper to go from there, anyways. I got in on the November interviews, so have had my flight booked for a while :) Congrats to all of you who have just found out!!!
  8. little suze

    little suze New Member

    Is the departure date (ie the date to book the flight home) the 31st August or do we finish the 31st and need to fly on 1st sept?
  9. rachet

    rachet New Member

    well done everyone!!

    i was at the november interviews and im doing merch from june 24th!

    any of you flying from manchester on the 24th?? the london group seems way bigger than our group!
  10. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    Disney packs are on the way aparently!

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